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    API Developer Learning Path

    school 7 aktivitas
    update Terakhir diperbarui lebih dari 1 tahun
    person Dikelola oleh Google Cloud
    Google Cloud Workspace Admin menggunakan alat Workspace untuk mengelola aplikasi dan pengguna, email, dan migrasi. 736 Jalur pembelajaran ini memandu Anda menjalani sejumlah kursus sesuai permintaan, lab, dan badge keterampilan pilihan yang memberi Anda pengalaman nyata dan langsung menggunakan teknologi Google Cloud yang penting untuk peran Workspace Admin. Setelah Anda menyelesaikan jalur, lihat sertifikasi Google Cloud Collaboration Engineer untuk mengambil langkah selanjutnya dalam karier profesional Anda.
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    Activity Thumbnail for Tur Lab Interaktif Google Cloud


    Tur Lab Interaktif Google Cloud

    book Lab
    access_time 45 menit
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    Dalam lab interaktif yang pertama ini, Anda akan mengakses konsol Google Cloud, serta menggunakan beberapa fitur dasar Google Cloud: Project, Resource, Pengguna IAM, Peran, Izin, dan API.

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    Activity Thumbnail for Google Cloud Fundamentals: Core Infrastructure - Bahasa Indonesia


    Google Cloud Fundamentals: Core Infrastructure - Bahasa Indonesia

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    access_time 5 jam
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    Google Cloud Fundamentals: Core Infrastructure memperkenalkan konsep dan terminologi penting untuk bekerja dengan Google Cloud. Melalui video dan lab interaktif, kursus ini menyajikan dan membandingkan banyak layanan komputasi dan penyimpanan Google Cloud, bersama dengan resource penting dan alat pengelolaan kebijakan.

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    Activity Thumbnail for API Design and Fundamentals of Google Cloud's Apigee API Platform


    API Design and Fundamentals of Google Cloud's Apigee API Platform

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    access_time 8 jam
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    In this course, you learn how to design APIs, and how to use OpenAPI specifications to document them. You learn about the API life cycle, and how the Apigee API platform helps you manage all aspects of the life cycle....

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    Activity Thumbnail for API Security on Google Cloud's Apigee API Platform


    API Security on Google Cloud's Apigee API Platform

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    access_time 24 jam
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    In this course, you learn how to secure your APIs. You explore the security concerns you will encounter for your APIs. You learn about OAuth, the primary authorization method for REST APIs. You will learn about JSON Web Tokens (JWTs)...

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    Activity Thumbnail for API Development on Google Cloud's Apigee API Platform


    API Development on Google Cloud's Apigee API Platform

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    access_time 24 jam
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    In this course, you learn how to create APIs that utilize multiple services and how you can use custom code on Apigee. You will also learn about fault handling, and how to share logic between proxies. You learn about traffic...

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    Activity Thumbnail for Develop and Secure APIs with Apigee X


    Develop and Secure APIs with Apigee X

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    access_time 9 jam 45 menit
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    Earn a skill badge by completing the Develop and Secure APIs with Apigee X quest, where you learn how to modernize your APIs, use service accounts and Google Authentication to securely access backend services from Apigee API proxies, productize APIs...

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    Activity Thumbnail for Deploy and Manage Apigee X


    Deploy and Manage Apigee X

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    access_time 8 jam 15 menit
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    Earn a skill badge by completing the Deploy and Manage Apigee X quest, where you learn about the Apigee X architecture, how to provision an Apigee X organization within a Google Cloud project, the management of Apigee X using the...

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