Maintaining High Availability with Auto Scaling (for Linux) Reviews

Maintaining High Availability with Auto Scaling (for Linux) Reviews

9674 reviews

It was not clear where pre-instructions stopped and step-by-step instructions started. It took about 10 mins after logon before cloudformation had created the security groups, LB and instances - would be good to have a call out warning to wait until console looks like .. "this".

Alistair S. · Reviewed כמעט 8 שנים ago

chaitanya p. · Reviewed כמעט 8 שנים ago


Hana P. · Reviewed כמעט 8 שנים ago

as-create-launch-configを実行すると” Malformed input-No Credentials were provided ”と表示されてしまう。

後藤 雅. · Reviewed כמעט 8 שנים ago

Yun L. · Reviewed כמעט 8 שנים ago

Christopher C. · Reviewed כמעט 8 שנים ago

Dustin W. · Reviewed כמעט 8 שנים ago

Ranjith P. · Reviewed כמעט 8 שנים ago

Score did not update even if I have completed all the steps :(

Aitor M. · Reviewed כמעט 8 שנים ago

Could not connect to the endpoint URL: ""

Jonathan J. · Reviewed כמעט 8 שנים ago

Couldn't get beyond this step and my allotted time expired. An error occurred (IncompleteSignature) when calling the CreateLaunchConfiguration operation: 'autoscaling' not a valid key=value pair (missing equal-sign) in Authorization header: 'AWS4-HMAC-SHA256 Credential=aws autoscaling create-launch-configuration --image-id ami-f0091d91 --instance-type t2.micro --key-name qwikLABS-L251-908387 --security-groups qls-908387-95b24b98c774a65a-Ec2SecurityGroup-9YNHMJ2EI4V3 --user-data file:///home/ec2-user/ --launch-configuration-name lab-lc/20161003/us-west-2/autoscaling/aws4_request, SignedHeaders=host;x-amz-date, Signature=a357b93e0952f2cca7624a843c76623dc27ea2b027c5f759089d5251d53cd275'.

Scott B. · Reviewed כמעט 8 שנים ago

I could not enter the autoscaling command. It shows "Could not connect to the endpoint URL: "" ". That was a blocker to continue.

Information T. · Reviewed כמעט 8 שנים ago

Bruce G. · Reviewed כמעט 8 שנים ago

Ryan L. · Reviewed כמעט 8 שנים ago

Finally, I was able to complete the Lab.

Carlex C. · Reviewed כמעט 8 שנים ago

lab session killed by it own..

Junizam J. · Reviewed כמעט 8 שנים ago


Malik H. · Reviewed כמעט 8 שנים ago

Abhishek L. · Reviewed כמעט 8 שנים ago

Dustin W. · Reviewed כמעט 8 שנים ago

I don't know why it doesn't give me 20/20 of total score, I've done everything as described.

Domenico T. · Reviewed כמעט 8 שנים ago

Ramani K. · Reviewed כמעט 8 שנים ago

Michal S. · Reviewed כמעט 8 שנים ago

Emil B. · Reviewed כמעט 8 שנים ago

Jamie N. · Reviewed כמעט 8 שנים ago

while creating the auto scaling configurations getting error Could not connect to the endpoint URL: ""

Saumil D. · Reviewed כמעט 8 שנים ago

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