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Cloud IAM: Qwik Start

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Google Cloud's Identity and Access Management (IAM) service lets you create and manage permissions for Google Cloud resources. Cloud IAM unifies access control for Google Cloud services into a single system and provides a consistent set of operations.

In this lab, you sign in with 2 different sets of credentials to experience how granting and revoking permissions works from Google Cloud Project Owner and Viewer roles.

What you'll learn

  • Assign a role to a second user
  • Remove assigned roles associated with Cloud IAM


This is an introductory level lab. Little to no prior knowledge of Cloud IAM is expected. Experience with Cloud Storage is helpful to complete the tasks in this lab, but is not required. Make sure that you have a file in .txt or .html available. If you are looking for more advanced practice with Cloud IAM, be sure to check out the following Google Cloud Skills Boost lab, IAM Custom Roles.

Once you're prepared, scroll down and follow the steps to get your lab environment set up.

Setup and requirements

As mentioned earlier, this lab provides two sets of credentials to illustrate IAM policies and what permissions are available for specific roles.

In the Lab Connection panel on the left side of your lab, you see a list of credentials that resembles the following:

Lab Connection panel that provides the lab credentials

Notice that there are two usernames: Username 1 and Username 2. These represent identities in Cloud IAM, each with different access permissions allocated to them. These "roles" set constraints on what you can and cannot do with Google Cloud resources in the project you've been allocated.

Sign in to Cloud Console as the first user

  1. Click on the Open Google Console button. This opens a new browser tab. If you are asked to Choose an account, click Use another account.
  2. The Google Cloud sign in page opens. A Sign in page opens—copy and paste the Username 1 credential that resembles googlexxxxxx_student@qwiklabs.net into the "Email or phone" field and then click Next.
  3. Copy the password from the Lab Connection panel and paste into the Google Sign in password field.
  4. Click Next and then Accept the terms of service. The Cloud Console opens. Agree to the terms of service and click Agree and Continue.

Sign in to Cloud Console as the second user

  1. Click on the Open Google Console button again. A new browser tab opens, if you are asked to Choose an account, click Use another account.
  2. The Google Cloud sign in page opens. Copy and paste the Username 2 credential that resembles googlexxxxxx_student@qwiklabs.net into the Email or phone field and then click Next.
  3. Copy the password from the Lab Connection panel and paste into the Google Sign in password field.
  4. Click Next and then Accept the terms of service. The Cloud Console opens. Agree to the terms of service and click Agree and Continue.

You should now have two Cloud Console tabs open in your browser—one signed in with Username 1 and the other with Username 2.

View or reset the user in a browser tab

Occasionally, a user is overwritten in a browser tab or you may be confused about which user is signed into which browser tab.

To view which user is signed into a browser tab, hover over your Avatar to view your username in that browser tab.

Hover over your Avitar to see your username

To reset which user is signed into a browser tab:

  1. Click your Avatar and click Sign out to sign out.
  2. In the Lab Connection panel, click Open Google Console and sign in back using the appropriate Username and Password.

Task 1. Explore the IAM console and project level roles

  1. Return to the Username 1 Cloud Console page.
  2. Select Navigation menu > IAM & Admin > IAM. You are now in the "IAM & Admin" console.
  3. Click +GRANT ACCESS button at the top of the page.
  4. Scroll down to Basic in Select a role section and mouse over.

There are three roles:

  • Editor
  • Owner
  • Viewer

These are primitive roles in Google Cloud. Primitive roles set project-level permissions and unless otherwise specified, they control access and management to all Google Cloud services.

The following table pulls definitions from the Google Cloud IAM article, Basic roles, which gives a brief overview of browser, viewer, editor, and owner role permissions:

Role Name



Permissions for read-only actions that do not affect state, such as viewing (but not modifying) existing resources or data.


All viewer permissions, plus permissions for actions that modify state, such as changing existing resources.


All editor permissions and permissions for the following actions:

  • Manage roles and permissions for a project and all resources within the project.
  • Set up billing for a project.

Since you are able to manage roles and permissions for this project, Username 1 has Project owner permissions.

  1. Click CANCEL to exit out of the "Add principal" panel.

Explore the editor role

Now switch to the Username 2 console.

  1. Navigate to the IAM & Admin console, select Navigation menu > IAM & Admin > IAM.

  2. Search through the table to find Username 1 and Username 2 and examine the roles they are granted. The Username 1 and Username 2 roles are listed inline and to the right of each user.

You should see:

  • Username 2 has the "Viewer" role granted to it.
  • The +GRANT ACCESS button at the top is grayed out—if you try to click on it you get the message, "You need permissions for this action. Required permission(s): resource manager.projects.setIamPolicy".

