
Manage and Secure Distributed Services with GKE Managed Service Mesh

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Manage and Secure Distributed Services with GKE Managed Service Mesh

Lab 1 hora 30 minutos universal_currency_alt 7 créditos show_chart Avanzado
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Google Cloud Self-Paced Labs


GKE Service Mesh is based on the open source Istio technology. A distributed service is a Kubernetes Service that acts as a single logical service. These services are more resilient than Kubernetes services because they operate on multiple Kubernetes clusters in the same namespace. A distributed service remains operational even if one or more GKE clusters are down, as long as the healthy clusters serve the expected load.

GKE private clusters allow you to configure the nodes and API server as private resources available only on the Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) network. Running distributed services in GKE private clusters gives enterprises secure and reliable services.

This lab teaches you how to run distributed services on multiple Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) clusters in Google Cloud. You will learn how to expose a distributed service using Multi Cluster Ingress and GKE Service Mesh.


In this lab, you learn how to perform the following tasks:

  • Create three GKE clusters.
  • Configure two of the GKE clusters as private clusters.
  • Configure one GKE cluster (gke-ingress) as the central configuration cluster.
  • Configure networking (NAT Gateways, Cloud Router, and firewall rules) to allow inter-cluster and egress traffic from the two private GKE clusters.
  • Configure authorized networks to allow API service access from Cloud Shell to the two private GKE clusters.
  • Deploy and configure multi-cluster GKE Service Mesh to the two private clusters in multi-primary mode.
  • Deploy the Cymbal Bank application on the two private clusters.


In this lab you will deploy the Cymbal Bank sample application on two GKE private clusters. Cymbal Bank is a sample microservices application that consists of multiple microservices and SQL databases that simulate an online banking app. The application consists of a web frontend that clients can access, and several backend services such as balance, ledger, and account services that simulate a bank.

The application includes two PostgreSQL databases that are installed in Kubernetes as StatefulSets. One database is used for transactions, while the other database is used for user accounts. All services except the two databases run as distributed services. This means that Pods for all services run in both application clusters (in the same namespace), and GKE Service Mesh is configured so that each service appears as a single logical service.

Setup and requirements

Before you click the Start Lab button

Read these instructions. Labs are timed and you cannot pause them. The timer, which starts when you click Start Lab, shows how long Google Cloud resources will be made available to you.

This Qwiklabs hands-on lab lets you do the lab activities yourself in a real cloud environment, not in a simulation or demo environment. It does so by giving you new, temporary credentials that you use to sign in and access Google Cloud for the duration of the lab.

What you need

To complete this lab, you need:

  • Access to a standard internet browser (Chrome browser recommended).
  • Time to complete the lab.

Note: If you already have your own personal Google Cloud account or project, do not use it for this lab.

Note: If you are using a Pixelbook, open an Incognito window to run this lab.

How to start your lab and sign in to the Google Cloud Console

  1. Click the Start Lab button. If you need to pay for the lab, a pop-up opens for you to select your payment method. On the left is a panel populated with the temporary credentials that you must use for this lab.

    Open Google Console

  2. Copy the username, and then click Open Google Console. The lab spins up resources, and then opens another tab that shows the Sign in page.

    Sign in

    Tip: Open the tabs in separate windows, side-by-side.

  3. In the Sign in page, paste the username that you copied from the Connection Details panel. Then copy and paste the password.

    Important: You must use the credentials from the Connection Details panel. Do not use your Qwiklabs credentials. If you have your own Google Cloud account, do not use it for this lab (avoids incurring charges).

  4. Click through the subsequent pages:

    • Accept the terms and conditions.
    • Do not add recovery options or two-factor authentication (because this is a temporary account).
    • Do not sign up for free trials.

After a few moments, the Cloud Console opens in this tab.

Activate Cloud Shell

Cloud Shell is a virtual machine that is loaded with development tools. It offers a persistent 5GB home directory and runs on the Google Cloud. Cloud Shell provides command-line access to your Google Cloud resources.

In the Cloud Console, in the top right toolbar, click the Activate Cloud Shell button.

Cloud Shell icon

Click Continue.


It takes a few moments to provision and connect to the environment. When you are connected, you are already authenticated, and the project is set to your PROJECT_ID. For example:

Cloud Shell Terminal

gcloud is the command-line tool for Google Cloud. It comes pre-installed on Cloud Shell and supports tab-completion.

