Enhance Text Generation with RAG, LangChain, and Vertex AI Ulasan

Enhance Text Generation with RAG, LangChain, and Vertex AI Ulasan

483 ulasan

vectorstore = DocArrayInMemorySearch.from_documents( docs, #embedding=embeddings # passing in the model to embed documents.. embeddings ) Throws an error: ValidationError: 1 validation error for DocArrayDoc embedding Expected a numpy.ndarray compatible type, got <class 'proto.marshal.collections.repeated.Repeated'> (type=value_error)

Mark S. · Diulas 4 bulan lalu

Many many errors.

Jim B. · Diulas 4 bulan lalu

Agnieszka M. · Diulas 4 bulan lalu

Reveived: ValidationError: 1 validation error for DocArrayDoc embedding Expected a numpy.ndarray compatible type, got <class 'proto.marshal.collections.repeated.Repeated'> (type=value_error)

Dahal B. · Diulas 4 bulan lalu

Roman S. · Diulas 4 bulan lalu

Swathi M. · Diulas 4 bulan lalu

Piotr Z. · Diulas 4 bulan lalu

Cannot complete the lab due to a ValidationError on DocArrayDoc

JF T. · Diulas 4 bulan lalu

Héctor Z. · Diulas 4 bulan lalu

had errors in the notebook

Kody M. · Diulas 4 bulan lalu

The most important step (RAG, retriever creating part) is not working I get an error.

Fatima A. · Diulas 4 bulan lalu

Julián G. · Diulas 4 bulan lalu

Raja R. · Diulas 4 bulan lalu

Sureshkumar R. · Diulas 4 bulan lalu

Nice lab, but should specify the version of gemini pro to 1.0 to make task 2 works fine, also, on last task there could be some type pistakes so need to redo it sometimes to get it done.

andre c. · Diulas 4 bulan lalu

Maria A. · Diulas 4 bulan lalu

Lila A. · Diulas 4 bulan lalu

khalid c. · Diulas 4 bulan lalu


Mohammed A. · Diulas 4 bulan lalu

Adel A. · Diulas 4 bulan lalu

Ibrahim A. · Diulas 4 bulan lalu

Naufer N. · Diulas 4 bulan lalu

LAst part was not working. Pretty rubbish.

Vanessa E. · Diulas 4 bulan lalu

Brent H. · Diulas 4 bulan lalu

This lab is broken for the complex use case of RAG

Harold M. · Diulas 4 bulan lalu

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