This is one example of how IAM roles affect what you can and cannot do in Google Cloud.

  1. Switch back to the Username 1 console for the next step.

Task 2. Prepare a Cloud Storage bucket for access testing

Ensure that you are in the Username 1 Cloud Console.

Create a bucket

  1. Create a Cloud Storage bucket with a unique name. From the Cloud Console, select Navigation menu > Cloud Storage > Buckets.

  2. Click +CREATE.

Note: If you get a permissions error for bucket creation, sign out and then sign in back in with the Username 1 credentials.
  1. Update the following fields, leave all others at their default values:




globally unique name (create it yourself!) and click CONTINUE.

Location Type:


Note the bucket name. You will use it in a later step.

  1. Click CREATE.

  2. If prompted, Public access will be prevented, click Confirm.

Note: If you get a permissions error for bucket creation, sign out and then sign in back in with the Username 1 credentials.

Upload a sample file

  1. On the Bucket Details page click UPLOAD FILES.

  2. Browse your computer to find a file to use. Any text or html file will do.

  3. Click on the three dots at the end of the line containing the file and click Rename.

  4. Rename the file ‘sample.txt'.

  5. Click RENAME.

Click Check my progress to verify the objective.

Create a bucket and upload a sample file

Verify project viewer access

  1. Switch to the Username 2 console.

  2. From the Console, select Navigation menu > Cloud Storage > Buckets. Verify that this user can see the bucket.

Username 2 has the "Viewer" role prescribed which allows them read-only actions that do not affect state. This example illustrates this feature—they can view Cloud Storage buckets and files that are hosted in the Google Cloud project that they've been granted access to.

Task 3. Remove project access

Switch to the Username 1 console.

Remove Project Viewer for Username 2

  1. Select Navigation menu > IAM & Admin > IAM. Then click the pencil icon inline and to the right of Username 2.
Note: You may have to widen the screen to see the pencil icon.
  1. Remove Project Viewer access for Username 2 by clicking the trashcan icon next to the role name. Then click SAVE.

Notice that the user has disappeared from the Member list! The user has no access now.

Note: It can take up to 80 seconds for such a change to take effect as it propagates. Read more about Google Cloud IAM in the Google Cloud IAMResource Documentation, Frequently asked questions.

Verify that Username 2 has lost access

  1. Switch to Username 2 Cloud Console. Ensure that you are still signed in with Username 2's credentials and that you haven't been signed out of the project after permissions were revoked. If signed out, sign in back with the proper credentials.

  2. Navigate back to Cloud Storage by selecting Navigation menu > Cloud Storage > Buckets.

You should see a permission error.

Note: As mentioned before, it can take up to 80 seconds for permissions to be revoked. If you haven't received a permission error, wait a 2 minutes and then try refreshing the console.

Click Check my progress to verify the objective.

Remove project access

Task 4. Add Cloud Storage permissions

  1. Copy Username 2 name from the Lab Connection panel.

  2. Switch to Username 1 console. Ensure that you are still signed in with Username 1's credentials. If you are signed out, sign in back with the proper credentials.

  3. In the Console, select Navigation menu > IAM & Admin > IAM.

  4. Click +GRANT ACCESS button and paste the Username 2 name into the New principals field.

  5. In the Select a role field, select Cloud Storage > Storage Object Viewer from the drop-down menu.

  6. Click SAVE.

Verify access

  1. Switch to the Username 2 console. You'll still be on the Storage page.

Username 2 doesn't have the Project Viewer role, so that user can't see the project or any of its resources in the Console. However, this user has specific access to Cloud Storage, the Storage Object Viewer role - check it out now.

  1. Click Activate Cloud Shell the icon that activates cloud shell to open the Cloud Shell command line. If prompted click Continue.

  2. Open up a Cloud Shell session and then enter in the following command, replace [YOUR_BUCKET_NAME] with the name of the bucket you created earlier:

gsutil ls gs://[YOUR_BUCKET_NAME]

You should receive a similar output:

gs://[YOUR_BUCKET_NAME]/sample.txt Note: If you see AccessDeniedException, wait a minute and run the previous command again.
  1. As you can see, you gave Username 2 view access to the Cloud Storage bucket.

Click Check my progress to verify the objective.

Add Cloud Storage permissions


In this lab, you exercised granting and revoking Cloud IAM roles to a user.

Next steps / Learn more

This lab is also part of a series of labs called Qwik Starts. These labs are designed to give you a little taste of the many features available with Google Cloud. Search for "Qwik Starts" in the Google Cloud Skills Boost catalog to find the next lab you'd like to take!

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Manual Last Updated April 15, 2024

Lab Last Tested April 08, 2024

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