Running a Containerized App on Google Kubernetes Engine avaliações
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    Running a Containerized App on Google Kubernetes Engine avaliações

    4752 avaliações

    my console was not started

    Manikandan R. · Revisado há almost 5 years

    Doesn't work, cloud shell could not start. Also, please be specific to NOT start the lab if there was no intent to wait for the students to progress. By the time the lab lecture is done, not much time left to do the lab.

    Perdana T. · Revisado há almost 5 years

    Arnav A. · Revisado há almost 5 years

    Google cloud shell failed to launch.

    Fai Cheong C. · Revisado há almost 5 years

    gcloud shell not working, then install google sdk, then git is not working.

    Bill L. · Revisado há almost 5 years

    Ashish C. · Revisado há almost 5 years

    not able to run the Cloud shell.. times out!! Wow, Cloud Shell is popular right now! We're still trying to find a VM for you, please wait.

    Kokann .. · Revisado há almost 5 years

    Cloud Shell did not load

    Masoud H. · Revisado há almost 5 years

    This just works! Sweet!

    Roger K. · Revisado há almost 5 years

    They are excellent labs, however on this occasion I was not able to launch the console and therefore not able to perform the lab.

    Antonio M. · Revisado há almost 5 years

    It's too fast and not able to follow. The command shell didn't show up.

    Yook Mei C. · Revisado há almost 5 years

    console didnot work

    S Chethan S. · Revisado há almost 5 years

    Unable to open cloud shell. instructor should have asked to do after the training instead of together as it ate up the time.

    Manikandan S. · Revisado há almost 5 years

    good lab, but slow while loading the shell

    Wilhanto S. · Revisado há almost 5 years

    It didn't work out as expected. Everything else looks fine.

    Mike L. · Revisado há almost 5 years

    Cloud Shell did not open at all and i was not able to complete the lab because of that.

    Pathikreet D. · Revisado há almost 5 years

    could not do as clod shell never loaded. Not sure if this is very helpful and very fast demo

    Moses J. · Revisado há almost 5 years

    the shell did not run commands were not working

    Kunal R. · Revisado há almost 5 years

    Thierr F. · Revisado há almost 5 years

    Wenjie B. · Revisado há almost 5 years

    Couldn't connect to the Cloud Shell - for 40 min :(

    Marcin M. · Revisado há almost 5 years

    cloud shell not accessible

    J L. · Revisado há almost 5 years

    Gopala D. · Revisado há almost 5 years

    Google Cloud shell was not coming. Very Bad experience from you guys. Please try to give an other lab , if possible.

    Kishor U. · Revisado há almost 5 years

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