Maintaining High Availability with Auto Scaling (for Linux) recensioni

Maintaining High Availability with Auto Scaling (for Linux) recensioni

9674 recensioni

Good lab!

Sergio Paulo F. · Recensione inserita quasi 8 anni fa

None of the commands worked because they were all missing the --region parameter. Also note that I only got 5/20, it never detected the other things I completed.

Richard W. · Recensione inserita quasi 8 anni fa

The lab did NOT work. When running this command I kept getting the error below the command: [ec2-user@ip-172-31-18-38 ~]$ aws autoscaling create-launch-configuration --image-id ami-f0091d91 --instance-type t2.micro --key-name qwikLABS-L251-934973 --security-groups ls-934973-c28a4831f98a1a25-Ec2SecurityGroup-C7SI7JB9M4WV --user-data file:///home/ec2-user/ --launch-configuration-name lab-lc Could not connect to the endpoint URL: ""

Jeff W. · Recensione inserita quasi 8 anni fa

Sarawut P. · Recensione inserita quasi 8 anni fa

Andrei C. · Recensione inserita quasi 8 anni fa

Alp S. · Recensione inserita quasi 8 anni fa

The lab is not working at all. waste of time. tried 3 times

Annavarapu J. · Recensione inserita quasi 8 anni fa

If you are having problems, make sure you are using the correct region code (e.g. us-west-2, and not us-west-2b (there should be no letter trailing the numbr)).

Roland S. · Recensione inserita quasi 8 anni fa

I complete these labs and they say they aren't complete... what gives?

Michael M. · Recensione inserita quasi 8 anni fa

Victor P. · Recensione inserita quasi 8 anni fa

Luping Z. · Recensione inserita quasi 8 anni fa

A good lab for seeing how policies and alerts are used. Howver, the lab requires changes to scripts. In one section it states that a t1.micro will be used, but when i changed the value in the copied script value to t1.micro. The load balancer never appeared. I noticed later in the lab a reference to another t2.micro would be generated when i terminated the original. I restarted the lab and didn't change the t2.micro reference and it ran fine.

Tom G. · Recensione inserita quasi 8 anni fa


JP R. · Recensione inserita quasi 8 anni fa

The lab is not working at all. waste of time. tried 3 times

Annavarapu J. · Recensione inserita quasi 8 anni fa

The lab is not working at all. waste of time. tried 3 times

Annavarapu J. · Recensione inserita quasi 8 anni fa

Not working at all

Annavarapu J. · Recensione inserita quasi 8 anni fa

Could not connect to the endpoint URL: ""

nabil y. · Recensione inserita quasi 8 anni fa

Derrick L. · Recensione inserita quasi 8 anni fa

Issues with cloudwatch not capturing the auto-scaling group created. No troubleshooting given. It looks like because of delay.

Sajju R. · Recensione inserita quasi 8 anni fa

Iolaire M. · Recensione inserita quasi 8 anni fa

difficult to use

Thomas K. · Recensione inserita quasi 8 anni fa

Bryan M. · Recensione inserita quasi 8 anni fa

Step 29 failed: Could not connect to the endpoint URL: "" Could not complete the lab.

thomas s. · Recensione inserita quasi 8 anni fa

Roy B. · Recensione inserita quasi 8 anni fa

Kireeti R. · Recensione inserita quasi 8 anni fa

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