
Generative AI: Go Mandarin Chinese

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Generative AI: Go Mandarin Chinese

Lab 30 minutes universal_currency_alt 1 Credit show_chart Introductory
info This lab may incorporate AI tools to support your learning.
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In this lab you will learn the fundamentals of prompt engineering for using Generative AI and Google Cloud.

If you are new to Generative AI or looking for an overview of how to get started, you are in the right place. Read on to learn about the specifics of this lab and areas that you will get hands-on practice with.

In this lab learn use a chat application to interact and learn:

  • The basics of prompt engineering
  • Why context in relation to AI is important
  • How to work with Generative AI


Over the course of this lab the following elements are required:

  • Vertex AI
  • Generative AI models

Task 1. Access the Chat Application

Open the to gain access to the lab chat application.

Note: The chat bot link works in both a normal browser tab and an incognito window. An initial loading screen will appear while the lab data is being prepared.

From here you will be able to interact with a Generative AI model during the course of this lab.

Chatbot main screen Note: The above image is the main chat screen. The chat screen includes multiple personas reflecting different knowledge domains. Each persona has specific but limited abilities to demonstrate the functionality of generative ai on a defined topic.

The lab mimics a chat application interface to provide access to a generative ai model. Select a persona from the contacts list to initiate a discussion on a specified topic.

Note: The application uses a simplified version of the chat/bison-001 model. In this demo, each query is distinct and therefore, the user must input the full context per query.

The application allows the user to perform interactions with the generative ai from Google Cloud. From here you will be able to sample the power of generative ai in a scenario reflecting real-world usage.

Task 2. Using Prompt Engineering

In this lab we will interact with a Generative AI model to discuss . Don't worry, if you don't know much about this, use it as a learning exercise.

Generative AI is a type of artificial intelligence that can be used to create new information, such as text, images, or music. This makes it a powerful tool for learning about , as it can be used to generate realistic new content.

Generative AI can be used with language learning in a number of ways, including:

  • Intelligent Chatbots for Conversation Practice: Generative AI-powered chatbots can mimic real conversations with native speakers. They can adapt to your skill level, offering targeted corrections and suggestions in real-time. This provides an immersive and low-stress environment to practice your speaking and listening skills.
  • Customized Learning Paths: AI can analyze your strengths and weaknesses and suggest a personalized learning path. This might include grammar exercises, vocabulary lists, and reading passages tailored to your level and interests.
  • Generating Language Exercises: AI can create fill-in-the-blank exercises, sentence completion tasks, or dialogue prompts specifically relevant to your learning journey. This provides abundant practice material.
  • Translation with Contextual Understanding: AI-powered translation tools can go beyond literal word-for-word translation. They can capture the nuances and context of a sentence, helping you understand how language is used in real-world scenarios.
  • Interactive Stories: Generative AI can create interactive narratives or role-playing scenarios where you engage with characters in . These stories can adapt based on your choices and language input, making you an active participant in a language world.
  • Creating Visual Context: AI tools can generate images or videos that illustrate vocabulary or language concepts. This visual association can enhance your understanding and memory retention.

Here are some specific examples of how generative AI is being used in soccer today:

  • Practicing conversation with a chatbot: Engage in a daily chat with an AI-powered language partner. Discuss your hobbies, interests, or even simulate everyday situations (e.g., ordering at a café) in .
  • Getting writing feedback: Have an AI chatbot or tool review your written . It can provide feedback on grammar, sentence structure, and suggest more natural phrasing.
  • Reading AI-generated stories: Explore short stories or dialogues in , tailored to your level. As you understand more, request the AI to create more complex or longer narratives.
  • Translating news or articles with AI assistance: Use AI to translate articles about topics you are interested in. Compare the AI translation with the original for a deeper understanding of language structures and vocabulary in context.

Task 3. Context is Key

Generative AI Chat Bot needs context to answer questions. In the demo lab bot we have taken away some of its smarts to show the importance of context.

In the application we can put our questions to the AI model. To start, let's establish some basics around the importance of context relating to crafting questions.

  1. Click on the persona
Note: Clicking on the chatbot persona will open the chat interface. From this interface you can interact with the generative ai model.
  1. Start by saying hello to the chat bot, enter the following text
Hello Note: The chatbot will respond to this initial interaction with a helpful message to let you know it's ready to interact with you.
  1. Let's start by asking a broad question to the AI
What do you know about {{{ project_0.startup_script.lab_topic | "topic" }}}?
  1. Let's add some specifics to that question
What do you know about well known {{{ project_0.startup_script.lab_list | "list" }}}?
  1. Let's try to test the generative ai knowledge on members of
What can you tell me about {{{ project_0.startup_script.lab_item | "item" }}}?
  1. Let's ask a specific knowledge based question to the AI
Can you list five {{{ project_0.startup_script.lab_list | "list" }}}?

Amazingly, we have just set the context for our journey. The Generative AI model has knowledge on lots of subjects. Here we are interested in finding out more about .

Task 4. Improving knowledge

Now that we have learned the basics, let's improve our knowledge of the .

Note: Remember generative ai models are based on data taken from a point in time. The models need to be continually generated when working with time based information.
  1. Let's ask a general question about the topic
Can you list three important facts about {{{ project_0.startup_script.lab_list | "list" }}} ?
  1. Let's ask a specific question relating to an associated item
Where can I find out more information on {{{ project_0.startup_script.lab_topic | "topic" }}} and {{{ project_0.startup_script.lab_list | "list" }}}?
  1. Lets ask a linking question
What is important to know about {{{ project_0.startup_script.lab_item | "item" }}} ?
  1. Let's ask a broader question
Can you itemize five things about {{{ project_0.startup_script.lab_item | "item" }}} ?
  1. Let's expand our query to generate some poetry
Can you write a five line poem about {{{ project_0.startup_script.lab_item | "item" }}} ?

Great, it looks like you really know your stuff. Let's move onto the final assessment.

Task 5. Taking the Assessment

Finally, answer the assessment question based on .

Note: The lab assessment is accessed using the bottom navigation bar. Click on the Assess option to move to this screen. Answer correctly to pass the assessment. Once done, you can return from the chatbot application to the lab interface.

Click on the assess bottom navigation button to reveal the lab question. Select the correct answer to successfully complete the lab.

Chatbot assessment.

To successfully complete the lab assessment, each question presented must be answered correctly.

Note: The assessment validation button is available at the end of the question list. Once all questions are answered correctly, click this button to ensure the chatbot automatically allocates points in the running lab.

Click Check my progress to verify the objective.

Successfully complete the quiz assessment


In just 30 minutes, you developed an understanding of Generative AI and the prompt engineering. You are now ready to take more labs.

What's next

  • Try out other Google Cloud features for yourself. Have a look at our tutorials.
  • Explore more Google Cloud solutions.
  • Learn about the Firebase suite of products and services

Manual Last Updated Jan 19, 2024

Lab Last Tested Jan 19, 2024

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