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Hybrid and Multi-Cloud Architect Learning Path

school 15 activities
update Last updated 10 miesięcy
person Managed by Google Cloud
Architekt rozwiązań hybrydowych i wielochmurowych zarządza aplikacjami wykorzystującymi kontenery i działającymi w kilku chmurach albo w środowiskach lokalnych i chmurowych. Ta ścieżka szkoleniowa zawiera zbiór wyselekcjonowanych szkoleń na żądanie oraz modułów, po ukończeniu których zdobędziesz praktyczną wiedzę o technologiach Google Cloud niezbędną dla architekta rozwiązań hybrydowych i wielochmurowych, a także otrzymasz odznaki potwierdzające Twoje umiejętności. Po ukończeniu ścieżki zajrzyj do naszego katalogu zawierającego ponad 700 modułów i szkoleń, które pomogą Ci w dalszym rozwoju zawodowym.
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Samouczek dotyczący modułów praktycznych Google Cloud

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access_time 45 godz.
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W trakcie tego wprowadzającego modułu praktycznego skorzystasz z konsoli Google Cloud oraz użyjesz podstawowych funkcji Google Cloud, które obejmują: projekty, zasoby, użytkowników uprawnień, role, uprawnienia oraz interfejsy API.

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Google Cloud Fundamentals: Core Infrastructure - Polski

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access_time 5 godz.
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Szkolenie Google Cloud Fundamentals: Core Infrastructure wprowadza ważne pojęcia i terminologię potrzebne w pracy z Google Cloud. Za pomocą filmów i praktycznych modułów szkolenie prezentuje oraz porównuje usługi Google Cloud umożliwiające między innymi przetwarzanie i przechowywanie danych, a także zawiera ważne materiały i narzędzia do zarządzania zasadami.

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Architecting with Google Kubernetes Engine: Foundations

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access_time 24 godz.
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In this course, "Architecting with Google Kubernetes Engine: Foundations," you get a review of the layout and principles of Google Cloud, followed by an introduction to creating and managing software containers and an introduction to the architecture of Kubernetes. This...

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Architecting with Google Kubernetes Engine: Workloads

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access_time 40 godz.
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In this course, "Architecting with Google Kubernetes Engine: Workloads," you learn about performing Kubernetes operations; creating and managing deployments; the tools of GKE networking; and how to give your Kubernetes workloads persistent storage. This is the second course of the...

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Architecting with Google Kubernetes Engine: Production

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access_time 24 godz.
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In this course, "Architecting with Google Kubernetes Engine: Production," you'll learn about Kubernetes and Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) security; logging and monitoring; and using Google Cloud managed storage and database services from within GKE. This is the final course of...

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Hybrid Cloud Infrastructure Foundations with Anthos

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access_time 1 godz.
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Welcome to Hybrid Cloud Infrastructure Foundations with Anthos! This is the first course of the Architecting Hybrid Cloud Infrastructure with Anthos path. Anthos enables you to build and manage modern applications, and gives you the freedom to choose where to...

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Multi-Cluster, Multi-Cloud with Anthos

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access_time 56 godz.
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Course one of the Architecting Hybrid Cloud with Anthos series introduces participants to manage multi-cloud and hybrid Kubernetes deployments using Anthos. Through presentations and hands-on labs, participants explore planning and creating Anthos environments and building manageable and reliable multi-cluster Kubernetes...

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Cloud Operations and Service Mesh with Anthos

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access_time 56 godz.
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Course two of the Architecting Hybrid Cloud with Anthos series prepares students to operate and observe Anthos environments. Through presentations and hands-on labs, participants explore adjusting existing clusters, setting up advanced traffic routing policies, securing communication across workloads, and observing...

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Hybrid Cloud Multi-Cluster with Anthos

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access_time 5 godz. 15 godz.
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This on-demand course equips students to understand, configure, and maintain multi-cluster Kubernetes infrastructures using Anthos GKE, and Istio-based service mesh, whether deployed with Anthos on Google Cloud or with Anthos deployed on VMware. This is the third, and final, course...

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Hybrid Cloud Service Mesh with Anthos

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access_time 5 godz. 45 godz.
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This on-demand course equips students to understand and adopt Istio-based service-mesh with Anthos for centralized observability, traffic management, and service-level security. This is the second course of the Architecting Hybrid Cloud Infrastructure with Anthos series. After completing this course, learners...

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Anthos on Bare Metal

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access_time 56 godz.
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Course three of the Anthos series prepares students to run Anthos in a customer’s on-premises environment, on bare metal.Through presentations and hands-on labs, participants explore deploying and running Anthos applications on bare metal, creating the Anthos infrastructure, deploying applications, and...

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Hybrid Cloud Modernizing Applications with Anthos

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access_time 56 godz.
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Course four of the Anthos series prepares students to consider multiple approaches for modernizing applications and services within Anthos environments. Topics include optimizing workloads on serverless platforms and migrating workloads to Anthos. This course is a continuation of course three,...

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Implement Load Balancing on Compute Engine

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access_time 3 godz. 30 godz.
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Ukończ szkolenie wprowadzające Implement Load Balancing on Compute Engine, aby zdobyć odznakę potwierdzającą zdobycie następujących umiejętności: pisanie poleceń gcloud przy użyciu Cloud Shell, tworzenie i wdrażanie maszyn wirtualnych w Compute Engine oraz konfigurowanie systemów równoważenia obciążenia sieci i HTTP. Odznaka umiejętności to wyjątkowa...

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Deploy Kubernetes Applications on Google Cloud

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access_time 4 godz. 30 godz.
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Complete the intermediate Deploy Kubernetes Applications on Google Cloud skill badge to demonstrate skills in the following: configuring and building Docker container images, creating and managing Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) clusters, utilizing kubectl for efficient cluster management, and deploying Kubernetes...

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Optimize Costs for Google Kubernetes Engine

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access_time 7 godz. 45 godz.
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Complete the intermediate Optimize Costs for Google Kubernetes Engine skill badge to demonstrate skills in the following: creating and managing multi-tenant clusters, monitoring resource usage by namespace, configuring cluster and pod autoscaling for efficiency, setting up load balancing for optimal...

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