Develop and Secure APIs with Apigee X: Challenge Lab avaliações
2444 avaliações
Leyra Nayeli M. · Revisado há 26 days
Lizette M. · Revisado há 26 days
Grégory M. · Revisado há 26 days
Sowjanya M. · Revisado há 26 days
I couldn't finish the lab in the second attempt too. Although I created the APIs in the "Change the API request and response" step correctly and the tests are successful, still when I check my progress, it gives me 15 out of 20 and every time shows a different message. I think there should be something wrong with the script that checks the result of this step, because my tests are done with success. Probably it is checking some unimportant details or is not checking the last deployed version, etc. This is very disappointing that this final lab in this final course is designed badly and is preventing me from completing the entire path.
Vargha D. · Revisado há 26 days
Danilo L. · Revisado há 27 days
kurt M. · Revisado há 27 days
Shiva Krishna S. · Revisado há 28 days
GIRISH KUMAR S. · Revisado há 28 days
Step 2 is absolutely nuts.
Craig J. · Revisado há 28 days
Step 2 is absolutely nuts.
Craig J. · Revisado há 28 days
Neeti S. · Revisado há 29 days
I required more theory before. The <Template> field was not too evident for me.
Katsiaryna A. · Revisado há 29 days
Vivek I. · Revisado há 29 days
Pavani Rupa M. · Revisado há 29 days
Pavani Rupa M. · Revisado há 29 days
Pavani Rupa M. · Revisado há 29 days
I couldn't finish this time. This lab uses some new concepts like template functions, etc. which were not included in any of the previous labs in the course. So we need to read the documentations while doing the lab, but the documentations do not include enough similar examples, so we get into a lot of issues. The time is not enough at all for reading the documentations, debugging the errors, etc. The following AssignVariables for the translate request don't seem to work. I don't know why: <AssignVariable> <Name>text</Name> <Template>{jsonPath($.text, request.content)}</Template> </AssignVariable> <AssignVariable> <Name>language</Name> <Template>{firstnonnull(request.queryparam.lang, propertyset.language.output)}</Template> </AssignVariable>
Vargha D. · Revisado há 29 days
Sasa P. · Revisado há 30 days
Dileep V. · Revisado há 30 days
Prasanta M. · Revisado há 30 days
Todo genial gracias
Jose Armando S. · Revisado há about 1 month
Very challenging lab. But the verifing step of task 2 does not take into account spaces in the response payload
Hailan X. · Revisado há about 1 month
Maniteja V. · Revisado há about 1 month
Anitha G. · Revisado há about 1 month
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