
Arcade Hero: Enter the Artifact Registry Policy

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지식을 테스트하고 커뮤니티와 공유하기
700개 이상의 실무형 실습, 기술 배지, 과정에 액세스

Arcade Hero: Enter the Artifact Registry Policy

실습 30분 universal_currency_alt 크레딧 1개 show_chart 입문
info 이 실습에는 학습을 지원하는 AI 도구가 통합되어 있을 수 있습니다.
지식을 테스트하고 커뮤니티와 공유하기
700개 이상의 실무형 실습, 기술 배지, 과정에 액세스


Google Cloud self-paced labs logo


In this lab you will learn the fundamentals of using Google Cloud.

If you are new to or looking for an overview of how to get started, you are in the right place. Read on to learn about the specifics of this lab and areas that you will get hands-on practice with.

In this lab learn:

  • The use cases for
  • How to implement


Over the course of this lab the following elements are required:

Task 1. Access the Ticket Application

Open the to gain access to the lab chat application.

Note:The application link works in both a normal browser tab and an incognito window. An initial loading screen will appear while the lab data is being prepared.

From here you will be able to interact with the application interface during the course of this lab.

Kanban Board Note:The above image is the main kanban screen. The screen includes the available tickets reflecting different knowledge domains. The number of tickets displayed will be dependent on the level and persona selected.

The lab mimics a kanban application scenario. Select an active ticket to view the lab specific task. To complete the lab successfully ensure the ticket task is fulfilled per instructions given.


In just 30 minutes, you developed an understanding of . You are now ready to take more labs.

What's next

  • Try out other Google Cloud features for yourself. Have a look at our tutorials.
  • Explore more Google Cloud solutions.
  • Learn about the Firebase suite of products and services

Manual Last Updated Apr 25, 2024

Lab Last Tested Apr 25, 2024

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