You can list the active account name with this command:

gcloud auth list


Credentialed accounts: - <myaccount>@<mydomain>.com (active)

(Example output)

Credentialed accounts: -

You can list the project ID with this command:

gcloud config list project


[core] project = <project_ID>

(Example output)

[core] project = qwiklabs-gcp-44776a13dea667a6

Task 1. Enable required APIs

Start by enabling the required APIs, as well as the GKE Service Mesh Fleet, for your project:

  1. Enable the required GKE Hub and Service Mesh APIs using the following command:
gcloud services enable \ --project={{{primary_project.project_id|PROJECT_ID}}} \ \ \
  1. Enable the GKE Service Mesh Fleet for your project:
gcloud container fleet mesh enable --project={{{primary_project.project_id|PROJECT_ID}}}

Click Check my progress to verify the objective. Enable required APIs

Task 2. Create private GKE clusters

Now, prepare your environment and create private GKE clusters before installing the GKE Service Mesh.

Prepare networking for private GKE clusters.

  1. In Cloud Shell, create and reserve an external IP address for the NAT gateway:
gcloud compute addresses create {{{primary_project.default_region | REGION}}}-nat-ip \ --project={{{primary_project.project_id|PROJECT_ID}}} \ --region={{{primary_project.default_region | REGION}}}
  1. Store the IP address and name of the IP address in a variable:
export NAT_REGION_1_IP_ADDR=$(gcloud compute addresses describe {{{primary_project.default_region | REGION}}}-nat-ip \ --project={{{primary_project.project_id|PROJECT_ID}}} \ --region={{{primary_project.default_region | REGION}}} \ --format='value(address)') export NAT_REGION_1_IP_NAME=$(gcloud compute addresses describe {{{primary_project.default_region | REGION}}}-nat-ip \ --project={{{primary_project.project_id|PROJECT_ID}}} \ --region={{{primary_project.default_region | REGION}}} \ --format='value(name)')
  1. Create a Cloud NAT gateway in the region of the private GKE clusters:
gcloud compute routers create rtr-{{{primary_project.default_region | REGION}}} \ --network=default \ --region {{{primary_project.default_region | REGION}}} gcloud compute routers nats create nat-gw-{{{primary_project.default_region | REGION}}} \ --router=rtr-{{{primary_project.default_region | REGION}}} \ --region {{{primary_project.default_region | REGION}}} \ --nat-external-ip-pool=${NAT_REGION_1_IP_NAME} \ --nat-all-subnet-ip-ranges \ --enable-logging
  1. Execute the following command to create a firewall rule that allows Pod-to-Pod communication and Pod-to-API server communication:
gcloud compute firewall-rules create all-pods-and-master-ipv4-cidrs \ --project {{{primary_project.project_id|PROJECT_ID}}} \ --network default \ --allow all \ --direction INGRESS \ --source-ranges,,,

Pod-to-Pod communication allows the distributed services to communicate with each other across GKE clusters. Pod-to-API server communication lets the GKE Service Mesh control plane query GKE clusters for service discovery.

  1. Retrieve the updated Cloud Shell and lab-setup VM public IP address:
export CLOUDSHELL_IP=$(dig +short export LAB_VM_IP=$(gcloud compute instances describe lab-setup --format='get(networkInterfaces[0].accessConfigs[0].natIP)' --zone={{{primary_project.default_zone | ZONE}}})

Create private GKE clusters

In this task you create two private clusters that have authorized networks. Configure the clusters to allow access from the Pod IP CIDR range (for the GKE Service Mesh control plane) from Cloud Shell, so that you can access the clusters from your terminal.

