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    Google SIEM & SOAR Learning Path

    school 5 activities
    update Last updated 11 months
    person Managed by Google Cloud
    The Chronicle learning path covers the SIEM and SOAR tools available in Google Cloud. The courses in this path will showcase the skills needed within Chronicle to parse data, build rules, develop playbooks, respond to incidents and even integrate with 3rd party capabilities. This broad set of content will prepare you on your cloud security journey with Chronicle SIEM and SOAR.
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    Activity Thumbnail for Security Practices with Google Security Operations - SIEM
    01 Security Practices with Google Security Operations - SIEM
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    access_time 8 hours
    show_chart Intermediate

    Learn the technical aspects you need to know about Chronicle and how it can help you detect and action threats.

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    Activity Thumbnail for SOAR Fundamentals
    02 SOAR Fundamentals
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    access_time 4 hours
    show_chart Intermediate

    This course will familiarize you with the core functionality of Chronicle, including the user interface, connections, and settings.

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    Activity Thumbnail for Google Security Operations - SIEM Rules
    03 Google Security Operations - SIEM Rules
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    access_time 4 hours 15 minutes
    show_chart Introductory

    Get hands-on experience applying and building rules for Chronicle. You learn what YARA-L is and how to customize & create event rules.

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    Activity Thumbnail for Google Security Operations - SOAR Analyst
    04 Google Security Operations - SOAR Analyst
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    access_time 4 hours 15 minutes
    show_chart Intermediate

    This course helps you understand how to use Chronicle to properly handle security incidents.

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    Activity Thumbnail for Google Security Operations - SOAR Developer
    05 Google Security Operations - SOAR Developer
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    access_time 1 hour 15 minutes
    show_chart Advanced

    This course helps developers customize Chronicle and augment its abilities with third party integrations.

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