Como aumentar a segurança das configurações padrão do cluster do GKE avaliações

Como aumentar a segurança das configurações padrão do cluster do GKE avaliações

9735 avaliações

AH z. · Revisado há about 1 year

Rahul S. · Revisado há about 1 year

Reneilwe D. · Revisado há about 1 year

bad lab for task 7 step 2

Ikhwan A. · Revisado há about 1 year

Muhammad S. · Revisado há about 1 year

Getting errors on Task 7

Craig W. · Revisado há about 1 year

Alfin A. · Revisado há about 1 year

error in task 7. LOL

Ikhwan A. · Revisado há about 1 year

Ari A. · Revisado há about 1 year

have the cluster-version to 1.24

kaushik p. · Revisado há about 1 year

Psp deprecated

Nicolas E. · Revisado há about 1 year

Song-Jo C. · Revisado há about 1 year

I Made Eko S. · Revisado há about 1 year

W R. · Revisado há about 1 year

on task seven "deploy podSecurity policy objects its providen providen a Psp which has been deprecated according k8s official documentation for k8s cluster version 1.25 which is the one used, after applying the policy the console shows error error: resource mapping not found for name: "restrictive-psp" namespace: "" from "STDIN": no matches for kind "PodSecurityPolicy" in version "policy/v1beta1" ensure CRDs are installed first which suggest that the api is deprecated. according to official documentation of k8s its is show be using Pod security Admission instead of psp. REFERENCES: i conntacted support to let them know this issue. this issue will make me re-do the lab when support contact me back and steps are fixed

carlos Rodolfo S. · Revisado há about 1 year

Step 7 still not working

Eduardo M. · Revisado há about 1 year

Jobins T. · Revisado há about 1 year

Kishor Kumar Sahoo .. · Revisado há about 1 year

Could not deploy PodSecurityPolicy as PodSecurityPolicy (PSP) is being deprecated in Kubernetes 1.21

kaushik p. · Revisado há about 1 year

Kishor Kumar Sahoo .. · Revisado há about 1 year

Getting errors on Task 7

Craig W. · Revisado há about 1 year

Sanjeev V. · Revisado há about 1 year

Brian O. · Revisado há about 1 year

Brian O. · Revisado há about 1 year

When I try to set up PodSecurity policies I get the following error: error: resource mapping not found for name: "restrictive-psp" namespace: "" from "STDIN": no matches for kind "PodSecurityPolicy" in version "policy/v1beta1" ensure CRDs are installed first

Daniel M. · Revisado há about 1 year

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