  1. Create the first GKE cluster (with the --async flag to avoid waiting for the first cluster to provision) with authorized networks:
gcloud container clusters create cluster1 \ --project {{{primary_project.project_id|PROJECT_ID}}} \ --zone={{{primary_project.default_zone | ZONE}}} \ --machine-type "e2-standard-4" \ --num-nodes "2" --min-nodes "2" --max-nodes "2" \ --enable-ip-alias --enable-autoscaling \ --workload-pool={{{primary_project.project_id|PROJECT_ID}}} \ --enable-private-nodes \ --master-ipv4-cidr= \ --enable-master-authorized-networks \ --master-authorized-networks $NAT_REGION_1_IP_ADDR/32,$CLOUDSHELL_IP/32,$LAB_VM_IP/32 --async
  1. Create the second GKE cluster with authorized networks:
gcloud container clusters create cluster2 \ --project {{{primary_project.project_id|PROJECT_ID}}} \ --zone={{{primary_project.default_zone | ZONE}}} \ --machine-type "e2-standard-4" \ --num-nodes "2" --min-nodes "2" --max-nodes "2" \ --enable-ip-alias --enable-autoscaling \ --workload-pool={{{primary_project.project_id|PROJECT_ID}}} \ --enable-private-nodes \ --master-ipv4-cidr= \ --enable-master-authorized-networks \ --master-authorized-networks $NAT_REGION_1_IP_ADDR/32,$CLOUDSHELL_IP/32,$LAB_VM_IP/32 Note: It can take up to 10 minutes to provision the GKE clusters.
  1. Verify that both the clusters are in running state:
gcloud container clusters list
  1. Connect to both clusters to generate entries in the kubeconfig file:
touch ~/asm-kubeconfig && export KUBECONFIG=~/asm-kubeconfig gcloud container clusters get-credentials cluster1 --zone {{{primary_project.default_zone | ZONE}}} gcloud container clusters get-credentials cluster2 --zone {{{primary_project.default_zone | ZONE}}}
  1. Rename the cluster contexts for convenience:
kubectl config rename-context \ gke_{{{primary_project.project_id|PROJECT_ID}}}_{{{primary_project.default_zone | ZONE}}}_cluster1 cluster1 kubectl config rename-context \ gke_{{{primary_project.project_id|PROJECT_ID}}}_{{{primary_project.default_zone | ZONE}}}_cluster2 cluster2
  1. Confirm that both cluster contexts are properly renamed and configured:
kubectl config get-contexts --output="name"
  1. Register your clusters to a fleet:
gcloud container fleet memberships register cluster1 --gke-cluster={{{primary_project.default_zone | ZONE}}}/cluster1 --enable-workload-identity gcloud container fleet memberships register cluster2 --gke-cluster={{{primary_project.default_zone | ZONE}}}/cluster2 --enable-workload-identity

Update the authorized networks for the clusters.

Note: The Cloud Shell IP address is also part of the authorized networks, which allows you to access and manage clusters from your Cloud Shell terminal.

Cloud Shell public-facing IP addresses are dynamic, so each time you start Cloud Shell, you might get a different public IP address. When you get a new IP address, you lose access to the clusters, as the new IP address isn't part of the authorized networks for the two clusters.

You will need to perform following steps every time you start a new Cloud shell session during this lab.

If you lose access to the clusters, update the clusters' authorized networks to include the new Cloud Shell IP address:

  1. Set environment variables:
export CLOUDSHELL_IP=$(dig +short export LAB_VM_IP=$(gcloud compute instances describe lab-setup --format='get(networkInterfaces[0].accessConfigs[0].natIP)' --zone={{{primary_project.default_zone | ZONE}}}) export NAT_REGION_1_IP_ADDR=$(gcloud compute addresses describe {{{primary_project.default_region | REGION}}}-nat-ip \ --project={{{primary_project.project_id|PROJECT_ID}}} \ --region={{{primary_project.default_region | REGION}}} \ --format='value(address)')
  1. Update the authorized networks for the two clusters:
gcloud container clusters update cluster1 \ --zone={{{primary_project.default_zone | ZONE}}} \ --enable-master-authorized-networks \ --master-authorized-networks $NAT_REGION_1_IP_ADDR/32,$CLOUDSHELL_IP/32,$LAB_VM_IP/32 gcloud container clusters update cluster2 \ --zone={{{primary_project.default_zone | ZONE}}} \ --enable-master-authorized-networks \ --master-authorized-networks $NAT_REGION_1_IP_ADDR/32,$CLOUDSHELL_IP/32,$LAB_VM_IP/32

Click Check my progress to verify the objective. Prepare your environment

Task 3. Install GKE Service Mesh

In this section, you install GKE Service Mesh on the two GKE clusters and configure the clusters for cross-cluster service discovery.

  1. Install GKE Service Mesh on both clusters using the fleet API:
gcloud container fleet mesh update --management automatic --memberships cluster1,cluster2
  1. After the managed GKE Service Mesh is enabled on the clusters, set a watch for the mesh to be installed:
watch -g "gcloud container fleet mesh describe | grep 'code: REVISION_READY'" Note: It can take up to 10 minutes to install GKE Service Mesh on both clusters.
  1. Once the REVISION_READY output is displayed, press ctrl+c to exit the previous command.

