Serverless Data Processing with Dataflow - Writing an ETL Pipeline using Apache Beam and Dataflow (Python) avis

Serverless Data Processing with Dataflow - Writing an ETL Pipeline using Apache Beam and Dataflow (Python) avis

7273 avis

Comprehensive Content yet poor delivery. A lot of confusion moments as the lab switch between hand on tutorial and challenge labs multiple times. Sometimes the description is a bit too vague esp. for someone unfamiliar with data engineering

Faiz W. · Examiné il y a 4 mois

Sharath Chandra S. · Examiné il y a 4 mois

the notebook wouldn't open in vertex ai

Philip M. · Examiné il y a 4 mois

S K. · Examiné il y a 4 mois

Prayoga S. · Examiné il y a 4 mois

I'm so satisfied. This is what I've been looking for

경호 양. · Examiné il y a 4 mois

the terminal in workbench failed to load. it would just flash the cursor icon. unable to proceed

Jeff W. · Examiné il y a 4 mois

Weiping G. · Examiné il y a 4 mois

Elangovan K. · Examiné il y a 4 mois

Gisell M. · Examiné il y a 4 mois

Edelmiro F. · Examiné il y a 4 mois

Colin B. · Examiné il y a 4 mois

Juan Carlos M. · Examiné il y a 4 mois

the file is not even opening to edit and see in both lab and solution subfolders under dataflow_python. I tried for 3 times but no luck. I am getting Invalid response: 403 Forbidden while opening and sometimes and while saving the file. can you please resolve this issue for me so that i can proceed. this is 4th time i am ending the lab with out progressing.

NARESH B. · Examiné il y a 4 mois

Your lab does not work

Shekhar S. · Examiné il y a 4 mois

amazing lab! finally some actual lab where you can learn by doing

Niklas M. · Examiné il y a 4 mois

Not enough time. Sometimes the task is hidden in the long text, so in one or two cases I found what exactly to do after several minutes. There is no clear information for 'project:dataset.table' how to call the table. We have an events.json, the dataset logs, so why do we have the name of the table logs? I used other name and have problems with finding the correct name for the table.

Arkadiusz S. · Examiné il y a 4 mois

Piotr S. · Examiné il y a 4 mois

Francisco R. · Examiné il y a 4 mois

Una vez que se abrio la terminal no se pudo escribir nada en la terminal. no dejo editar ni escribir ningun comando.

MIGUEL ANGEL A. · Examiné il y a 4 mois

The vertex AI notebook is not working as expected.

Shashank K. · Examiné il y a 4 mois

Prasad M. · Examiné il y a 4 mois

Rafel S. · Examiné il y a 4 mois

Fernanda Denisse T. · Examiné il y a 4 mois

Sahil D. · Examiné il y a 4 mois

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