Hybrid Cloud Service Mesh with Anthos
Hybrid Cloud Service Mesh with Anthos
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This on-demand course equips students to understand and adopt Istio-based
service-mesh with Anthos for centralized observability, traffic management,
and service-level security.
This is the second course of the Architecting Hybrid Cloud Infrastructure with
Anthos series. After completing this course, learners should continue to the
Hybrid Cloud Multi-Cluster with Anthos course.
Completion of the Architecting with Google Kubernetes Engine path is a
prerequisite for this course.
과정 정보
- Configure centralized logging, monitoring, tracing, and service visualizations wherever the Anthos GKE clusters are hosted.
- Use service mesh security features for service-service authentication, user authentication, and policy-based service authorization.
- Understand and configure fine-grained traffic management.
사용할 수 있는 언어
English, français
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