Introduzione a Cloud Shell e gcloud recensioni

Introduzione a Cloud Shell e gcloud recensioni

493085 recensioni

Lingaraj B. · Recensione inserita 4 mesi fa

Saurabh J. · Recensione inserita 4 mesi fa

Saurabh J. · Recensione inserita 4 mesi fa

KARMANYA G. · Recensione inserita 4 mesi fa

Anjaneyulu K. · Recensione inserita 4 mesi fa

Ehab B. · Recensione inserita 4 mesi fa

Saurabh J. · Recensione inserita 4 mesi fa

Andy W. · Recensione inserita 4 mesi fa


Ericko A. · Recensione inserita 4 mesi fa

Dharmendra L. · Recensione inserita 4 mesi fa


harshal k. · Recensione inserita 4 mesi fa

Ya-Chen L. · Recensione inserita 4 mesi fa

Shabnam S. · Recensione inserita 4 mesi fa

Adam H. · Recensione inserita 4 mesi fa

BHARATHI M. · Recensione inserita 4 mesi fa

Rohith R. · Recensione inserita 4 mesi fa

Poor quality. Issues: - Task 2. Filtering command-line output All the outputs of "gcloud compute firewall-rules list" need to be revised. Looks like they haven't been updated in years. - Task 3. Connecting to your VM instance: Instructions read that "The prompt now says something similar to "sa_107021519685252337470@gcelab2." Wrong. My prompt was "student-03-fc4cad932c74@gcelab2". Nothing like "sa_...". - Task 4. Updating the firewall Instructions read that "From the above you can see there are two networks available.". Wrong. Actually, there only 1 network - "default". Also, like in Task 2, all the outputs of "gcloud compute firewall-rules list" need to be revised. Looks like they haven't been updated in years. - Task 5. Viewing the system logs The command `gcloud logging read "resource.type=gce_instance AND labels.instance_name='gcelab2'" --limit 5` should actualy be `gcloud logging read "resource.type=gce_instance AND labels.instance_name=gcelab2" --limit 5`. Ie. no single quotes around the machine''s name, or there's no output. All "gcloud logging logs list" return less than the instructions suggest. Could use an update, too.

Maciej S. · Recensione inserita 4 mesi fa

Saurabh J. · Recensione inserita 4 mesi fa

Saurabh J. · Recensione inserita 4 mesi fa

Maciej G. · Recensione inserita 4 mesi fa

Jordan D. · Recensione inserita 4 mesi fa

Saket K. · Recensione inserita 4 mesi fa

Karthik R. · Recensione inserita 4 mesi fa

So M. · Recensione inserita 4 mesi fa

Abhay C. · Recensione inserita 4 mesi fa

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