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    Planning for a Google Workspace Deployment


    Planning for a Google Workspace Deployment

    magic_button Workspace Change Management Deployment
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    2 hours Introductory universal_currency_alt No cost

    Planning for a Google Workspace Deployment is the final course in the Google Workspace Administration series.

    In this course, you will be introduced to Google's deployment methodology and best practices. You will follow Katelyn and Marcus as they plan for a Google Workspace deployment at Cymbal. They'll focus on the core technical project areas of provisioning, mail flow, data migration, and coexistence, and will consider the best deployment strategy for each area.

    You will also be introduced to the importance of Change Management in a Google Workspace deployment, ensuring that users make a smooth transition to Google Workspace and gain the benefits of work transformation through communications, support, and training.

    This course covers theoretical topics, and does not have any hands on exercises. If you haven’t already done so, please cancel your Google Workspace trial now to avoid any unwanted charges.

    When you complete this course, you can earn the badge displayed here! View all the badges you have earned by visiting your profile page. Boost your cloud career by showing the world the skills you have developed!

    Course Info
    • Describe Google's 3-phase deployment methodology, and discuss how domains, users, groups and other objects are provisioned in Google Workspace.
    • Discuss mail routing types and explain how routing should be configured during each phase of a Google Workspace deployment.
    • Describe migration options and coexistence challenges faced during a Google Workspace deployment.
    • Explain the importance of change management, and identify top reasons why projects fail when change management is not considered.
    Google Workspace Administrators
    Available languages
    English, 日本語, español (Latinoamérica), français, and português (Brasil)
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    When you enroll into most courses, you will be able to consume course materials like videos and documents for free. If a course consists of labs, you will need to purchase an individual subscription or credits to be able consume the labs. Labs can also be unlocked by any campaigns you participate in. All required activities in a course must be completed to be awarded the completion badge.

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