Dataflow を使用したサーバーレスのデータ処理 - Apache Beam と Cloud Dataflow を使用して ETL パイプラインを作成する(Python) のレビュー

Dataflow を使用したサーバーレスのデータ処理 - Apache Beam と Cloud Dataflow を使用して ETL パイプラインを作成する(Python) のレビュー

7309 件のレビュー

Error in start Lab

Rocha Carlos · 10ヶ月前にレビュー済み

Terminal doesn't allow you to type commands like the lab implies, and the Dataflow UI has been updated so the steps in setup are out of date. Will restart the lab to see if the Jupyter terminal issue was a fluke and update the review if that resolves the issue. Update: Did not solve the issue. Managed to use GCE's ssh terminal to run most of the pipeline code, but then the lab wouldn't detect that my tables were in BQ. Overall, lab seems broken what with code snippets being incorrect, terminal in the notebook not allowing code execution, etc.

Chiaramonte David · 10ヶ月前にレビュー済み

Terminal doesn't allow you to type commands like the lab implies, and the Dataflow UI has been updated so the steps in setup are out of date. Will restart the lab to see if the Jupyter terminal issue was a fluke and update the review if that resolves the issue.

Chiaramonte David · 10ヶ月前にレビュー済み

Buenas tardes, Este curso en la parte de setup te está redirigiendo a la parte de vertex ai y no se puede realizar. Un saludo.

Granero Moreno José Nicolás · 10ヶ月前にレビュー済み

the console in jupyterlab didn't work I had to ssh to the VM directly

Truněček Otakar · 10ヶ月前にレビュー済み

error in lab

Guelache Leandro · 10ヶ月前にレビュー済み

stucked in Jupiter Notebook - Terminal. No response. Seems to be a known issue here in this course

Ohmeis Timo · 10ヶ月前にレビュー済み

the tutorial does not match the GCP UI

Pedro Senna Valle Vieira Joao · 10ヶ月前にレビュー済み

Kumar Dinesh · 10ヶ月前にレビュー済み

Fang Wenhui · 10ヶ月前にレビュー済み

Monnot Cyril · 10ヶ月前にレビュー済み

Zorrilla Carriquí Álvaro · 10ヶ月前にレビュー済み

Couldn't get the terminal in Jupyter to work, took me 20-30 minutes to get it working

Gee Matt · 10ヶ月前にレビュー済み

Ngemntu Banele · 10ヶ月前にレビュー済み

Sequeira Rafael · 10ヶ月前にレビュー済み

Another broken lab. Trying to use terminal from the workbench instance do not work. I had to SSH to the Compute Engine VM to work around the problem.

Liu Man · 10ヶ月前にレビュー済み

Kumar Dinesh · 10ヶ月前にレビュー済み

. Pourab Bhattacharyya · 10ヶ月前にレビュー済み

Cardoza Torres Diosimar · 10ヶ月前にレビュー済み

Ngemntu Banele · 10ヶ月前にレビュー済み

. Pourab Bhattacharyya · 10ヶ月前にレビュー済み

The terminal in Dataflow does not allow me to type. Very bad product experience. This is also missing several dependencies, including the files used to generate dummy data. I will not be doing any other labs in this skills boost as they do not seem to be fully ready to go

Switzer Jake · 10ヶ月前にレビュー済み

Eiji Kushiyama Marcio · 10ヶ月前にレビュー済み

García López Iván · 10ヶ月前にレビュー済み

Kumar Dinesh · 10ヶ月前にレビュー済み

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