  2. Install GKE Service Mesh ingress gateways for both clusters:

kubectl --context=cluster1 create namespace asm-ingress kubectl --context=cluster1 label namespace asm-ingress istio-injection=enabled --overwrite kubectl --context=cluster2 create namespace asm-ingress kubectl --context=cluster2 label namespace asm-ingress istio-injection=enabled --overwrite cat <<'EOF' > asm-ingress.yaml apiVersion: v1 kind: Service metadata: name: asm-ingressgateway namespace: asm-ingress spec: type: LoadBalancer selector: asm: ingressgateway ports: - port: 80 name: http - port: 443 name: https --- apiVersion: apps/v1 kind: Deployment metadata: name: asm-ingressgateway namespace: asm-ingress spec: selector: matchLabels: asm: ingressgateway template: metadata: annotations: # This is required to tell GKE Service Mesh to inject the gateway with the # required configuration. gateway labels: asm: ingressgateway spec: containers: - name: istio-proxy image: auto # The image will automatically update each time the pod starts. --- apiVersion: kind: Role metadata: name: asm-ingressgateway-sds namespace: asm-ingress rules: - apiGroups: [""] resources: ["secrets"] verbs: ["get", "watch", "list"] --- apiVersion: kind: RoleBinding metadata: name: asm-ingressgateway-sds namespace: asm-ingress roleRef: apiGroup: kind: Role name: asm-ingressgateway-sds subjects: - kind: ServiceAccount name: default EOF kubectl --context=cluster1 apply -f asm-ingress.yaml kubectl --context=cluster2 apply -f asm-ingress.yaml
  1. Verify that the GKE Service Mesh ingress gateways are deployed:
kubectl --context=cluster1 get pod,service -n asm-ingress kubectl --context=cluster2 get pod,service -n asm-ingress

The output for both clusters shoud look as follows:

NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE pod/asm-ingressgateway-5894744dbd-zxlgc 1/1 Running 0 84s NAME TYPE CLUSTER-IP EXTERNAL-IP PORT(S) AGE service/asm-ingressgateway LoadBalancer 80:30432/TCP,443:30537/TCP 92s Install GKE Service Mesh

After the GKE Service Mesh control plane and ingress gateways are installed for both clusters, cross-cluster service discovery is enabled with the fleet API. Cross-cluster service discovery allows the two clusters discover service endpoints from the remote cluster. Distributed services run on multiple clusters in the same namespace.

The clusters and GKE Service Mesh are now configured.

Task 4. Deploy the Cymbal Bank application

Now, it's time to deploy the application and access Cymbal Bank.

  1. Clone the Cymbal Bank GitHub repository (called "Bank of Anthos" in the repository):
git clone ${HOME}/bank-of-anthos
  1. Create and label a bank-of-anthos namespace in both clusters. The label allows automatic injection of the sidecar Envoy proxies in every pod within the labeled namespace:
kubectl create --context=cluster1 namespace bank-of-anthos kubectl label --context=cluster1 namespace bank-of-anthos istio-injection=enabled kubectl create --context=cluster2 namespace bank-of-anthos kubectl label --context=cluster2 namespace bank-of-anthos istio-injection=enabled
  1. Deploy the Cymbal Bank application to both clusters in the bank-of-anthos namespace:
kubectl --context=cluster1 -n bank-of-anthos apply -f ${HOME}/bank-of-anthos/extras/jwt/jwt-secret.yaml kubectl --context=cluster2 -n bank-of-anthos apply -f ${HOME}/bank-of-anthos/extras/jwt/jwt-secret.yaml kubectl --context=cluster1 -n bank-of-anthos apply -f ${HOME}/bank-of-anthos/kubernetes-manifests kubectl --context=cluster2 -n bank-of-anthos apply -f ${HOME}/bank-of-anthos/kubernetes-manifests

The Kubernetes services need to be in both clusters for service discovery. When a service in one of the clusters tries to make a request, it first performs a DNS lookup for the hostname to get the IP address. In GKE, the kube-dns server running in the cluster handles this lookup, so a configured service definition is required.

  1. Delete the StatefulSets from one cluster so that the two PostgreSQL databases exist in only one of the clusters:
kubectl --context=cluster2 -n bank-of-anthos delete statefulset accounts-db kubectl --context=cluster2 -n bank-of-anthos delete statefulset ledger-db

Make sure that all pods are running in both clusters.

