
Building No-Code Apps with AppSheet: Challenge Lab

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Building No-Code Apps with AppSheet: Challenge Lab

Lab 2 год 30 годин universal_currency_alt No cost show_chart Середній
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This lab is recommended for students who have completed the labs in the three-course series on Building No-Code Apps with AppSheet:

Topics tested:

  • Create an app on the AppSheet platform, starting with data.
  • Implement table references and virtual columns in the app.
  • Control user data access in the app.
  • Create forms and views for the app.
  • Validate user input to the app with constraints.
  • Use AppSheet automation to generate reports.

Are you ready for the challenge?


Before you click the Start Lab button

Read these instructions. Labs are timed and you cannot pause them. The timer, which starts when you click Start Lab, shows how long lab resources will be made available to you.

This hands-on lab lets you do the lab activities in a real cloud environment, not in a simulation or demo environment. It gives you new, temporary credentials to sign in and access AppSheet for the duration of the lab.

What you need

To complete this lab, you need:

  • Access to a standard internet browser (Chrome browser recommended).
  • Time to complete the lab.
  1. Make sure you sign in to the lab using an incognito window.

  2. When ready, click start lab button.

    A new panel will appear with the temporary credentials that you must use for this lab.

    If you need to pay for the lab, a pop-up will open for you to select your payment method.

  3. Note your lab credentials. You will use them to sign in to AppSheet for this lab.

    If you use other credentials, you will get errors or incur charges.
  4. Click Open AppSheet to open the AppSheet UI in a separate browser tab or incognito window.

    Note: If you are not already using an incognito browser window, use the right mouse click in Chrome to open AppSheet and select Open link in incognito window.
  5. Click to sign in with Google.

    Sign in with Google

  6. In the Sign in with Google dialog, enter the provided Username, and click Next.

    Note: If you see other accounts listed, click Use another account and then enter the provided Username and click Next.If you use other credentials, you'll get errors or incur charges.
  7. Enter the provided Password and click Next.

  8. Click Accept to accept the terms.

  9. To enable AppSheet to access the Google Drive folders associated with your lab account, on the AppSheet consent page, click Allow.

    Sign in with Google - provide consent

  10. You're now signed in to AppSheet.

    To view the AppSheet MyApps page, click X in the top-right corner of the Tell us about you so we can make better recommendations dialog.

    The MyApps page might be empty since you do not have any apps yet.

Note: We recommend that you use a new Incognito window to complete this lab.

Challenge scenario

You're an app developer for Cymbal Superstore, a retailer with a multinational presence. Cymbal Superstore is a one-stop shopping destination for all household needs and offers everything from organic produce and groceries to cookware and home goods. Over the past three decades, Cymbal Superstore has expanded to become one of the largest department stores in the world, with more that 7,500 locations worldwide and almost half a million employees.

The company is a legacy retailer that is digitally transforming to more efficiently manage its supply chains and day-to-day operations and improve its online presence. It's investing heavily in digital platforms to accompany its physical branches and roll out new capabilities such as delivery, curbside pick-up, and retail task management.

To help Cymbal Superstore implement these capabilities, you're responsible for creating the first version of a retail task management app on Google Cloud's AppSheet no-code development platform.

You're expected to have the skills and knowledge for working with AppSheet, so step-by-step guides are not provided.

Your challenge

You will create a new app and other resources as needed with Google Workspace products and AppSheet. Read through each task description, and create the required functionality.

Saving your work

As you build you app, remember to periodically use Save (Save button) in the AppSheet UI to save your work.

Task 1. Create the initial data structures for the app

Cymbal Superstore has decided to use Google Cloud's AppSheet platform to build an app that manages and tracks a team's tasks at a retail branch. Before creating the app, however, you must design and create the data structures that will be used by the app.


A. Create a Google Sheets spreadsheet on Drive

  • On Google Drive, create a Google Sheets spreadsheet and name it Retail Task Management.

