Running a Containerized App on Google Kubernetes Engine のレビュー
4750 件のレビュー
Couldn't start
Kumar Rajeev · 5年弱前にレビュー済み
It is good.
Irugu Sasank · 5年弱前にレビュー済み
Budiutama Erie · 5年弱前にレビュー済み
Couldn't open one instance of cloud shell. Tried for more than 30 minutes.
Cintra Rafael · 5年弱前にレビュー済み
Could not use cloud shell at all. Google team knows the traffic in advance but failed to prepare the resource. Responders from Google avoided to address resource issue, failed apologise or reassure learners. The instructor is horrible like a robot. It was a terrible session.
Thi Kim Quy Nguyen · 5年弱前にレビュー済み
Unable to get cloud shell and unable to complete the lab
Nathan Senthil · 5年弱前にレビュー済み
no Cloud shell is not available over all a good session
. gvnprasad11 · 5年弱前にレビュー済み
I was unable to access the cloud shell
Kataria Ankush · 5年弱前にレビュー済み
server not responsive shell timed out
Torrens Chris · 5年弱前にレビュー済み
rock vinay · 5年弱前にレビュー済み
Namala Sateesh · 5年弱前にレビュー済み
my cloud shell doesn't work during whole lab time
kadale komal · 5年弱前にレビュー済み
The cloud shell did not load and did not get opportunity to complete the lab
Arora Sumit · 5年弱前にレビュー済み
Hafsteins Bree · 5年弱前にレビュー済み
The google cloud shell is not coming out, I cannot do anything with this lab. Wasted 40 min and 5 credits
Setiawan Gerry · 5年弱前にレビュー済み
Verma Abhishek · 5年弱前にレビュー済み
No, The lab could not even be started.... :S There was a problem with Cloud Shell that never loaded.
Perera Averi · 5年弱前にレビュー済み
Shell didn't worked for me
. TheaterStar · 5年弱前にレビュー済み
Could not connect with Google Shell in all 40 min time. Waste of time. Speed of instructor was way way fast. This kind of experience is not expected from Google. Waste of time and Horrible Experience.
Sharma Prashant · 5年弱前にレビュー済み
unable to connect to the cloud shell. Just lost my 5 credits
Pb Nithin · 5年弱前にレビュー済み
Lab is good, I have done the first part by installing the SDK and running the command from my local machine. It's very disappointing that 40 minutes isn't enough to provision a Google Cloud Shell machine though.
Barcena Edcel · 5年弱前にレビュー済み
CloudShell couldn't be provisioned. It took a good amount of time to download and setup google-cloud-sdk and hence couldn't complete all lab tasks.
Mandiwala Bhavin · 5年弱前にレビュー済み
Ho Jeremy · 5年弱前にレビュー済み
I can't access Google Cloud Shell even i was trying in 45 minutes.
Singhavorakul (Ty) Yosapol · 5年弱前にレビュー済み
Setyaji Sukma · 5年弱前にレビュー済み
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