Creating a Data Transformation Pipeline with Cloud Dataprep Reviews

Creating a Data Transformation Pipeline with Cloud Dataprep Reviews

70959 reviews

Very nice material!

Diana G. · Reviewed 30 דקות ago

Odemwingie L. · Reviewed בערך 3 שעות ago

Brenno B. · Reviewed בערך 4 שעות ago

I kept on receiving errror when saving revenue_reporting when publishing to bigquery output(s) column names must begin with a letter or an underscore and can only contain letters underscores and digits. invalid column names: 'ecommerceaction_label.' in all_sessions_raw_dataprep 2. please fix it without that im unable to complete lab so many errors please fix this lab Dataflow job creation failed: Creating the Dataflow job failed unexpectedly. Please contact Support and provide the following Dataprep Job ID: 26036205

shreyash t. · Reviewed בערך 5 שעות ago

Ranjay C. · Reviewed בערך 5 שעות ago

Pedro P. · Reviewed בערך 6 שעות ago

Dipak B. · Reviewed בערך 6 שעות ago

Omar H. · Reviewed בערך 7 שעות ago

khushi n. · Reviewed בערך 7 שעות ago

Daniel W. · Reviewed בערך 7 שעות ago

James P. · Reviewed בערך 7 שעות ago

Samriddhi G. · Reviewed בערך 8 שעות ago

Aleyna A. · Reviewed בערך 11 שעות ago

ABHISHEK A. · Reviewed בערך 11 שעות ago

sharief c. · Reviewed בערך 13 שעות ago

Vikas M. · Reviewed בערך 14 שעות ago

HECTOR ALONSO S. · Reviewed בערך 18 שעות ago

Vinicius A. · Reviewed בערך 19 שעות ago

Rafał K. · Reviewed בערך 23 שעות ago

Komal O. · Reviewed בערך 24 שעות ago

Dallas L. · Reviewed יום אחד ago

issue in lab

krishn kant s. · Reviewed יום אחד ago

Ashley L. · Reviewed יום אחד ago

Napat A. · Reviewed יום אחד ago

Mya T. · Reviewed יום אחד ago

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