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Google Cloud Next 2022 Hands-On Labs

school 58 atividades
update Último almost 2 years atualizado
person Gerenciado por Google Cloud
This learning path contains labs that provide hands-on activities related to breakout session content and launches announced at Google Cloud Next 2022.
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Getting started with Flutter Development

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access_time 1 hora
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Build and edit a Hello World Flutter application using a Code Server development enviornment.

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Flutter Startup Namer

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access_time 1 hora
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This lab walks you through writing your first Flutter app compatible for Android, iOS, and web.

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Material Components for Flutter Basics

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access_time 1 hora
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Design a basic frontend for a mobile app using Material Components for Flutter.

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Flutter Web and Firebase Authentication

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access_time 1 hora
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This lab demonstrates how to use Firebase Web authentication in a Flutter application.

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[DEPRECATED] Dart Functions Framework

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access_time 1 hora
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Explore using Dart Function Frameworks in a Flutter application. Example based on this demo.

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Introduction to Dart

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access_time 1 hora 30 minutos
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In this lab you will learn the basics of Dart. Understand how to work with variables, flow control and functions to start your journey with Dart.

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[DEPRECATED] Dart: Using Functions with Lists and Maps

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access_time 1 hora 30 minutos
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In this lab you will learn how Dart is used with data structures. Understand the utility of Maps and Lists and how these are used to reference information.

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Como desenvolver uma API REST com o Go e o Cloud Run

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access_time 1 hora
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Veja como criar uma API REST com o Go e o Cloud Run.

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Eventarc for Cloud Run

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access_time 1 hora
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In this lab you will use Eventarc for Cloud Run to listen to events from Cloud Pub/Sub and Audit Logs. At the end of this lab you will be able to deliver events from various sources to Google Cloud sinks.

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[DEPRECATED] Managing Cloud Run gRPC Services with API Gateway

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access_time 1 hora
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In this lab you learn how to set up API Gateway to manage and secure a Cloud Run backend service with gRPC.

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Crie um app sem servidor que gera arquivos PDF com o Cloud Run

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access_time 1 hora
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Neste laboratório, você criará um app da Web de conversão de PDF no Cloud Run, um serviço sem servidor. Esse app converte automaticamente arquivos armazenados no Cloud Storage em PDFs armazenados em pastas separadas.

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Como implantar um site no Cloud Run

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access_time 1 hora
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Neste laboratório, você vai aprender a implantar um site no Google Kubernetes Engine, escaloná-lo para mais instâncias e implantar uma nova versão com atualizações graduais.

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Automate Validation using the Data Validation Tool (DVT)

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access_time 1 hora 30 minutos
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Data validation is a critical step in data warehouse, database, or data lake migration.

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BigLake: Qwik Start

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access_time 45 minutos
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In this lab, you will learn how to implement BigLake tables.

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Detecte rótulos, rostos e pontos de referência em imagens com a API Cloud Vision

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access_time 30 minutos
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Envie uma imagem à API Cloud Vision para identificar objetos, rostos e pontos de referência

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Awwvision: API Cloud Vision em um cluster do Kubernetes

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access_time 45 minutos
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Este laboratório prático usa o Kubernetes e a API Cloud Vision para criar um exemplo de como usar a API Vision para classificar (rotular) imagens do subreddit /r/aww do Reddit e exibir os resultados rotulados em um app da Web.

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Scanning User-generated Content Using the Cloud Video Intelligence and Cloud Vision APIs

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access_time 1 hora 30 minutos
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This lab will show you how to deploy a set of Cloud Functions in order to process images and videos with the Cloud Vision API and Cloud Video Intelligence API.

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Como criar o fulfillment do agente virtual

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access_time 1 hora 30 minutos
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Neste laboratório, você continuará trabalhando no agente de chat Pigeon Travel, adicionará contexto a ele e definirá o fulfillment para pesquisar e armazenar entradas de reservas no Firestore.

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Extraia, analise e traduza texto de imagens com as APIs do Cloud ML

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access_time 1 hora
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Use as APIs Cloud Vision, Natural Language e Translation para capturar strings de texto de imagens e reconhecer caracteres, além de analisar e traduzir as strings de texto para outros idiomas.

