
    IT Heroes Summit learning path

    school 8 项活动
    update 上次更新时间:over 1 year
    person 管理者:Google Cloud
    Market dynamics are demanding businesses optimize everything, and do more with less. Whether you're looking to innovate and automate with A/ML, rebalancing budgets, and drive velocity, or kickstart your sustainability initiatives, it's a Herculean task. That's why we've put together a set of learning paths to help you boost your IT superpowers today. Let's go!


    Build and Deploy Machine Learning Solutions on Vertex AI

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    access_time 7 个小时 45 分钟
    show_chart 中级

    完成使用 Vertex AI 构建和部署机器学习解决方案课程,赢取中级技能徽章。 在此课程中,您将了解如何使用 Google Cloud 的 Vertex AI Platform、AutoML 以及自定义训练服务来 训练、评估、调优、解释和部署机器学习模型。 此技能徽章课程的目标受众是专业的数据科学家和机器学习 工程师。 技能徽章是由 Google Cloud 颁发的专属数字徽章,旨在认可 您对 Google Cloud 产品与服务的熟练度;您需要在 交互式实操环境中参加考核,证明自己运用所学知识的能力后才能获得此徽章。完成此技能徽章课程 和作为最终评估的实验室挑战赛,即可获得数字徽章, 在您的人际圈中炫出自己的技能。



    Optimize Your Google Cloud Costs

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    access_time 6 个小时
    show_chart 中级

    This is the second Quest in a two-part series on Google Cloud billing and cost management essentials. This Quest is most suitable for those in a Finance and/or IT related role responsible for optimizing their organization’s cloud infrastructure. Here you'll...



    探索 GKE 虚拟机的费用优化

    book 实验
    access_time 1 小时 30 分钟
    show_chart 中级

    在本实操实验中,您会了解到如何为 GKE 应用确定并选择成本效益最高的机器类型。此外,您还会探索多可用区集群的优缺点。



    GKE Autopilot: Qwik Start

    book 实验
    access_time 45 分钟
    show_chart 入门级

    GKE Autopilot provides a managed environment for deploying, managing, and scaling your containerized applications using Google infrastructure.



    A Tour of Google Cloud Sustainability

    book 实验
    access_time 1 小时
    show_chart 入门级

    In this hands-on lab, you will learn why Google Cloud is the cleanest cloud in the industry by exploring and utilizing sustainability tools..



    DEPRECATED Network Performance and Optimization

    book 课程
    access_time 4 个小时
    show_chart 中级

    If you want to take your Google Cloud networking skills to the next level, look no further. This course is composed of labs that cover real-life use cases and it will teach you best practices for overcoming common networking bottlenecks....



    API Design and Fundamentals of Google Cloud's Apigee API Platform

    book 课程
    access_time 8 个小时
    show_chart 入门级

    In this course, you learn how to design APIs, and how to use OpenAPI specifications to document them. You learn about the API life cycle, and how the Apigee API platform helps you manage all aspects of the life cycle....



    Managing Security in Google Cloud

    book 课程
    access_time 8 个小时 30 分钟
    show_chart 中级

    This self-paced training course gives participants broad study of security controls and techniques on Google Cloud. Through recorded lectures, demonstrations, and hands-on labs, participants explore and deploy the components of a secure Google Cloud solution, including Cloud Identity, Resource Manager,...
