Hello Node Kubernetes Ulasan
21369 ulasan
flamingly fun
John K. · Diulas sekitar 6 tahun lalu
Apoorv W. · Diulas sekitar 6 tahun lalu
Himanshu Y. · Diulas sekitar 6 tahun lalu
Kubernetes dashboard hasn't appeared
Izabela D. · Diulas sekitar 6 tahun lalu
Could not get proxy to stand up, last part of lab did not work.
Wesley S. · Diulas sekitar 6 tahun lalu
Martin S. · Diulas sekitar 6 tahun lalu
Paul A. · Diulas sekitar 6 tahun lalu
I had some issues with it recognising that I had created the pods etc as I used a different location. Also I couldn't get the dashboard to work
Peter W. · Diulas sekitar 6 tahun lalu
Luis Felipe O. · Diulas sekitar 6 tahun lalu
Sai K. · Diulas sekitar 6 tahun lalu
I had some issues with it recognising that I had created the pods etc as I used a different location. Also I couldn't get the dashboard to work
Peter W. · Diulas sekitar 6 tahun lalu
Vitalii M. · Diulas sekitar 6 tahun lalu
I had a couple of issues with this lab: Issue 1: when creating pods, I mistakenly created "hello-world" instead of "hello-node". when trying to validate my progress, it didn't work, so I checked and created a pod named "hello-node" and my progress was validated. the issue is that the last validation didn't go through even when Ii followed all the steps. in the end, I deleted the other service/pod "hello-word", and afterwards the progress validation worked. Issue 2: When creating the UI of Kubernetes (optional step at the end), instead of getting a UI, I got back JSON objects (the output of the API of the UI ?). these JSON objects contain a list of paths. Here is how it looks like: { "paths": [ "/apis", "/apis/", "/apis/apiextensions.k8s.io", "/apis/apiextensions.k8s.io/v1beta1", "/healthz", "/healthz/etcd", "/healthz/ping", "/healthz/poststarthook/generic-apiserver-start-informers", "/healthz/poststarthook/start-apiextensions-controllers", "/healthz/poststarthook/start-apiextensions-informers", "/metrics", "/openapi/v2", "/swagger-2.0.0.json", "/swagger-2.0.0.pb-v1", "/swagger-2.0.0.pb-v1.gz", "/swagger.json", "/swaggerapi", "/version" ] } I am not sure whether I made a mistake somewhere, or it is related to a new update (of Kubernetes or the UI of Kubernetes).
Iheb K. · Diulas sekitar 6 tahun lalu
Very poorly explained
Juan C. · Diulas sekitar 6 tahun lalu
Jai P. · Diulas sekitar 6 tahun lalu
Rafael L. · Diulas sekitar 6 tahun lalu
Wira R. · Diulas sekitar 6 tahun lalu
Padmakar K. · Diulas sekitar 6 tahun lalu
Rajeev R. · Diulas sekitar 6 tahun lalu
Sivakumar C. · Diulas sekitar 6 tahun lalu
Michael A. · Diulas sekitar 6 tahun lalu
Snehal J. · Diulas sekitar 6 tahun lalu
Very good
Jithesh Philip J. · Diulas sekitar 6 tahun lalu
AUXILIA BRIDGET M. · Diulas sekitar 6 tahun lalu
ANTHONY M. · Diulas sekitar 6 tahun lalu
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