  1. Get Pods from cluster1:
kubectl --context=cluster1 -n bank-of-anthos get pod

The output should display the following:

NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE accounts-db-0 2/2 Running 0 9m54s balancereader-c5d664b4c-xmkrr 2/2 Running 0 9m54s contacts-7fd8c5fb6-wg9xn 2/2 Running 1 9m53s frontend-7b7fb9b665-m7cw7 2/2 Running 1 9m53s ledger-db-0 2/2 Running 0 9m53s ledgerwriter-7b5b6db66f-xhbp4 2/2 Running 0 9m53s loadgenerator-7fb54d57f8-g5lz5 2/2 Running 0 9m52s transactionhistory-7fdb998c5f-vqh5w 2/2 Running 1 9m52s userservice-76996974f5-4wlpf 2/2 Running 1 9m52s
  1. Get pods from cluster2:
kubectl --context=cluster2 -n bank-of-anthos get pod

The output should display the following:

NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE balancereader-c5d664b4c-bn2pl 2/2 Running 0 9m54s contacts-7fd8c5fb6-kv8cp 2/2 Running 0 9m53s frontend-7b7fb9b665-bdpp4 2/2 Running 0 9m53s ledgerwriter-7b5b6db66f-297c2 2/2 Running 0 9m52s loadgenerator-7fb54d57f8-tj44v 2/2 Running 0 9m52s transactionhistory-7fdb998c5f-xvmtn 2/2 Running 0 9m52s userservice-76996974f5-mg7t6 2/2 Running 0 9m51s

Make sure that all Pods are running in both clusters.

  1. Deploy the GKE Service Mesh configs to both clusters:
cat <<'EOF' > asm-vs-gateway.yaml apiVersion: kind: Gateway metadata: name: asm-ingressgateway namespace: asm-ingress spec: selector: asm: ingressgateway servers: - port: number: 80 name: http protocol: HTTP hosts: - "*" --- apiVersion: kind: VirtualService metadata: name: frontend namespace: bank-of-anthos spec: hosts: - "*" gateways: - asm-ingress/asm-ingressgateway http: - route: - destination: host: frontend port: number: 80 EOF kubectl --context=cluster1 apply -f asm-vs-gateway.yaml kubectl --context=cluster2 apply -f asm-vs-gateway.yaml

This command creates a Gateway in the asm-ingress namespace and VirtualService in the bank-of-anthos namespaces for the frontend service, which allows you to ingress traffic to the frontend service.

Gateways are generally owned by the platform admins or the network admins team. Therefore, this Gateway resource is created in the Ingress Gateway namespace owned by the platform admin and could be used in other namespaces via their own VirtualService entries. This is known as a Shared Gateway model.

Access Cymbal Bank

To access the Cymbal Bank application, use the asm-ingressgateway service public IP address from either cluster.

  1. Retrieve the asm-ingressgateway IP addresses from both clusters:
kubectl --context cluster1 \ --namespace asm-ingress get svc asm-ingressgateway -o jsonpath='{.status.loadBalancer}' | grep "ingress" kubectl --context cluster2 \ --namespace asm-ingress get svc asm-ingressgateway -o jsonpath='{.status.loadBalancer}' | grep "ingress"
  1. Open a new web browser tab and go to either IP address from the previous output. The Cymbal Bank frontend should be displayed. If you were to log in, deposit funds to your account, or transfer funds to other accounts, this would be the page wherein you'd action it.

The application should now be fully functional.

Deploy the Cymbal Bank application

Task 5. Visualize distributed services

Now, discover how you can visualize the requests from the clusters within both regions.

  1. To view your services, from the console, go to Kubernetes Engine, and select Service Mesh from the side panel.

You can view services in List view or in a Topology view. The List view shows all of your distributed services running in a tabular format. The Topology view allows you to explore a service topology graph visualization showing your mesh's services and their relationships.

  1. In the List view, click the frontend distributed service. When you click an individual service, a detailed view of the service along with connected services is displayed. In the service details view, you can create SLOs and view a historical timeline of the service by clicking Show Timeline.

  2. To view golden signals, on the side panel, click Metrics.

  3. In the Requests per seconds chart, click Breakdown By and then select Cluster.

The results display the requests per second from both clusters in the two regions. The distributed service is healthy and both endpoints are serving traffic.

  1. To view the topology of your service mesh, on the side panel, go to Kubernetes Engine, and select Service Mesh from the side panel.

  2. To view additional data, hold your mouse pointer over the frontend service. This displays information like requests per second to and from the frontend to other services.

  3. To view more details, click Expand on the frontend service. A Service and a Workload are displayed. You can further expand workload into two Deployments:

  • Expand the deployments into ReplicaSets
  • Expand the ReplicaSets into Pods.

When you expand all elements, the distributed frontend service is listed, which is essentially a Service and two Pods.


You have successfully run distributed services on multiple GKE clusters in Google Cloud and observed the services using GKE Service Mesh.

Next steps / Learn more

Manual Last Updated May 13, 2024

Lab Last Tested April 16, 2024

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