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    Database Engineer Learning Path

    school 활동 8개
    update 최종 업데이트: 1년 초과
    person 관리: Google Cloud
    데이터베이스 엔지니어는 데이터베이스 마이그레이션을 설계, 계획, 테스트, 구현 및 모니터링합니다. 이 학습 과정에서는 선별된 주문형 과정, 실습, 기술 배지를 통해 데이터베이스 엔지니어 업무에 필수적인 Google Cloud 기술을 사용한 실무 경험을 제공합니다. 과정을 완료한 후에는 700개 이상의 실습 및 과정이 포함된 카탈로그를 확인하고 전문가 여정을 계속 진행하세요.
    학습 과정 시작


    Google Cloud 실무형 실습 둘러보기

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    access_time 45분
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    이 첫 번째 실무형 실습에서는 Google Cloud 콘솔에 액세스해 Google Cloud의 기본 기능인 프로젝트, 리소스, IAM 사용자, 역할, 권한, API를 사용해 봅니다.

    실습 시작


    Google Cloud Fundamentals: Core Infrastructure - 한국어

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    access_time 5시간
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    Google Cloud Fundamentals: Core Infrastructure 과정은 Google Cloud 사용에 관한 중요한 개념 및 용어를 소개합니다. 이 과정에서는 동영상 및 실무형 실습을 통해 중요한 리소스 및 정책 관리 도구와 함께 Google Cloud의 다양한 컴퓨팅 및 스토리지 서비스를 살펴보고 비교합니다.

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    Enterprise Database Migration

    book 과정
    access_time 32시간
    show_chart 중급

    This course is intended to give architects, engineers, and developers the skills required to help enterprise customers architect, plan, execute, and test database migration projects. Through a combination of presentations, demos, and hands-on labs participants move databases to Google Cloud...

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    Migrate MySQL data to Cloud SQL using Database Migration Service

    book 과정
    access_time 6시간 45분
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    Complete the introductory Migrate MySQL data to Cloud SQL using Database Migration Services skill badge to demonstrate skills in the following: migrating MySQL data to Cloud SQL using different job types and connectivity options available in Database Migration Service and...

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    Create and Manage Cloud SQL for PostgreSQL Instances

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    access_time 4시간 30분
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    Complete the introductory Create and Manage Cloud SQL for PostgreSQL Instances skill badge to demonstrate skills in the following: migrating, configuring, and managing Cloud SQL for PostgreSQL instances and databases. A skill badge is an exclusive digital badge issued by...

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    Create and Manage Cloud Spanner Instances

    book 과정
    access_time 7시간 15분
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    Complete the introductory Create and Manage Cloud Spanner Instances skill badge to demonstrate skills in the following: creating and interacting with Cloud Spanner instances and databases; loading Cloud Spanner databases using various techniques; backing up Cloud Spanner databases; defining schemas...

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    Create and Manage Bigtable Instances

    book 과정
    access_time 6시간 30분
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    Complete the intermediate Create and Manage Bigtable Instances skill badge to demonstrate skills in the following: creating instances, designing schemas, querying data, and performing administrative tasks in Bigtable including monitoring performance and configuring node autoscaling and replication. A skill badge...

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    Create and Manage AlloyDB Instances

    book 과정
    access_time 9시간
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    Complete the introductory Create and Manage AlloyDB Instances skill badge to demonstrate skills in the following: performing core AlloyDB operations and tasks, migrating to AlloyDB from PostgreSQL, administering an AlloyDB database, and accelerating analytical queries using the AlloyDB Columnar Engine....

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