Introduction to Amazon Elastic File System (EFS) avaliações
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    Introduction to Amazon Elastic File System (EFS) avaliações

    3630 avaliações


    Suresh R. · Revisado há almost 8 years


    Prateek A. · Revisado há almost 8 years

    chun-kuan c. · Revisado há almost 8 years

    10G file creation takes forever, 30min+

    Tom L. · Revisado há almost 8 years

    One of the final EFS steps hung so I couldn't complete the lab fully. That said, I'll probably do it again as a refresher.

    Dan V. · Revisado há almost 8 years

    Zak F. · Revisado há almost 8 years

    JG P. · Revisado há almost 8 years


    Prateek A. · Revisado há almost 8 years

    noor a. · Revisado há almost 8 years

    unnikrishnan s. · Revisado há almost 8 years

    unnikrishnan s. · Revisado há almost 8 years

    Hemalatha E. · Revisado há almost 8 years

    TJ C. · Revisado há almost 8 years

    Catherine S. · Revisado há almost 8 years

    Scott G. · Revisado há almost 8 years

    I was never able to mount the instance running the provided commands: sudo mount -t nfs4 -o nfsvers=4.1,rsize=1048576,wsize=1048576,hard,timeo=600,retrans=2 efs Tried a few different times and after running the mount command the window would hang and not mount the instance.

    Spencer L. · Revisado há almost 8 years

    Ralf B. · Revisado há almost 8 years


    Jagdish B. · Revisado há almost 8 years

    Wu D. · Revisado há almost 8 years

    bandari H. · Revisado há almost 8 years

    Kenneth C. · Revisado há almost 8 years

    Chailah S. · Revisado há almost 8 years


    David Q. · Revisado há almost 8 years

    Rupesh K. · Revisado há almost 8 years

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