Cost Optimization and Data Tiering with BigLake and Cloud Storage Reviews

Cost Optimization and Data Tiering with BigLake and Cloud Storage Reviews

8 reviews

The lab instructions are incorrect. The first objective is not validated even when the bucket is created. Following commands also don't work

Liza F. · Reviewed 16 дней ago

AHMED M. · Reviewed около 2 месяцев ago

could not get this lab to work

Christy M. · Reviewed около 2 месяцев ago

Completely broken checks. "Please create a GCS bucket" when the bucket is already there for 15 min. Same with BigQuery tables.

Artemiy N. · Reviewed около 2 месяцев ago

Ravi A. · Reviewed 2 месяцев ago

Vijayakumar J. · Reviewed 2 месяцев ago

AHMED M. · Reviewed 3 месяцев ago

commands are not working

Vidhya R. · Reviewed 4 месяцев ago

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