Working with AWS CodeCommit on Windows Reviews

Working with AWS CodeCommit on Windows Reviews

952 reviews

Eugen S. · Reviewed neredeyse 7 yıl ago

Peter C. · Reviewed neredeyse 7 yıl ago

Sharaz K. · Reviewed neredeyse 7 yıl ago

architect g. · Reviewed neredeyse 7 yıl ago

Steve S. · Reviewed neredeyse 7 yıl ago

more complicate.

ABDUL RAHEEM A. · Reviewed neredeyse 7 yıl ago

Very imprecise guidance, and many of the text boxes cant be copied for some reason. Needs to be redone for sure.

Michael S. · Reviewed neredeyse 7 yıl ago


Mukkante M. · Reviewed neredeyse 7 yıl ago

Blake C. · Reviewed neredeyse 7 yıl ago

very satisfied

bhanu g. · Reviewed neredeyse 7 yıl ago

You are missing a very important step in the lab - Disable Git Credential Manager during GIT installation wizard. By default this option is enabled and I was not able to clone the repo. I was getting 403. Once I reinstalled GIT with this option disabled, everything worked fine.

Nikola B. · Reviewed neredeyse 7 yıl ago

Kate F. · Reviewed neredeyse 7 yıl ago

could not access my GIT repo from the AMI.

Dean M. · Reviewed neredeyse 7 yıl ago

This lab needs work. The copy buttons from setup 47 on don't work in Google Chrome. The "Publish" command in step 65 doesn't exist. The command connect the repository to the Demo folder didn't work without modification. And the step that mentions and didn't mention what username for what or and didn't supply and email like the other labs did.

Ben R. · Reviewed neredeyse 7 yıl ago

Matej T. · Reviewed neredeyse 7 yıl ago

Phillip F. · Reviewed neredeyse 7 yıl ago

Shawn K. · Reviewed neredeyse 7 yıl ago

Yinlin C. · Reviewed neredeyse 7 yıl ago

Christian S. · Reviewed neredeyse 7 yıl ago

Dear QwikLabs Team, Many Thanks for the Lab. Kind Regards Binayaka Mishra

Binayaka M. · Reviewed neredeyse 7 yıl ago

Dear QwikLabs Team, Many Thanks for the Lab. Kind Regards Binayaka Mishra

Binayaka M. · Reviewed neredeyse 7 yıl ago

not everything worked as advertised with the powershell commands - the URL gave trouble

Peter W. · Reviewed neredeyse 7 yıl ago

mikhail p. · Reviewed neredeyse 7 yıl ago

Chin Yong L. · Reviewed neredeyse 7 yıl ago

Connection between Git repository and demo\demo didn't work.

Thomas G. · Reviewed neredeyse 7 yıl ago

We do not ensure the published reviews originate from consumers who have purchased or used the products. Reviews are not verified by Google.