B. Create a set of worksheets within this spreadsheet

  1. Name the first worksheet Tasks.
    The Tasks worksheet will store common task definitions or task templates for all the managers of retail branch stores to use to create and assign tasks to store staff.

    The worksheet should have the following initial column structure:

    Column Name Description
    Task ID Unique identifier for a task
    Task Name Name of the task


    The category in which the task belongs


    Instructions on how to perform the task


    Instructions on how to perform the task


    Number of days required to perform the task

  2. Create another worksheet to store task details information.
    The Task Details worksheet will store detail task information like task status and assignment in addition to other data.

    The worksheet should have the following initial column structure:

    Column Name


    Task Details ID

    Unique identifier for a task detail

    Task ID

    Unique identifier for a task

    Task Assigned Date

    The date and time that the task is assigned

    Task Completed Date

    The date and time that the task was completed

    Employee Email

    Email of the employee to whom the task is assigned

    Task Status

    Status of the task

  3. Create a Categories worksheet to store task category information based on the following data structure:

    Column Name


    Category ID

    Unique identifier for a category

    Category Name

    Name of the category


    The category description

  4. Cymbal Superstore employees perform tasks based on their role and the role required to perform a task.

    To define these roles, create a Roles worksheet to store role information based on the following data structure:

    Column Name


    Role ID

    Unique identifier for a role

    Role Name

    Name of the role


    The role description

  5. Populate the Roles worksheet with an initial set of roles, one role per row:

    Role ID

    Role Name




    Administrator or super user



    Store manager



    Store associate

  6. Create the Employees worksheet to store employee information based on the following data structure:

    Column Name


    Employee ID

    Unique identifier for an employee

    Employee Name

    Name of the employee


    The employee email


    The employee photo


    The employee role in the retail organization

    When creating the worksheets for the tables, be sure to follow AppSheet's best practices.

Click Check my progress to verify the objective. Create the initial data structures for the app

If a green check mark isn't displayed, click the score fly-out on the upper-right, and then click Check my progress on the relevant step. A pop-up box will give you advice.

Task 2. Create and configure the app

Now that you've created the initial data structures for the app, you can create the app in AppSheet.


A. Create the app with data

  1. In a separate browser tab or window, sign in to AppSheet with the lab credentials.

  2. Create an app starting with data:

    • Name the app Cymbal Retail Task Manager.
    • Select a relevant category for the app.
  3. Add the sheets that were created in the previous task as tables for the app.

B. Create table relationships

You may have noticed that the tables created earlier have relationships between certain columns in the tables. In this subtask, you define these relationships in the AppSheet editor.

  1. Tasks are assigned to a Category. Create a relationship or reference between the Tasks table and the Categories table with the Category column.

  2. Task Details are related to a Task. Create a relationship or reference between the Task Details table and the Tasks table with the Task ID column in the Task Details table.

  3. An Employee is assigned a Role in the organization. Create a relationship between the Employees table and the Roles table with the Role column.

C. Configure table columns

When you create tables for your app, AppSheet makes certain assumptions on the data types of the columns in the tables. In this subtask, you review and update some column definitions in the tables.

  1. Update the properties of columns in the Tasks table:

    • Change the type of the Priority column to an appropriate AppSheet column type. This column will contain a single value from an enum list of values: Low, Medium, High.

    • Change the type of the Days column to an appropriate AppSheet numeric column type, and set its initial value to 1.

      This column will contain the number of days it takes to complete a task and is used to compute a task's due date.
  2. Update the properties of columns in the Task Details table:

    • Set the initial value of the Task Details ID key column to a unique random string using an AppSheet built-in function.

    • Change the type of the Task Status column to an appropriate AppSheet column type. This column will contain a single value from an enum list of values: Assigned, Unassigned, To do, Completed.

      The column should have an initial value of Unassigned.

