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Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path

school 15 activities
update Last updated 10 miesięcy
person Managed by Google Cloud
nżynier ds. systemów uczących się projektuje, tworzy, oddaje do użytku, optymalizuje i obsługuje systemy uczące się. Ta ścieżka szkoleniowa zawiera zbiór wyselekcjonowanych szkoleń na żądanie oraz modułów, po ukończeniu których zdobędziesz praktyczną wiedzę o technologiach Google Cloud niezbędną dla inżyniera ds. systemów uczących się i otrzymasz odznaki potwierdzające Twoje umiejętności. Po ukończeniu ścieżki pomyśl o zdobyciu certyfikatu Professional Machine Learning Engineer, który może pomóc Ci w rozwoju zawodowym.
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Samouczek dotyczący modułów praktycznych Google Cloud

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access_time 45 godz.
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W trakcie tego wprowadzającego modułu praktycznego skorzystasz z konsoli Google Cloud oraz użyjesz podstawowych funkcji Google Cloud, które obejmują: projekty, zasoby, użytkowników uprawnień, role, uprawnienia oraz interfejsy API.

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Introduction to AI and Machine Learning on Google Cloud

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access_time 8 godz.
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This course introduces the AI and machine learning (ML) offerings on Google Cloud that build both predictive and generative AI projects. It explores the technologies, products, and tools available throughout the data-to-AI life cycle, encompassing AI foundations, development, and solutions....

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Launching into Machine Learning

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access_time 17 godz.
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The course begins with a discussion about data: how to improve data quality and perform exploratory data analysis. We describe Vertex AI AutoML and how to build, train, and deploy an ML model without writing a single line of code....

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TensorFlow on Google Cloud

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access_time 15 godz.
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This course covers designing and building a TensorFlow input data pipeline, building ML models with TensorFlow and Keras, improving the accuracy of ML models, writing ML models for scaled use, and writing specialized ML models.

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Feature Engineering

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access_time 24 godz.
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This course explores the benefits of using Vertex AI Feature Store, how to improve the accuracy of ML models, and how to find which data columns make the most useful features. This course also includes content and labs on feature...

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Machine Learning in the Enterprise

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access_time 32 godz.
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This course takes a real-world approach to the ML Workflow through a case study. An ML team faces several ML business requirements and use cases. The team must understand the tools required for data management and governance and consider the...

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Production Machine Learning Systems

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access_time 16 godz.
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This course covers how to implement the various flavors of production ML systems— static, dynamic, and continuous training; static and dynamic inference; and batch and online processing. You delve into TensorFlow abstraction levels, the various options for doing distributed training,...

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Computer Vision Fundamentals with Google Cloud

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access_time 8 godz.
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This course describes different types of computer vision use cases and then highlights different machine learning strategies for solving these use cases. The strategies vary from experimenting with pre-built ML models through pre-built ML APIs and AutoML Vision to building...

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Natural Language Processing on Google Cloud

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access_time 8 godz.
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This course introduces the products and solutions to solve NLP problems on Google Cloud. Additionally, it explores the processes, techniques, and tools to develop an NLP project with neural networks by using Vertex AI and TensorFlow.

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Recommendation Systems on Google Cloud

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access_time 8 godz.
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In this course, you apply your knowledge of classification models and embeddings to build a ML pipeline that functions as a recommendation engine. This is the fifth and final course of the Advanced Machine Learning on Google Cloud series.

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Machine Learning Operations (MLOps): Getting Started

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access_time 8 godz.
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This course introduces participants to MLOps tools and best practices for deploying, evaluating, monitoring and operating production ML systems on Google Cloud. MLOps is a discipline focused on the deployment, testing, monitoring, and automation of ML systems in production. Machine...

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Machine Learning Operations (MLOps) with Vertex AI: Manage Features

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access_time 8 godz.
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This course introduces participants to MLOps tools and best practices for deploying, evaluating, monitoring and operating production ML systems on Google Cloud. MLOps is a discipline focused on the deployment, testing, monitoring, and automation of ML systems in production. Learners...

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ML Pipelines on Google Cloud

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access_time 13 godz. 15 godz.
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In this course, you will be learning from ML Engineers and Trainers who work with the state-of-the-art development of ML pipelines here at Google Cloud. The first few modules will cover about TensorFlow Extended (or TFX), which is Google’s production...

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Prepare Data for ML APIs on Google Cloud

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access_time 6 godz. 30 godz.
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Ukończ szkolenie wprowadzające Prepare Data for ML APIs on Google Cloud, aby zdobyć odznakę potwierdzającą zdobycie następujących umiejętności: czyszczenie danych przy użyciu usługi Dataprep firmy Trifacta, uruchamianie potoków danych w Dataflow, tworzenie klastrów i uruchamianie zadań Apache Spark w Dataproc, a także wywoływanie interfejsów...

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Build and Deploy Machine Learning Solutions on Vertex AI

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access_time 8 godz. 15 godz.
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Earn the intermediate skill badge by completing the Build and Deploy Machine Learning Solutions with Vertex AI course, where you will learn how to use Google Cloud's Vertex AI platform, AutoML, and custom training services to train, evaluate, tune, explain,...

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