Hello Node Kubernetes avaliações
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    Hello Node Kubernetes avaliações

    21373 avaliações

    Fabian G. · Revisado há about 6 years

    Patrick L. · Revisado há about 6 years

    student2 s. · Revisado há about 6 years

    Erik R. · Revisado há about 6 years


    hideki m. · Revisado há about 6 years

    Karol R. · Revisado há about 6 years

    One of the best labs! But a lot of things to learn and understand also. Thank you!

    Ilias P. · Revisado há about 6 years

    002-JA_0052 XL .. · Revisado há about 6 years


    Vince G. · Revisado há about 6 years

    Made a small misake but wasn't clear on how to correct it...as a result, outputs weren't in line with expected outputs...also near the end, the web page was lagging like crazy and it took an entire minute to do one thing at a time...it's even lagging like that as I'm trying to write this comment...

    Michael K. · Revisado há about 6 years

    The lab needs up to 1 hour 40 minutes to complete

    Abdul-Muizz O. · Revisado há about 6 years

    The lab is very strict when it comes to zoning. It could have shaved some time if the nodes are deployed on a more local zone.

    RosellerJr V. · Revisado há about 6 years

    Authentication token failed. Also while getting the kubernetes cluster deployments the current and available were different from what was shown.

    Sindhu P. · Revisado há about 6 years

    andres d. · Revisado há about 6 years

    Darren H. · Revisado há about 6 years

    Lynn J. · Revisado há about 6 years

    Cassie F. · Revisado há about 6 years

    Noah D. · Revisado há about 6 years

    swati t. · Revisado há about 6 years

    Caleb S. · Revisado há about 6 years

    Dzhuliyan O. · Revisado há about 6 years

    Shashank M. · Revisado há about 6 years

    This lab demonstrates the weakness of this learning method. It uses terms like "deployments" and "pods" without doing enough to explain them. I get the "learn by doing" approach, but this is a bad implementation of it. ¶ Again the "Test your knowledge" question was bad, asking about information that was not really covered in the lab. For example, the only mention of the word "stateful" in the entire lab is in this question. ¶ The command to create the clusterrolebinding is wrapped badly, with a newline between the "--" and the "clusterrole", and when I typed it I typed a space there which caused the command to fail. ¶ The token I got to log in to the Kubernetes graphical dashboard did not work, and I was never able to get into the dashboard.

    David H. · Revisado há about 6 years

    Eric L. · Revisado há about 6 years

    Michael C. · Revisado há about 6 years

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