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Data Analyst Learning Path

school 12 activities
update Last updated 10 meses
person Managed by Google Cloud
Un Data Analyst recopila y analiza datos para identificar tendencias y desarrolla estadísticas valiosas para solucionar problemas. Esta ruta de aprendizaje incluye una colección seleccionada de cursos on demand, insignias de habilidad y labs que le brindan experiencia práctica del mundo real con las tecnologías de Google Cloud esenciales para la función de Data Analyst. Una vez que complete la ruta, consulte nuestro catálogo con más de 700 labs y cursos para continuar con su recorrido profesional.
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Recorrido por los labs prácticos de Google Cloud

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access_time 45 minutos
show_chart Introductorio

En este primer lab práctico, accederás a la consola de Google Cloud y usarás estas funciones básicas de Google Cloud: proyectos, recursos, usuarios de IAM, roles, permisos y APIs.

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Introduction to Data Analytics on Google Cloud

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access_time 8 horas
show_chart Introductorio

This introductory course explores the basics of data analysis, including collection, storage, exploration, visualization, and sharing. This course also introduces Google Cloud's data analytics tools and services. Through video lectures, demos, quizzes, and hands-on labs, this course demonstrates how to...

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Analyzing and Visualizing Data in Looker

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access_time 3 horas 30 minutos
show_chart Introductorio

In this course, you learn how to do the kind of data exploration and analysis in Looker that would formerly be done primarily by SQL developers or analysts. Upon completion of this course, you will be able to leverage Looker's...

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Developing Data Models with LookML

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access_time 24 horas
show_chart Intermedio

This course empowers you to develop scalable, performant LookML (Looker Modeling Language) models that provide your business users with the standardized, ready-to-use data that they need to answer their questions. Upon completing this course, you will be able to start...

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Prepare Data for ML APIs on Google Cloud

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access_time 6 horas 30 minutos
show_chart Introductorio

Completa la insignia de habilidad introductoria Prepare Data for ML APIs on Google Cloud y demuestra tus habilidades para realizar las siguientes actividades: limpiar datos con Dataprep de Trifacta, ejecutar canalizaciones de datos en Dataflow, crear clústeres y ejecutar trabajos...

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Prepare Data for Looker Dashboards and Reports

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access_time 4 horas 45 minutos
show_chart Introductorio

Completa la insignia de habilidad introductoria Prepare Data for Looker Dashboards and Reports para demostrar tu capacidad de realizar las siguientes actividades: filtrar, ordenar y reorientar datos, combinar resultados de diferentes exploraciones de Looker y usar funciones y operadores para...

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Derive Insights from BigQuery Data

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access_time 4 horas 45 minutos
show_chart Introductorio

Completa la insignia de habilidad introductoria del curso Derive Insights from BigQuery Data y demuestra tus habilidades para realizar las siguientes actividades: escribir consultas en SQL, consultar tablas públicas, cargar datos de muestra en BigQuery, solucionar problemas de errores de...

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Create ML Models with BigQuery ML

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access_time 5 horas 30 minutos
show_chart Intermedio

Complete the intermediate Create ML Models with BigQuery ML skill badge to demonstrate skills in the following: creating and evaluating machine learning models with BigQuery ML to make data predictions. A skill badge is an exclusive digital badge issued by...

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Applying Advanced LookML Concepts in Looker

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access_time 5 horas 15 minutos
show_chart Intermedio

In this course, you will get hands-on experience applying advanced LookML concepts in Looker. You will learn how to use Liquid to customize and create dynamic dimensions and measures, create dynamic SQL derived tables and customized native derived tables, and...

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Data Catalog Fundamentals

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access_time 4 horas
show_chart Introductorio

Data Catalog es un servicio de administración de metadatos completamente administrado y escalable que permite a las organizaciones descubrir, comprender y administrar todos sus datos con rapidez.En esta Quest, comenzará por aprender actividades básicas como buscar y etiquetar recursos de...

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Build LookML Objects in Looker

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access_time 5 horas 15 minutos
show_chart Introductorio

Complete the introductory Build LookML Objects in Looker skill badge to demonstrate skills in the following: building new dimensions and measures, views, and derived tables; setting measure filters and types based on requirements; updating dimensions and measures; building and refining...

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Manage Data Models in Looker

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access_time 7 horas
show_chart Intermedio

Complete the intermediate Manage Data Models in Looker skill badge to demonstrate skills in the following: maintaining LookML project health; utilizing SQL runner for data validation; employing LookML best practices; optimizing queries and reports for performance; and implementing persistent derived...

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