Exploratory Data Analysis using Bigquery and Colab Enterprise Reviews

Exploratory Data Analysis using Bigquery and Colab Enterprise Reviews

119 reviews

Nataliia L. · Reviewed حوالي 5 ساعات ago

Rishitha G. · Reviewed 3 أيام ago

Kanchan P. · Reviewed 3 أيام ago

Jessica R. · Reviewed 3 أيام ago

Abhinash R. · Reviewed 3 أيام ago

Stanley S. · Reviewed 4 أيام ago

Yogesh A. · Reviewed 4 أيام ago


Swetha M. · Reviewed 6 أيام ago

The seaborn needed to only grab numbers: print(df.info()) # Get Statistics on the DataFrame print(df.describe()) # Select only numeric columns for correlation numeric_df = df.select_dtypes(include=[np.number]) # Plot a Correlation Heatmap using Seaborn plt.figure(figsize=(10,5)) sns.heatmap(numeric_df.corr(), annot=True, vmin=0, vmax=1, cmap='viridis') plt.show()

Marc N. · Reviewed 6 أيام ago

Manoj K. · Reviewed 7 أيام ago

Sowmya T. · Reviewed 7 أيام ago


Seshadri H. · Reviewed 7 أيام ago

Poonam L. · Reviewed 8 أيام ago

Juan M. · Reviewed 9 أيام ago


Nayana K. · Reviewed 9 أيام ago

Ayan G. · Reviewed 10 أيام ago

MANUEL . C. · Reviewed 11 يوم ago

FELIPE IGNACIO G. · Reviewed 11 يوم ago

MARCELO ANDRES H. · Reviewed 14 يوم ago

JIMMY . R. · Reviewed 14 يوم ago

HECTOR IVAN J. · Reviewed 14 يوم ago

Irfan H. · Reviewed 14 يوم ago

Gundra G. · Reviewed 14 يوم ago

Gundra G. · Reviewed 14 يوم ago

Jorge S. · Reviewed 15 يوم ago

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