Generative AI with Vertex AI: Prompt Design Reviews

Generative AI with Vertex AI: Prompt Design Reviews

86891 reviews

Ariana O. · Reviewed 8 минут ago

The import Libraries would not work and keptted giving a shapely error even after following every step correctly.

Garrett B. · Reviewed 29 минут ago

The import code doesn't work.

Yi D. · Reviewed 34 минут ago

Alessandra A. · Reviewed 36 минут ago

Nagaraju C. · Reviewed около 1 часа ago

Could not run the workshop. Erros when running the cells

Christophe P. · Reviewed около 1 часа ago

Khushi K. · Reviewed около 1 часа ago

WORST LAB EVER. Code did not run. Collab code was supposed to be ran separate however the cell numbers were not specified as to what was collab or not explicitly. ZERO code actually ran. No testing or lab was done due to errors with importing TextGenerationModel and ChatModel. Without these modules, nothing worked. I troubled shot for hours finding many of the same problems and useless solutions provided by Google. PLEASE fix this. Many others have the same problem. DO NOT recommend this course until fixed. FIX ASAP.

Logan H. · Reviewed около 1 часа ago

there's an error in the first notebook

Javier S. · Reviewed около 2 часов ago

Na lista de user-managed notebooks apareceu a mensagem: "The new Workbench Instances bring the features of Managed and User-Managed Notebooks into a single offering." Depois de executar o processo de migrate, na view instances apareceu o generative-ai-jupyterlab que antes disso só apareceia em user-managed notebooks. Depois desse processo o lab rodou por completo, seguindo todas as etapas solicitas porém a lição do curso não consegue validar o que foi executado.

Anderson M. · Reviewed около 2 часов ago

sandra R. · Reviewed около 2 часов ago

Pamela S. · Reviewed около 2 часов ago

there have errors when I run the cell

Yi Ru L. · Reviewed около 2 часов ago

Receiving error and cannot complete the lab. Error is "AttributeError: module 'shapely' has no attribute 'strtree'" that prevents me from moving forward.

Tianna W. · Reviewed около 2 часов ago

yulfa anni n. · Reviewed около 2 часов ago

Nathan A. · Reviewed около 2 часов ago


Alivia W. · Reviewed около 2 часов ago

José C. · Reviewed около 2 часов ago

Yeshwanth N. · Reviewed около 2 часов ago

The lab has a python error "AttributeError: module 'shapely' has no attribute 'strtree'" that prevents me from moving forward.

Michael J. · Reviewed около 2 часов ago

Unable to perform lab due to python module error AttributeError: module 'shapely' has no attribute 'strtree'

Tasneem H. · Reviewed около 3 часов ago

Doesn't work

Josué N. · Reviewed около 3 часов ago

Doesn't work

Josué N. · Reviewed около 3 часов ago

Doesn't work

Josué N. · Reviewed около 3 часов ago

Lamberto b. · Reviewed около 3 часов ago

We do not ensure the published reviews originate from consumers who have purchased or used the products. Reviews are not verified by Google.