关于“Optimizing Cost with Google Cloud Storage”的评价

    关于“Optimizing Cost with Google Cloud Storage”的评价

    4835 条评价

    Akhilesh R. · 已于 5 months前审核

    Bhavesh M. · 已于 5 months前审核

    Impossible de faire l'étape 2, us-central1 n'est à priori pas autorisé par les policies student_01_bbc260696fd0@cloudshell:~/gcf-automated-resource-cleanup/migrate-storage (qwiklabs-gcp-02-f3d9944b98d4)$ gsutil mb -c regional -l us-central1 gs://${PROJECT_ID}-serving-bucket Creating gs://qwiklabs-gcp-02-f3d9944b98d4-serving-bucket/... PreconditionException: 412 'us-central1' violates constraint 'constraints/gcp.resourceLocations'

    Yannick D. · 已于 6 months前审核

    Peter F. · 已于 6 months前审核

    Lab is good in providing hands on experience, however the commands are listed off in order of execution without any guidance as to WHY or WHAT you are trying to achieve by executing the command. An integral part of learning is knowing WHY or WHAT the outcome of a task is going to be, seasoned users may not need this, but seasoned user will likely not be doing labs, so we need to guide and ensure understanding of the actions being taken for those still learning, otherwise it is just a copy-and-paste lab.

    Leandre R. · 已于 6 months前审核

    Diego F. · 已于 6 months前审核

    Francisco E. · 已于 6 months前审核

    Jiahong L. · 已于 6 months前审核

    lab with wrong region

    Marco B. · 已于 6 months前审核

    Dannii L. · 已于 6 months前审核

    Rakesh G. · 已于 6 months前审核

    Anuj D. · 已于 6 months前审核

    AKHILA S. · 已于 6 months前审核

    Ninad K. · 已于 6 months前审核

    Yaneth R. · 已于 6 months前审核

    Gururaj A. · 已于 6 months前审核

    Sebran K. · 已于 6 months前审核


    sakshi G. · 已于 6 months前审核

    Flavio K. · 已于 6 months前审核


    Sambasivam S. · 已于 6 months前审核

    Amninder S. · 已于 6 months前审核

    Stefan N. · 已于 6 months前审核

    Maciej S. · 已于 6 months前审核

    Raheem Pasha M. · 已于 6 months前审核

    Sushant G. · 已于 6 months前审核

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