Introduction to SQL for BigQuery and Cloud SQL Reviews

Introduction to SQL for BigQuery and Cloud SQL Reviews

229553 reviews

Willyson S. · Reviewed 2 days ago

Difa S. · Reviewed 2 days ago

Theles S. · Reviewed 2 days ago

Akshay T. · Reviewed 2 days ago

Nicholas M. · Reviewed 2 days ago

Joseph Antony H. · Reviewed 2 days ago

Diego Patrik S. · Reviewed 2 days ago

Some of the expected results seem stale and don't match the actual output such as the final union (I got 629 rows in the end). Also, general product: GCP website seems bloated and not new user friendly

Emily M. · Reviewed 3 days ago

Last step doesn't look like tutorial even though all other steps were identical.

Anaya M. · Reviewed 3 days ago

Arturo A. · Reviewed 3 days ago

Ricardo Alberto C. · Reviewed 3 days ago


Diaz I. · Reviewed 3 days ago

Jason R. · Reviewed 3 days ago

Joshua M. · Reviewed 3 days ago

Noor N. · Reviewed 3 days ago

Nifty K. · Reviewed 3 days ago

Mateus P. · Reviewed 3 days ago

Amit A. · Reviewed 3 days ago

Jasbir S. · Reviewed 3 days ago

Mandeep K. · Reviewed 3 days ago

Jaskirat K. · Reviewed 3 days ago

Amarjeet K. · Reviewed 3 days ago

Vinh H. · Reviewed 3 days ago

7J2_I.CSD.C_NIKSHIPTHA R. · Reviewed 3 days ago

Preksha P. · Reviewed 3 days ago

We do not ensure the published reviews originate from consumers who have purchased or used the products. Reviews are not verified by Google.