Deploying Spanner Applications with Cloud Functions and Cloud Run Reviews

Deploying Spanner Applications with Cloud Functions and Cloud Run Reviews

122 reviews

Son L. · Reviewed בערך 2 חודשים ago

Anan G. · Reviewed בערך 2 חודשים ago

had some version errors in copied code

Amy M. · Reviewed 2 חודשים ago

Alberto G. · Reviewed 2 חודשים ago

Ryan J. · Reviewed 3 חודשים ago

Michael L. · Reviewed 3 חודשים ago

Can't deploy cloud function tudent_02_a269aa29cc2d@cloudshell:~/lab-files/spanner_get_pets (qwiklabs-gcp-04-9aaf4df9058f)$ gcloud functions deploy spanner_get_pets --runtime python310 --trigger-http --region=us-east4 --quiet In a future Cloud SDK release, new functions will be deployed as 2nd gen functions by default. This is equivalent to currently deploying new with the --gen2 flag. Existing 1st gen functions will not be impacted and will continue to deploy as 1st gen functions. You can preview this behavior in beta. Alternatively, you can disable this behavior by explicitly specifying the --no-gen2 flag or by setting the functions/gen2 config property to 'off'. To learn more about the differences between 1st gen and 2nd gen functions, visit: ERROR: (gcloud.functions.deploy) ResponseError: status=[403], code=[Ok], message=[Unable to retrieve the repository metadata for projects/qwiklabs-gcp-04-9aaf4df9058f/locations/us-east4/repositories/gcf-artifacts. Ensure that the Cloud Functions service account has 'artifactregistry.repositories.list' and 'artifactregistry.repositories.get' permissions. You can add the permissions by granting the role 'roles/artifactregistry.reader'.]

Leonard S. · Reviewed 3 חודשים ago

Has issues in the code and had few errors in running it

Khem C. · Reviewed 3 חודשים ago

Shoichi Y. · Reviewed 3 חודשים ago

Luca G. · Reviewed 3 חודשים ago

Albert v. · Reviewed 3 חודשים ago

Matt L. · Reviewed 4 חודשים ago

Calvin Y. · Reviewed 4 חודשים ago

AHMED ADNANE B. · Reviewed 5 חודשים ago

John Melchor D. · Reviewed 5 חודשים ago

Jem Cyril R. · Reviewed 5 חודשים ago

Alliah D. · Reviewed 5 חודשים ago

Irish Hazel S. · Reviewed 5 חודשים ago

axyojp d. · Reviewed 5 חודשים ago

I really want to connect Spanner with something that isn't python

Jonah B. · Reviewed 6 חודשים ago

Marcus S. · Reviewed 6 חודשים ago

I lost connection at point as it complained you no longer have connection within the terminal window.

Gareth S. · Reviewed 6 חודשים ago

Tom N. · Reviewed 6 חודשים ago

Vani p. · Reviewed 7 חודשים ago

Abdul S. · Reviewed 7 חודשים ago

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