Maintaining High Availability with Auto Scaling (for Linux) avaliações

Maintaining High Availability with Auto Scaling (for Linux) avaliações

9674 avaliações

Nisha B. · Revisado há almost 7 years

Matias R. · Revisado há almost 7 years

Daniele S. · Revisado há almost 7 years

Arun D. · Revisado há almost 7 years

Adas N. · Revisado há almost 7 years

Andrew P. · Revisado há almost 7 years

Rock W. · Revisado há almost 7 years

was not able to perform this lab, was getting error in cmds

Rohit P. · Revisado há almost 7 years

Oliver L. · Revisado há almost 7 years

If can be done through console, why use script or command line. Not all peoples are comfortable with command line. One the advantage using console, peoples would know the relationship between AWS services configuration

Wishnu Ario B. · Revisado há almost 7 years

Kevin C. · Revisado há almost 7 years

Dhyrianathan S. · Revisado há almost 7 years

Steven T. · Revisado há almost 7 years

Mariah M. · Revisado há almost 7 years

RObert A. · Revisado há almost 7 years

Michael T. · Revisado há almost 7 years

Jim B. · Revisado há almost 7 years

My security group didn't work.

Felipe A. · Revisado há almost 7 years

Joydeep C. · Revisado há almost 7 years

Cameron H. · Revisado há almost 7 years

Darren P. · Revisado há almost 7 years

Antoine E. · Revisado há almost 7 years

マニュアル、環境の不備でラボの進行不能。 [ec2-user@ip-172-31-28-249 ~]$ cat .bash_profile # .bash_profile # Get the aliases and functions if [ -f ~/.bashrc ]; then . ~/.bashrc fi # User specific environment and startup programs PATH=$PATH:$HOME/.local/bin:$HOME/bin export PATH [ec2-user@ip-172-31-28-249 ~]$ source .bash_profile [ec2-user@ip-172-31-28-249 ~]$ ls lab-details.txt [ec2-user@ip-172-31-28-249 ~]$ cat lab-details.txt ElasticLoadBalancer, qls-15229-ElasticL-1KNSIBZ20ZX8M AMIId, ami-f0091d91 KeyName, qwikLABS-L251-1522940 AvailabilityZone, us-west-2b SecurityGroup, qls-1522940-a42b1dbc67500807-Ec2SecurityGroup-16Z455R4AT98E [ec2-user@ip-172-31-28-249 ~]$ [ec2-user@ip-172-31-28-249 ~]$ as-create-launch-config --image-id ami-f0091d91 --instance-type t1.micro --key qwikLABS-L251-1522940 --group qls-1522940-a42b1dbc67500807-Ec2SecurityGroup-16Z455R4AT98E --user-data-file --launch-config lab-lc as-create-launch-config: Malformed input-No Credentials were provided - cannot access the service Usage: as-create-launch-config LaunchConfigurationName [--associate-public-ip-address value ] [--block-device-mapping "key1=value1,key2=value2..." ] [--ebs-optimized ] [--iam-instance-profile value ] [--image-id value ] [--instance-id value ] [--monitoring-enabled/monitoring-disabled ] [--instance-type value ] [--kernel value ] [--key value ] [--placement-tenancy value ] [--ramdisk value ] [--group value[,value...] ] [--spot-price value ] [--user-data value ] [General Options] For more information and a full list of options, run "as-create-launch-config --help" [ec2-user@ip-172-31-28-249 ~]$

竹島 満. · Revisado há almost 7 years

Deborah H. · Revisado há almost 7 years

Need to update the cloudwatch alarm section

John F. · Revisado há almost 7 years

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