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    Cloud Developer Learning Path

    school 13 activités
    update Dernière mise à jour : 3 mois
    person Géré par Google Cloud
    Un Cloud Developer (développeur cloud) conçoit, crée, analyse et entretient des applications cloud natives. Ce parcours de formation vous guide à travers une sélection de cours à la demande, d’ateliers et de badges de compétence qui vous fournissent une expérience pratique et concrète utilisant les technologies Google Cloud indispensables pour le rôle de Cloud Developer. Une fois le parcours terminé, jetez un coup d'œil à la certification Google Cloud Developer pour avancer dans votre parcours professionnel.
    Commencer le parcours de formation


    Présentation des ateliers pratiques Google Cloud

    book Atelier
    access_time 45 minutes
    show_chart Débutant

    Dans ce premier atelier pratique, vous allez accéder à la console Google Cloud et apprendre à utiliser ses fonctionnalités de base : les projets, les ressources, les utilisateurs, rôles et autorisations IAM, ainsi que les API.

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    Google Cloud Fundamentals: Core Infrastructure - Français

    book Cours
    access_time 5 heures
    show_chart Débutant

    Le cours "Google Cloud Fundamentals: Core Infrastructure" présente les concepts et les termes à connaître pour utiliser Google Cloud. À travers des vidéos et des ateliers pratiques, il décrit et compare la plupart des services Google Cloud de calcul et...

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    Developing Applications with Google Cloud: Foundations

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    access_time 6 heures 45 minutes
    show_chart Débutant

    In this course, you learn the fundamentals of application development on Google Cloud. You learn best practices for cloud applications, and how to select compute and data options to match your application use cases. You're introduced to generative AI and...

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    Service Orchestration and Choreography on Google Cloud

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    access_time 8 heures
    show_chart Débutant

    This course introduces you to event-based applications and teaches you how to use service orchestration and choreography to coordinate microservices. Using lectures and hands-on labs, you learn how to use Workflows, Eventarc, Cloud Tasks, and Cloud Scheduler to build microservices...

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    Developing Applications with Cloud Run Functions on Google Cloud

    book Cours
    access_time 7 heures 15 minutes
    show_chart Intermédiaire

    In this course, you learn about Cloud Run functions, Google's serverless, fully-managed functions as a service (FaaS) product that lets you implement single-purpose function code that reponds to HTTP requests and events from your cloud infrastructure.

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    Streamline App Development with Gemini Code Assist

    book Cours
    access_time 2 heures
    show_chart Débutant

    Designed for developers of all levels, this course introduces you to the core features and functionalities of Gemini Code Assist, an AI-powered app development collaborator for Google Cloud. From intelligent code suggestions and auto-completion to real-time error detection and refactoring...

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    Developing Containerized Applications on Google Cloud

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    access_time 8 heures
    show_chart Débutant

    In this course, you learn about containers and how to build, and package container images. The content in this course includes best practices for creating and securing containers, and provides an introduction to Cloud Run and Google Kubernetes Engine for...

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    Developing Applications with Cloud Run on Google Cloud: Fundamentals

    book Cours
    access_time 8 heures
    show_chart Débutant

    This course introduces the Cloud Run serverless platform for running applications. In this course, you learn about the fundamentals of Cloud Run, its resource model and the container lifecycle. You learn about service identities, how to control access to services,...

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    Integrating Applications with Gemini 1.0 Pro on Google Cloud

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    access_time 1 heure 45 minutes
    show_chart Débutant

    This short course on integrating applications with Gemini 1.0 Pro models on Google Cloud helps you discover the Gemini API and its generative AI models. The course teaches you how to access the Gemini 1.0 Pro and Gemini 1.0 Pro...

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    Develop Serverless Apps with Firebase

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    access_time 3 heures 45 minutes
    show_chart Intermédiaire

    Complete the intermediate Develop Serverless Apps with Firebase skill badge to demonstrate skills in the following: architecting and building serverless web applications with Firebase, utilizing Firestore for database management, automating deployment processes using Cloud Build, and integrating Google Assistant functionality...

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    Deploy Kubernetes Applications on Google Cloud

    book Cours
    access_time 4 heures 30 minutes
    show_chart Intermédiaire

    Complete the intermediate Deploy Kubernetes Applications on Google Cloud skill badge to demonstrate skills in the following: configuring and building Docker container images, creating and managing Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) clusters, utilizing kubectl for efficient cluster management, and deploying Kubernetes...

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    Develop Serverless Applications on Cloud Run

    book Cours
    access_time 5 heures 15 minutes
    show_chart Intermédiaire

    Complete the intermediate Develop Serverless Applications on Cloud Run skill badge to demonstrate skills in the following: integrating Cloud Run with Cloud Storage for data management, architecting resilient asynchronous systems using Cloud Run and Pub/Sub, constructing REST API gateways powered...

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    Develop and Secure APIs with Apigee X

    book Cours
    access_time 9 heures 45 minutes
    show_chart Intermédiaire

    Earn a skill badge by completing the Develop and Secure APIs with Apigee X quest, where you learn how to modernize your APIs, use service accounts and Google Authentication to securely access backend services from Apigee API proxies, productize APIs...

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