    • Update the type of the Task Assigned Date column to DateTime.

    • Update the type of the Task Completed Date column to DateTime.

    • Change the type of the Employee Email column to be an enumerated list of emails. Also, set these properties for this column:

      • Do not allow other values for this column.

      • The base type should be an email address type.

      • To enter a value for this column, an app user must select a value from a drop-down list.

      • The list of valid values should be populated from the email column value in all rows of the Employees table.

        Ignore the warning about the list of valid values for the Employee Email column.
  3. Update the properties of columns in the Roles table:

    • Change the type of the Role Name column to an appropriate AppSheet column type. This column will contain a single value from an enum list of values: Admin, Manager, Staff.
  4. To implement certain functionality, you must add virtual columns to some of the tables in the app.

    Use the following table to determine the name of the app table, name of the virtual column, and its value. Configure the column's value with an appropriate app formula:

    Table Name

    Virtual column name

    App formula value


    Role Name

    The Role Name value referenced by the Role column.

    Task Details

    Task Name

    The Task Name value referenced by the Task ID column.

    Task Details

    Task Priority

    The Priority value referenced by the Task ID column.

    Task Details

    Task Due Date

    A date and time that is computed based on the date and time when the task was assigned and the number of days required to complete the task.

    To compute the Task Due Date, use the AppSheet DATE() function to extract the date component from the value in the Task Assigned Date column, and then add the value in the Days column.

D. Create slices

In AppSheet, a slice is a subset of the rows, columns, and actions of a table. To support certain functionality in the app, in this subtask, you create slices for some of the tables.

  1. Create a slice of the Employees table that contains data of the user who is signed in to the app using the following information:

    Slice Name




    All columns of the Employees table

    Rows from the Employees table whose Email column value matches the email of the user who has signed in to the app.

  2. To manage tasks that are assigned to an employee but haven't been started, create a slice for the Task Details table with the following configuration:

    Slice Name




    All columns of the Task Details table

    Rows from the Task Details table whose Email column value matches the email of the user who has signed in to the app, and with a Task Status column value of Assigned.

  3. To manage tasks that are assigned to an employee that have been completed, create a slice for the Task Details table with the following configuration:

    Slice Name




    All columns of the Task Details table

    Rows from the Task Details table whose Email column value matches the email of the user who has signed in to the app, and with a Task Status column value of Completed.

  4. Save your changes to the app.

Click Check my progress to verify the objective. Create the app

Task 3. Implement user sign-up in the app

For an employee to use the app, they must first sign up. In this task, you implement the app sign-up functionality in the AppSheet editor.


A. Create the sign-up form

  1. Create a sign-up form view in the AppSheet editor.

  2. Name the view: Sign Up

  3. Use the Employees table as the data for this view.

  4. Position the button in the center of the app's navigation bar.

  5. To store an employee's phone number, add a Phone column in the Employees sheet.

    Note: For the purpose of this lab, make sure to add the Phone column as the rightmost column in the sheet.
  6. Regenerate the Employees table structure in the app to update the set of table columns to include the new Phone column.

  7. When an employee signs up to use the app, automatically set values for these columns in the Employee table:

    • For the Employee ID column, set its initial value using the formula:

      EMPnnnnn, where nnnnn is a random integer between 0 and 100000.

      To generate a random number, use the AppSheet RANDBETWEEN() function.
    • For the Employee Role column, because it's a column of type Ref, set its initial value to be the Role ID of the row in the Role table that has a value of Staff in the Role Name column.

      To implement this functionality, use the AppSheet SELECT() function.
  8. Configure the set and order of columns in the form to enable the app user to sign up as an employee by entering values for these columns:

    • Employee Name
    • Email
    • Phone
    • Photo
  9. Save your changes to the app.

