“Google Cloud 导览”实操实验
作为首个实操实验,此实验将引导您访问 Google Cloud 控制台并使用 Google Cloud 的以下基本功能:项目、资源、IAM 用户、角色、权限和 API。
In this course, you learn the fundamentals of application development on Google Cloud. You learn best practices for cloud applications, and how to select compute and data options to match your application use cases. You're introduced to generative AI and...
This course introduces you to event-based applications and teaches you how to use service orchestration and choreography to coordinate microservices. Using lectures and hands-on labs, you learn how to use Workflows, Eventarc, Cloud Tasks, and Cloud Scheduler to build microservices...
In this course, you learn about Cloud Run functions, Google's serverless, fully-managed functions as a service (FaaS) product that lets you implement single-purpose function code that reponds to HTTP requests and events from your cloud infrastructure.
Designed for developers of all levels, this course introduces you to the core features and functionalities of Gemini Code Assist, an AI-powered app development collaborator for Google Cloud. From intelligent code suggestions and auto-completion to real-time error detection and refactoring...
In this course, you learn about containers and how to build, and package container images. The content in this course includes best practices for creating and securing containers, and provides an introduction to Cloud Run and Google Kubernetes Engine for...
This course introduces the Cloud Run serverless platform for running applications. In this course, you learn about the fundamentals of Cloud Run, its resource model and the container lifecycle. You learn about service identities, how to control access to services,...
This short course on integrating applications with Gemini 1.0 Pro models on Google Cloud helps you discover the Gemini API and its generative AI models. The course teaches you how to access the Gemini 1.0 Pro and Gemini 1.0 Pro...
完成借助 Firebase 开发无服务器应用技能徽章中级课程, 展示您在以下方面的技能:借助 Firebase 设计无服务器 Web 应用架构以及构建无服务器 Web 应用; 利用 Firestore 管理数据库;利用 Cloud Build 自动完成部署流程; 以及将 Google 助理功能集成到您的应用中。 技能徽章 是由 Google Cloud 颁发的专属数字徽章,旨在认可 您在 Google Cloud 产品与服务方面的熟练度;您需要在 交互式实操环境中参加考核,证明自己运用所学知识的能力后才能获得。完成此技能 徽章课程和作为最终评估的实验室挑战赛,获得技能徽章, 在您的人际圈中炫出自己的技能。
完成在 Google Cloud 上部署 Kubernetes 应用技能徽章中级课程,展示您在以下方面的技能: 配置和构建 Docker 容器映像,创建和管理 Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) 集群,利用 kubectl 实现高效 集群管理,以及按照稳健的持续交付 (CD) 实践部署 Kubernetes 应用。 技能徽章是由 Google Cloud 颁发的专有数字徽章,旨在认可您在 Google Cloud 产品与服务方面的熟练度; 您需要在交互式实操环境中参加考核,证明自己运用所学知识的能力后才能获得。 完成此技能徽章课程和作为最终评估的实验室挑战赛,获得技能徽章,在您的人际圈中炫出自己的技能。
完成在 Cloud Run 上开发无服务器应用技能徽章中级课程, 展示您在以下方面的技能:集成 Cloud Run 与 Cloud Storage 以管理数据, 使用 Cloud Run 和 Pub/Sub 设计弹性异步系统架构, 构建依托 Cloud Run 技术的 REST API 网关,以及在 Cloud Run 上构建和部署服务。 技能徽章是由 Google Cloud 颁发的专属数字徽章,旨在认可 您在 Google Cloud 产品与服务方面的熟练度。您需要在 交互式实操环境中参加考核,证明自己运用所学知识的能力后才能获得此徽章。完成此技能 徽章课程和作为最终评估的实验室挑战赛,获得技能徽章, 并在您的社交圈中秀一秀自己的成就。
Earn a skill badge by completing the Develop and Secure APIs with Apigee X quest, where you learn how to modernize your APIs, use service accounts and Google Authentication to securely access backend services from Apigee API proxies, productize APIs...