Serverless Data Processing with Dataflow - Writing an ETL pipeline using Apache Beam and Dataflow (Java) Ulasan

Serverless Data Processing with Dataflow - Writing an ETL pipeline using Apache Beam and Dataflow (Java) Ulasan

6457 ulasan

* Task 1. Creating a JSON schema file, the validate my progress doesn't work. The json schema file was there and I could complete the rest of the lab. * The CommonLog class needs to implement Serializable, equals and hascode to make the code run without issues. The solution doesn't show this AFAIK. * the write to bigquery part of the beam code doesn't include the temp gcs location setting in the solution, this is a mandatory setting for the pipeline to run with success. * I've used the IDE for the first time, not having an autosave really got me off-guard. A small tip in the text would probably save some time for some people.

Richard d. · Diulas 11 bulan lalu

Rohan D. · Diulas 11 bulan lalu

Dharmesh V. · Diulas 11 bulan lalu

Shiju M. · Diulas 11 bulan lalu

Vishal D. · Diulas 11 bulan lalu

Doesn't work at all from the initial repo.

Rob B. · Diulas 11 bulan lalu

Gaurav M. · Diulas 11 bulan lalu

I dont understand, estuve 25 min esperando el ultimo paso y perdi mi tiempo en este laboratorio, que rabia

Luis S. · Diulas 11 bulan lalu

I already completed this lab with python. Don't understand why we should do both java and python for this course :-/

Francisco C. · Diulas 11 bulan lalu

Peter I. · Diulas 11 bulan lalu

estaba muy difícil y no se entendían todas las indicaciones

Diego N. · Diulas 11 bulan lalu

estaba muy difícil y no pude llegar a terminar con todos los objetivos

Diego N. · Diulas 11 bulan lalu

Doesn't work at all from the initial repo

Rob B. · Diulas 11 bulan lalu

Thia lab not available

Rajesh G. · Diulas 11 bulan lalu

Nicolau C. · Diulas 11 bulan lalu

Juan Carlos G. · Diulas 11 bulan lalu

Naga Babu B. · Diulas 11 bulan lalu

Venkatesh K. · Diulas 11 bulan lalu

Stephen W. · Diulas 11 bulan lalu

Failed to execute goal org.codehaus.mojo:exec-maven-plugin:3.1.0:java (default-cli) on project advanced-dataflow-lab-1-solution: An exception occurred while executing the Java class. Unresolved compilation problem: -> [Help 1] mvn clean install doesn't fix the issue

Vathna L. · Diulas 11 bulan lalu

Xu R. · Diulas 11 bulan lalu

Michał B. · Diulas 11 bulan lalu

Mark M. · Diulas 11 bulan lalu

Douglas Z. · Diulas 11 bulan lalu

Beatriz M. · Diulas 11 bulan lalu

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