B. Sign up employees

  1. Click the links and save the employee image files to your computer:

    Employee 1:

    Employee 2:

  2. In the app preview, sign up as an app user, and provide the following information in the sign-up form:


    Value (type or select)

    Employee Name

    [Your name]




    [Your Google Cloud Username from the lab credentials panel]


    [Upload the photo named Employee 1 from your computer]

  3. Sign up as a second user of the app. For this user:

    • For Email, use the Google Cloud Username 2 from the lab credentials panel.
    • For Photo, upload the photo named Employee 2 from your computer.
    • For the other form fields, enter any value of your choosing.
    Ideally, the sign-up form should only be accessible if the app user is a new employee and has not already signed up to use the app. For the purposes of this lab, this step is optional.

    To implement this capability in the AppSheet editor, configure the Show if property of the Sign Up view with a Yes/No expression, that determines if the signed in user's email address exists in the Employees table.

    For the expression, use the ISBLANK and SELECT() functions.

Click Check my progress to verify the objective. Implement user sign up in the app

If a green check mark isn't displayed, click the score fly-out on the upper-right, and then click Check my progress on the relevant step. A pop-up box will give you advice.

Task 4. Implement user management in the app

As users sign up to use the app, they need to be managed as team members. In this task, you create a view in the app where administrators and managers can perform user and team management functions.


  1. To manage app users, in the AppSheet editor, create a view named Staff. Make the view accessible from the far-right position in the app's navigation bar.

  2. The view should display a list of employees from the Employee table as a deck of cards.

  3. Save your changes to the app.

  4. In the app preview of the AppSheet editor, edit the user with email that contains the value of the Google Cloud Username that you created in the previous task:

    • Change the role of this user to Manager, and save your changes in the app preview.
  5. Only employees (app users) with a role of Manager or Admin should be able to see and access the view in the app.

    • In the AppSheet editor, use the view's Show if property with a Yes/No expression that determines whether the role of the signed-in app user is "Admin" or "Manager".

      Suggestion: For the expression, use the IN function to compare the active user's role name with a list of appropriate role names.

Click Check my progress to verify the objective. Implement user management in the app

If a green check mark isn't displayed, click the score fly-out on the upper-right, and then click Check my progress on the relevant step. A pop-up box will give you advice.

Task 5. Create task management views

The employees or staff of Cymbal Superstore manage the tasks assigned to them in the app. In this task, you create the views that enable a staff employee to view and manage their tasks in the app.


The My tasks view will be a dashboard view which contains two other child views: a list of assigned tasks to be completed and another list of tasks that have been completed by the user.

A. Create the assigned tasks view

Create the child view to display the assigned tasks:

  1. Name the view: To do.

  2. For the data to be used for this view, use the slice AssignedTasks that was created earlier.

  3. Display the list of tasks as a deck of cards.

  4. This view is referenced by a parent dashboard view, so select the appropriate position for this view.

  5. Display the name of the task as the Primary header in the view.

  6. Display the priority of the task as the Secondary header in the view.

  7. Display the due date of the task as the summary column in the view.

B. Create the completed tasks view

Create another child view to display the completed tasks:

  1. Name the view: Done.

  2. For the data to be used for this view, use the slice CompletedTasks that was created earlier.

  3. Display the list of tasks as a deck of cards.

  4. This view is referenced by a parent dashboard view, so select the appropriate position for this view.

  5. Display the name of the task as the Primary header in the view.

  6. Display the completed date of the task as the Summary column in the view.

C. Create the My Tasks view

Create the parent view with the following configuration:

  1. Name the view: My Tasks.

  2. Configure the view as a dashboard view.

  3. Select an appropriate position for the view in the app's bottom navigation bar.

  4. Add the To do and Done views as child view entries for this view.

  5. Display the child views in the dashboard as tabs.

  6. The My Tasks view must only be displayed in the app for a user who has signed up to use the app.

    Use an expression for the Show if property of the view with the ISNOTBLANK function that checks a list of emails in the ActiveUser slice.

