关于“Cost Optimization and Data Tiering with BigLake and Cloud Storage”的评价

关于“Cost Optimization and Data Tiering with BigLake and Cloud Storage”的评价


The lab instructions are incorrect. The first objective is not validated even when the bucket is created. Following commands also don't work

Liza F. · 评论16 days之前

AHMED M. · 评论about 2 months之前

could not get this lab to work

Christy M. · 评论about 2 months之前

Completely broken checks. "Please create a GCS bucket" when the bucket is already there for 15 min. Same with BigQuery tables.

Artemiy N. · 评论about 2 months之前

Ravi A. · 评论2 months之前

Vijayakumar J. · 评论2 months之前

AHMED M. · 评论3 months之前

commands are not working

Vidhya R. · 评论4 months之前

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