关于“使用 Cloud Build 的 Google Kubernetes Engine 流水线”的评价

关于“使用 Cloud Build 的 Google Kubernetes Engine 流水线”的评价

12520 条评价

Avoy M. · 已于 6 days前审核


Yuvraj T. · 已于 6 days前审核

Gunika A. · 已于 6 days前审核

creative t. · 已于 6 days前审核

Gurinder S. · 已于 6 days前审核

Sridhara R. · 已于 6 days前审核

Lakshit J. · 已于 7 days前审核

Bintang F. · 已于 7 days前审核

Archana S. · 已于 7 days前审核

Krishna Kumar S. · 已于 7 days前审核

Riswana A. · 已于 7 days前审核

I got the error when running the build: Your build failed to run: generic::invalid_argument: if 'build.service_account' is specified, the build must either (a) specify 'build.logs_bucket', (b) use the REGIONAL_USER_OWNED_BUCKET build.options.default_logs_bucket_behavior option, or (c) use either CLOUD_LOGGING_ONLY / NONE logging options And the fix is: straight under the steps, in cloudbuild.yaml options: logging: CLOUD_LOGGING_ONLY Please add it to the lab. Thanks.

Quan T. · 已于 7 days前审核

Nadia A. · 已于 7 days前审核

557-bharadwaj V. · 已于 8 days前审核

Lin L. · 已于 8 days前审核

28.06.2024 Scored 100 however, the build triggers did not succeed, need to do again,. 23.05.2024 The Kubernetes cluster did not get created in US-West1 region even after one hour.

Kanhaiya S. · 已于 8 days前审核

Yuki T. · 已于 8 days前审核

HARRISON B. · 已于 9 days前审核

Broken lab. Please include instructions for service account selection in Task 4.

Andrew S. · 已于 9 days前审核

Sairupesh G. · 已于 9 days前审核

khushi n. · 已于 9 days前审核

To get past the trigger errors select the service account and add "options:\n logging: CLOUD_LOGGING_ONLY" to every cloudbuild yaml file and commit and push them to the repos

Sean D. · 已于 9 days前审核

Animesh P. · 已于 9 days前审核

Siva S. · 已于 9 days前审核

Gines G. · 已于 9 days前审核

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