D. Update the Sign Up view

  1. Edit the Sign Up view that was created earlier to display the My Tasks view when a user submits the sign-up form in the app.

    With this configuration, the app user automatically navigates to the My Tasks view in the app after signing up.

  2. Save your changes to the app.

Task 6. Add task management capabilities in the app

A store manager uses the app to perform management and other functions to manage template tasks, task categories, and staff tasks. In this task, you add views to the app that enable an app user with the appropriate role to perform these functions.


A. Create the task templates view

The task templates view is used to display and manage a list of common or template tasks in the app.

  1. Create a view of type table and name it Task Templates.

  2. Use the data from the Tasks table for this view.

  3. This view is referenced from the Manage view that you create later in this task. Set the position of this view accordingly.

  4. Configure some of the view options to:

    • Group the list of tasks by task category.
    • Display a count of the number of tasks in each task category.
    • Display the values in the Task Name and Instructions columns in this view.

B. Create the task categories view

The task categories view is used to display and manage a list of task categories in the app.

  1. Create a view of type table and name it Task Categories.

  2. This view is referenced from the Manage view that you create later in this task. Set the position of this view accordingly.

  3. Use the data from the Categories table for this view.

  4. Configure the view option to display the values in the Category Name and Description columns in this view.

C. Create the staff tasks view

The staff tasks view is used to display and manage a list of unassigned and assigned tasks.

  1. Create a view of type deck and name it Staff Tasks.

  2. This view is referenced from the Manage view that you create later in this task. Set the position of this view accordingly.

  3. Use the data from the Task Details table for this view.

  4. Configure the following view options:

    • Group the list of tasks by task status.
    • Display a count of the number of tasks in each group.
    • Display the name of the task as the Primary header in the view.
    • Display the priority of the task as the Secondary header in the view.
    • Display the due date of the task as the Summary column in the view.
  5. Only include these specific actions for each row that is displayed in this view:

    • Delete
    • Edit

D. Create data for the management view

The views created in the previous steps are accessed from a separate management view in the app. Before you create the management view, you must create the data for the view. The data for the view is a list of management functions.

  1. To store the data for the view, add a worksheet to the Retail Task Management sheet on Drive:

    • Name the worksheet Manage.

    • The worksheet should have the following columns: Function name, Icon, View, and Description.

    • Populate the worksheet with data rows, one for each row from the following table:

      Function name




      Task Templates


      Task Templates

      Common tasks to assign daily

      Task Categories


      Task Categories

      Groupings for common tasks

      Staff Tasks


      Staff Tasks

      Tasks to be performed by staff

  2. Create the Manage table as read-only in the app, using the sheet above as its source of data.

  3. Create and store a link to each view defined in the table:

    • Add a virtual column to the Manage table, and name it LinkToView.

    • Set its formula with a deep link to the view that is configured in the View column of the Manage table.

      Use the LINKTOVIEW() AppSheet function to generate the link.
    • Configure the column to be visible in the app.

    Each row displayed in this view contains an icon whose image is contained in the PNG file that is configured in the table shown earlier. The actual image files are pre-provisioned for this lab on Drive in the *My Drive/icons* folder.

E. Create the management view

The management view lets the app user access management functions in the app through a set of other views.

  1. Create a view in the app and name it Manage.

  2. The data for the view should come from the Manage table.

  3. Use a card layout for the view.

  4. Make the view accessible from the app's bottom navigation bar.

  5. Configure the view layout with columns from the Manage table:

    • Use the photo layout for the view.

    • To display the icon for each row, configure the Icon column.

    • To display the title for each row, configure the Function name column.

    • To display the subtitle for each row, configure the Description column.

    • When the app user clicks the card in the view, navigate them to the view that is configured in the View column of the Manage table.

      In the layout, select the card, and configure the Go to App Link with the virtual LinkToView column.
  6. The view must only be seen and accessible by an app user with the Manager role.

