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Network Engineer Learning Path

school 18 aktivitas
update Terakhir diperbarui sekitar 1 bulan
person Dikelola oleh Google Cloud
Network Engineer mengonfigurasi, memelihara, dan memecahkan masalah komponen jaringan infrastruktur berbasis cloud. Jalur pembelajaran ini memandu Anda menjalani sejumlah kursus sesuai permintaan, lab, dan badge keterampilan pilihan yang memberi Anda pengalaman nyata dan langsung menggunakan teknologi Google Cloud yang penting untuk peran Network Engineer. Setelah Anda menyelesaikan jalur, lihat sertifikasi Google Cloud Network Engineer untuk mengambil langkah selanjutnya dalam karier profesional Anda.
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Tur Lab Interaktif Google Cloud

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access_time 45 menit
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Dalam lab interaktif yang pertama ini, Anda akan mengakses konsol Google Cloud, serta menggunakan beberapa fitur dasar Google Cloud: Project, Resource, Pengguna IAM, Peran, Izin, dan API.

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Preparing for Your Professional Cloud Network Engineer Journey

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access_time 24 jam
show_chart Advanced

This course helps you structure your preparation for the Professional Cloud Engineer exam. You will learn about the Google Cloud domains covered by the exam and how to create a study plan to improve your domain knowledge.

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Google Cloud Fundamentals: Core Infrastructure - Bahasa Indonesia

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access_time 5 jam
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Google Cloud Fundamentals: Core Infrastructure memperkenalkan konsep dan terminologi penting untuk bekerja dengan Google Cloud. Melalui video dan lab interaktif, kursus ini menyajikan dan membandingkan banyak layanan komputasi dan penyimpanan Google Cloud, bersama dengan resource penting dan alat pengelolaan kebijakan.

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Automate Deployment and Manage Traffic on a Google Cloud Network

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access_time 4 jam 30 menit
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Networking is a principle theme of cloud computing. It’s the underlying structure of Google Cloud, and it’s what connects all your resources and services to one another. This course will cover essential Google Cloud networking services and will give you...

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Networking in Google Cloud: Fundamentals

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access_time 5 jam
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Networking in Google cloud is a 6 part course series. Welcome to the first course of our six part course series, Networking in Google Cloud: Fundamentals.  This course provides a comprehensive overview of core networking concepts, including networking fundamentals, virtual...

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Networking in Google Cloud: Routing and Addressing

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access_time 3 jam
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Welcome to the second course in the networking and Google Cloud series routing and addressing. In this course, we'll cover the central routing and addressing concepts that are relevant to Google Cloud's networking capabilities. Module one will lay the foundation...

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Networking in Google Cloud: Network Architecture

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access_time 3 jam
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Welcome to the third course of the "Networking in Google Cloud" series: Network Architecture! In this course, you will explore the fundamentals of designing efficient and scalable network architectures within Google Cloud. In the first module, Introduction to Network Architecture,...

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Networking in Google Cloud: Network Security

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access_time 3 jam 30 menit
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Welcome to the fourth course of the "Networking in Google Cloud" series: Network Security! In this course, you'll dive into the services for safeguarding your Google Cloud network infrastructure. The first module, Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) Protection, covers how...

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Networking in Google Cloud: Load Balancing

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access_time 3 jam
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This training course builds on the concepts covered in the Networking in Google Cloud: Fundamentals course. Through presentations, demonstrations, and labs, participants explore and implement Cloud Load Balancing.

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Networking in Google Cloud: Hybrid and Multicloud

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access_time 3 jam
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Welcome to the sixth course in our networking and Google Cloud series hybrid and multicloud. The first module will walk you through various Cloud connectivity options with a deep dive into Cloud interconnect exploring its different types and functionalities. In...

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Logging and Monitoring in Google Cloud

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access_time 8 jam
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This course teaches participants techniques for monitoring and improving infrastructure and application performance in Google Cloud. Using a combination of presentations, demos, hands-on labs, and real-world case studies, attendees gain experience with full-stack monitoring, real-time log management and analysis, debugging...

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Observability in Google Cloud

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access_time 4 jam 30 menit
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Welcome to the second part of the two part course, Observability in Google Cloud. This course is all about application performance management tools, including Error Reporting, Cloud Trace, and Cloud Profiler.

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Implement Load Balancing on Compute Engine

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access_time 3 jam 30 menit
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Selesaikan pengantar badge keahlian Implement Load Balancing on Compute Engine untuk menunjukkan keterampilan berikut ini: menulis perintah gcloud dan menggunakan Cloud Shell, membuat dan men-deploy virtual machine di Compute Engine, serta mengonfigurasi jaringan dan load balancer HTTP. Badge keahlian adalah...

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Configure Google Kubernetes Engine Networking

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access_time 8 jam
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This course teaches you some basic Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) networking. With written lectures, hands-on lab exercises, and quizzes, you learn how to set up services, facilitate communication, and configure secure access to your GKE applications.

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Perform Foundational Infrastructure Tasks in Google Cloud

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access_time 4 jam
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Jika Anda adalah developer cloud pemula yang menginginkan praktik langsung di luar Getting Started - Create and Manage Cloud Resources, artinya quest ini cocok untuk Anda. Anda akan mendapatkan pengalaman praktik melalui lab yang mendalami Cloud Storage dan layanan aplikasi...

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Build a Secure Google Cloud Network

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access_time 6 jam 45 menit
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Earn a skill badge by completing the Build and Secure Networks in Google Cloud course, where you will learn about multiple networking-related resources to build, scale, and secure your applications on Google Cloud. A skill badge is an exclusive digital...

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Network Performance and Optimization

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access_time 4 jam
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If you want to take your Google Cloud networking skills to the next level, look no further. This course is composed of labs that cover real-life use cases and it will teach you best practices for overcoming common networking bottlenecks....

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Implement Cloud Security Fundamentals on Google Cloud

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access_time 8 jam 15 menit
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Selesaikan badge keahlian tingkat menengah Implement Cloud Security Fundamentals on Google Cloud untuk menunjukkan kemahiran dalam hal berikut: membuat dan menetapkan peran dengan Identity and Access Management (IAM); membuat dan mengelola akun layanan; memungkinkan konektivitas pribadi di seluruh jaringan virtual...

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