Build a Knowledge Based System with Vertex AI Vector Search, LangChain and Gemini Ulasan

Build a Knowledge Based System with Vertex AI Vector Search, LangChain and Gemini Ulasan

547 ulasan

Tam N. · Diulas 5 bulan lalu

Irwan P. · Diulas 5 bulan lalu

Mike G. · Diulas 5 bulan lalu

Embedding too a long time despite updating to a larger server :-<

Babak H. · Diulas 5 bulan lalu

not working

Nicolas B. · Diulas 5 bulan lalu

Vijay K. · Diulas 5 bulan lalu

This section I think has a bug or something ... it ran over 30 min, then restarted and did 10 min , then lowered the sites_filtered to 25 and still never finished. # This step will take several minutes to complete # you will see download messages below the cell after execution from langchain.document_loaders import UnstructuredURLLoader loader = UnstructuredURLLoader(urls=less_sites) documents = loader.load();

Donny C. · Diulas 5 bulan lalu

Tanjid M. · Diulas 5 bulan lalu

The load documentation pages using the LangChain unstructuredURLLoader takes more that several minute and then crashes the whole notebook.

Abenezer G. · Diulas 5 bulan lalu

Jupyter lab notebook took longer than the allotted time given.

Tega O. · Diulas 5 bulan lalu

Pawan K. · Diulas 6 bulan lalu

did not finish computing the UnstructuredURLLoader. not very happy about that.

Eduard G. · Diulas 6 bulan lalu

Carlos O. · Diulas 6 bulan lalu

Sai Pavan D. · Diulas 6 bulan lalu

mc k. · Diulas 6 bulan lalu

Christopher S. · Diulas 6 bulan lalu

Pablo S. · Diulas 6 bulan lalu

Prahlad B. · Diulas 6 bulan lalu

Adrianus Y. · Diulas 6 bulan lalu

not enough time

PREM U. · Diulas 6 bulan lalu

CJ L. · Diulas 6 bulan lalu

CJ L. · Diulas 6 bulan lalu

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