F. Add task management data

With the management views created, you can now add data using these views in the app.

  1. Add the following task categories using the Task Categories view in the app:

    Category Name



    To maintain the health and hygiene standards, regular cleaning is essential.

    Store Opening

    Get ready for business.

    Store Closing

    Closing procedures are important as they determine how the next day will begin.

    Stock Inventory Management

    An overall inventory management plan guides stocking products for the store.


    Basic tasks.

  2. Add the following common task templates using the Task Templates view in the app:

    Task Name





    Check for sanitization items


    Sanitizer in place and changed as needed.



    Clean glass areas


    Wipe and clean the glass surfaces, remove any spills and stains.



    Daily housekeeping


    Complete general cleaning, including wiping down counters.



    Opening inspections

    Store Opening

    Look for wet spots on the floor, ceiling, and walls. Tidy up any messy areas.



    Visual merchandising

    Store Opening

    Ensure that shelves and product displays are organized.




    Store Closing

    Organize items on shelves and tidy up aisles.



    Clear the store

    Store Closing

    Ensure that all the customers have left the store. Check the bathrooms and other areas of your store to ensure that everyone has left.




    Store Closing

    Lock the doors, turn off the “Open" sign.



    Shut down equipment

    Store Closing

    Shutdown POS systems. Set heat/air conditioning to nighttime setting.



    Restock empty shelves

    Stock Inventory Management

    Set up a fixed time to restock empty shelves.



    Label all products

    Stock Inventory Management

    Use physical stickers or labels for products.



    Clean up trash


    Empty the trash bins and replace liners.



Click Check my progress to verify the objective. Create the management view with data

If a green check mark isn't displayed, click the score fly-out on the upper-right, and then click Check my progress on the relevant step. A pop-up box will give you advice.

Task 7. Create and assign tasks

Now that the management functions and data have been created in the app, as a store manager, you can create individual tasks and assign them to store employees. In this task, you create a form view to add and assign some of these tasks to a store employee in the app.


The Staff Tasks view that you created in the previous task will display a list of tasks as they are created by an app user who is a store manager. From this view, a store manager adds and assigns tasks to individual store employees using a form that you create in the app.

A. Create a form view to assign tasks

Create the form view:

  1. Name the view Assign Task.

  2. For the data to be used for this view, use the Task Details table.

  3. The form will be referenced and displayed from an AppSheet action that you create in the next task, so set the position accordingly.

  4. Display these columns in the form in the order shown:

    • Task ID
    • Task Assigned Date
    • Employee Email
    • Task Priority
    • Task Due Date
  5. After the form is submitted, display the Staff Tasks view in the app.

B. Create an action to display the view

The form view created in the previous task must be displayed when an action is invoked in the app. Create this action following these steps:

  1. Name the action Create and assign task.

  2. The action should be invoked for a record of the Task Details table.

  3. The action should navigate the app user to the Assign Task form view that was created in the previous task.

    Use the LINKTOVIEW() AppSheet built-in function to navigate the user to the desired view in the app.
  4. Change the action's display icon to Add (plus).

  5. Display the action as an overlay on the view in the app.

  6. Because this action replaces the system Add action for the Task Details table, edit the system Add action's configuration so that it does not appear in the app.

C. Automatically update data when a task is assigned

When a store manager creates and assigns a task to a store employee using the Assign task form, some of the table data must be conditionally updated automatically in the sheet.

  1. Create an action named Update new task data that updates the values in certain columns of the Task Details table according to the rules mentioned:

    • Task Status: If the value in the Employee Email column is not blank, set the column value to 'Assigned'; if it is blank, set it to 'Unassigned'.
    To conditionally set the value of the Task Status column, use AppSheet's built-in IF function.
  2. Configure the action so that it cannot be directly invoked by an app user.

  3. This action must automatically be invoked when the Assign Task form is saved in the app. Configure the form to automatically invoke this action.

