Build Infrastructure with Terraform on Google Cloud: Challenge Lab Reviews

Build Infrastructure with Terraform on Google Cloud: Challenge Lab Reviews

73448 reviews

Aron C. · Reviewed 4 דקות ago

Pervez S. · Reviewed בערך שעה אחת ago

Avinash S. · Reviewed בערך 2 שעות ago

Muhammad Reyja S. · Reviewed בערך 2 שעות ago

Wagner A. · Reviewed בערך 2 שעות ago

Karl N. · Reviewed בערך 4 שעות ago

Martin S. · Reviewed בערך 4 שעות ago

Abhishek S. · Reviewed בערך 5 שעות ago

Julio D. · Reviewed בערך 5 שעות ago

Abhishek S. · Reviewed בערך 6 שעות ago

great lab

Josue Daniel D. · Reviewed בערך 6 שעות ago

some hicups with env

Pradeep B. · Reviewed בערך 7 שעות ago

I had completed Task 1 for import, but the lab did not pass it . Please investigate. Thanks.

Lay H. · Reviewed בערך 7 שעות ago

Kaushal D. · Reviewed בערך 7 שעות ago

I am very satisfied

Aro Iorenantsoa Mykaia A. · Reviewed בערך 8 שעות ago

Muhamad Anggara R. · Reviewed בערך 8 שעות ago

Gauraw Kumar G. · Reviewed בערך 8 שעות ago

I got problems with the sixth task because of using different versions in the remote state after running "terraform init -upgrade". I managed to fix it

Paul R. · Reviewed בערך 8 שעות ago

Shams Aarize . · Reviewed בערך 9 שעות ago

Гавно, а не лаба. Выскочила сранная ошибка с версиями и все в пекло, не так не сяк, ГАВНО

Yury N. · Reviewed בערך 9 שעות ago

Biswanath S. · Reviewed בערך 11 שעות ago

Created directory structure , file content according to specs, imported resources into terraform state successfully, terraform plan and apply succeeds, and the config files correspond to EXISTING infrastructure, nothing gets replaced, only some attributes in-place, and still `Check my progress` throws an error regarding is not correct and resources are not imported... This is the second time I had to use a pre-defined script to pass a challenge lab. The script has no issues passing the checkpoints even if the script has different configs from the actual infrastructure state!: Example: - Machine type: n1-standart in script while the VM's spawned during the lab are e2-micro - Default image: debian-10 in script while the VM's spawned are with debian 11 The system complains and shows red about my configurations but not when running a script which has these older configs. Feedback: Either keep your automations and tests up to date with the course or provide an option to request a HUMAN reviewer for a 3rd lab after 2 lab attempts to check the work done by the user and if it corresponds to the requirements of the challenge lab.

Ion G. · Reviewed בערך 11 שעות ago

GOVINDU C. · Reviewed בערך 12 שעות ago

Zaratiana Fify N. · Reviewed בערך 12 שעות ago

my bucket already used by another user

Irvan A. · Reviewed בערך 12 שעות ago

We do not ensure the published reviews originate from consumers who have purchased or used the products. Reviews are not verified by Google.