Networking 102 recensioni

Networking 102 recensioni

3884 recensioni

Vidhyadharan N. · Recensione inserita oltre 5 anni fa

Linh T. · Recensione inserita oltre 5 anni fa

ssh from bastion to us-vm failed "(public key)"

Graham W. · Recensione inserita oltre 5 anni fa

Jithin G. · Recensione inserita oltre 5 anni fa

Jimmy H. · Recensione inserita oltre 5 anni fa

Sanjay P. · Recensione inserita oltre 5 anni fa

Ian Q. · Recensione inserita oltre 5 anni fa

Mochamad Taufik R. · Recensione inserita oltre 5 anni fa

Donal O. · Recensione inserita oltre 5 anni fa

Gonçalo A. · Recensione inserita oltre 5 anni fa

Dustin K. · Recensione inserita oltre 5 anni fa

Ganesh P. · Recensione inserita oltre 5 anni fa

after removing the external IP address from privatenet-us-vm, I keep getting the error on publickey when ssh from privatenet-bastion. Relogin into privatenet-bastion seems resolve the issue temporarily. However, I couldn't get the NAT working as I cannot ping

John S. · Recensione inserita oltre 5 anni fa

Great Lab, but please please add pause option, also provide a back arrow option on navigation so we dont have to always reload the navigation just to move from network to Compute

Austin A. · Recensione inserita oltre 5 anni fa

Apurv c. · Recensione inserita oltre 5 anni fa

Oscar S. · Recensione inserita oltre 5 anni fa

Mohammed Z. · Recensione inserita oltre 5 anni fa

Jorge S. · Recensione inserita oltre 5 anni fa

Fabricio C. · Recensione inserita oltre 5 anni fa

kumar g. · Recensione inserita oltre 5 anni fa

Mahmoud G. · Recensione inserita oltre 5 anni fa

Ishak M. · Recensione inserita oltre 5 anni fa

Michael H. · Recensione inserita oltre 5 anni fa

public key issue ssh'ing into privatenet-us-vm after removal of external ip/setting up nat gateway.. not enough time to play around and get it working

Bryan N. · Recensione inserita oltre 5 anni fa

I followed instruction and Copy&Pasterd the command, but som of the result is deifferent from expected output; I removed the External IP address from privatenet-us-vm, and ssh connected via bashion-server, agaist expectation, privatenet-us-vm can still access outside Google Strage!? ★「You can see that none of these commands succeeds」 is Wrong.And the reason is that you created subnet "privatesubnet" with「--enable-private-ip-google-access」option. ▼After removing the External IP address google2879078_student@privatenet-bastion:~$ ssh privatenet-us-vm The authenticity of host 'privatenet-us-vm (' can't be established. ECDSA key fingerprint is SHA256:Cud0Z8LSHjIG64K59lQfMOs0bBB0IjUjSaztONzOXS8. Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes Warning: Permanently added 'privatenet-us-vm,' (ECDSA) to the list of known hosts. Linux privatenet-us-vm 4.9.0-8-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 4.9.144-3.1 (2019-02-19) x86_64 The programs included with the Debian GNU/Linux system are free software; the exact distribution terms for each program are described in the individual files in /usr/share/doc/*/copyright. Debian GNU/Linux comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by applicable law. Last login: Wed Mar 27 02:31:07 2019 from google2879078_student@privatenet-us-vm:~$ ping PING ( 56(84) bytes of data. ^C --- ping statistics --- 5 packets transmitted, 0 received, 100% packet loss, time 4082ms google2879078_student@privatenet-us-vm:~$ curl --head ^C google2879078_student@privatenet-us-vm:~$ gsutil ls gs://gcp-next2017-security-bootcamp/README gs://gcp-next2017-security-bootcamp/README google2879078_student@privatenet-us-vm:~$ gsutil cat gs://gcp-next2017-security-bootcamp/README Last updated: Wed 2017-02-22 Files used in the Google Cloud Platform Next 2017 Security Bootcamp codelabs. google2879078_student@privatenet-us-vm:~$ ▼After Creating NAT gateway google2879078_student@privatenet-us-vm:~$ curl --head HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently Server: AkamaiGHost Content-Length: 0 Location: Date: Wed, 27 Mar 2019 02:40:03 GMT Connection: keep-alive google2879078_student@privatenet-us-vm:~$ curl --head HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently Server: AkamaiGHost Content-Length: 0 Location: Date: Wed, 27 Mar 2019 02:40:25 GMT Connection: keep-alive

TOMOMI M. · Recensione inserita oltre 5 anni fa

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