    To automatically invoke this action, use the Form Saved Event feature in AppSheet.

D. Create and assign tasks

As a store manager app user, create and assign tasks to a store employee in the app.

  1. From the app preview, use the Manage and Staff Tasks views.
  2. Click Staff Tasks.
  3. For the first task, for Task ID, select Check for sanitization items.
  4. For Employee Email, select the Google Cloud Username email.
  5. Save the task.
  6. Repeat the steps to create another task with the Task ID Clear the store.

Click Check my progress to verify the objective. Create and assign tasks

If a green check mark isn't displayed, click the score fly-out on the upper-right, and then click Check my progress on the relevant step. A pop-up box will give you advice.

Task 8. Review and complete tasks

As a store associate or employee, you review your assigned tasks in the app and mark them completed as they are done. In this task, you review your own tasks in the app and mark them completed.

This lets you validate the app's functionality as a store associate or employee.


A. Review and complete assigned tasks

  1. In the app preview, review the tasks that are assigned to you in the To do tab of the My Tasks view.

  2. Edit the task to update its status to Completed.

  3. Validate that this task is now listed in the Done tab of the My Tasks view.

  4. Repeat the steps above for all tasks that are assigned to you.

Click Check my progress to verify the objective. Review and complete tasks

Task 9. Generate a daily task report

As a final task in this lab, you generate a report with AppSheet automation. The report should be automatically generated daily and contain a list of assigned and completed tasks.


Create AppSheet automation components

  1. Create a bot named Daily Task Report that will generate the report.

  2. Configure an event to trigger the bot on a regular daily schedule. Pick an appropriate time of day for the event to occur.

  3. Create a process that will be executed by the bot.

  4. Add a step in the process that runs a task.

  5. Configure the task to generate the report:

    • Data for the report should come from the Task Details table in the app.

    • The report should be in PDF file format.

    • Use a template for the report contents. The template should have the following structure:

      • Report Title: Daily Task Report

      • Date: [Today's date]

      • Section header: Assigned Tasks

      • For each assigned task, display the values of the columns in the following table:

        [Start expression]

        Column Name

        Column Value

        Task Name:

        [value in the Task Name column]

        Assigned To:

        [value in the Employee Email column]

        Task Priority:

        [value in the Task Priority column]

        Task Due Date:

        [value in the Task Due Date column]

        Task Assigned Date:

        [value in the Task Assigned Date column]

        [End expression]

        Use Start and End expressions to select rows from the Task Details table that have a Task Status column value of Assigned.
      • Section header: Completed Tasks

      • For each completed task, display the values of the columns in the following table:

        [Start expression]

        Column Name

        Column Value

        Task Name:

        [value in the Task Name column]

        Assigned To:

        [value in the Employee Email column]

        Task Priority:

        [value in the Task Priority column]

        Task Due Date:

        [value in the Task Due Date column]

        Task Completed Date:

        [value in the Task Completed Date column]

        [End expression]

        Use a Start expression to select rows from the Task Details table that have a Task Status column value of Completed. In all the occurrences above, replace the text in the square brackets [, ] with the correct expression that yields the desired value.
    • Set the report filename to contain the prefix DailyTasks.

  6. Deploy the app.

  7. Wait for the event to trigger the bot, and verify that the report was generated. If necessary, update the event trigger time to run the bot.

Click Check my progress to verify the objective. Generate a daily task report

If a green check mark isn't displayed, click the score fly-out on the upper-right, and then click Check my progress on the relevant step. A pop-up box will give you advice.


Over the course of this challenge lab you've demonstrated your knowledge of creating an app with AppSheet.

This challenge lab is part of Google Cloud’s AppSheet Partner and AppSheet citizen developer learning paths.

Copyright 2022 Google LLC All rights reserved. Google and the Google logo are trademarks of Google LLC. All other company and product names may be trademarks of the respective companies with which they are associated.

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