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Vertex AI Tabular Data: Qwik Start

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access_time 45 minutos
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In this lab, you will learn how to build a binary classification model from tabular data using Vertex AI.

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Implante um classificador de desligamento de usuários do cliente do BigQuery ML na Vertex AI para fazer previsões on-line

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access_time 1 hora 30 minutos
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Neste laboratório, você vai treinar, ajustar, avaliar, explicar e gerar previsões on-line e em lote com um modelo da XGBoost no BigQuery ML. Você vai usar um conjunto de dados do Google Analytics 4 extraído de um aplicativo real de...

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Notebook do Vertex AI Workbench: Qwik Start

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access_time 1 hora
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Neste laboratório, você vai treinar e implantar um modelo do TensorFlow na Vertex AI para exibição (previsão). Assista a estes vídeos curtos: Getting started with Notebooks for machine learning e Faster model training and experimentation with Vertex AI.

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Running Distributed TensorFlow using Vertex AI

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access_time 1 hora 30 minutos
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In this lab, you will use TensorFlow's distribution strategies and the Vertex AI platform to train and deploy a custom TensorFlow image classification model to classify an image classification dataset.

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Classificar texto em categorias com a API Natural Language

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access_time 1 hora
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Neste laboratório, você vai aprender a classificar textos em categorias usando a API Natural Language

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Análise de entidades e sentimento com a API Natural Language

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access_time 45 minutos
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Com a API Cloud Natural Language, é possível extrair entidades e realizar análises de sintaxe e de sentimento em um bloco de texto. Neste laboratório prático, você aprenderá a extrair entidades e sentimento de textos usando a API Cloud Natural...

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Migrate Existing Prometheus Monitoring Workloads to Google Cloud

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access_time 1 hora 30 minutos
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Learn how to use Managed Service for Prometheus in a self-deployed data collection mode. You can also utilize managed data collection as well.

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[DEPRECATED] Apigee API Management Fundamentals

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access_time 2 horas
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This lab introduces you to the fundamentals of API Management with Google's Apigee API Management Platform. You will go through the API Lifecycle at a high level - from API design, API Security, API Consumption to API Analytics & Monitoring.

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Protecting APIs with Apigee X and Cloud Armor

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access_time 1 hora 30 minutos
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In this lab, you use an Apigee X threat protection policy and Cloud Armor to protect your APIs.

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Provisioning an Apigee X Evaluation Organization

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access_time 1 hora 30 minutos
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In this lab, you use the Apigee X provisioning wizard to create an Apigee X evaluation organization (org).

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Adding an Apigee X Environment and Group

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access_time 1 hora 30 minutos
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In this lab, you add a new environment and environment group to an Apigee X evaluation org.

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Using NAT for Apigee X Backend Services

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access_time 1 hora 30 minutos
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In this lab, you enable a NAT IP address for the runtime instance. This static IP address is used when calling from Apigee X to backend services.

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Migrate for Compute Engine

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access_time 1 hora 30 minutos
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Use o Migrate for Compute Engine para migrar uma instância do EC2 na AWS para o Compute Engine no Google Cloud e verificar a migração.

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Migrating to Cloud SQL from Amazon RDS for MySQL Using Database Migration Service

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access_time 1 hora 30 minutos
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In this lab, you migrate MySQL data from an Amazon RDS instance for MySQL to Cloud SQL for MySQL using a one-time Database Migration Service job and an IP allowlist for connectivity. After you create and run the migration job,...

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A Tour of Google Cloud Sustainability

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access_time 1 hora
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In this hands-on lab, you will learn why Google Cloud is the cleanest cloud in the industry by exploring and utilizing sustainability tools..

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Create and Test a Document AI Processor

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access_time 1 hora
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Learn how to to create and use document processors using the Document AI API.

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Como identificar partes danificadas de um carro usando o Vertex AutoML Vision

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access_time 1 hora 30 minutos
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Neste laboratório, você vai aprender a treinar um modelo de classificação de imagens personalizado da Vertex AI para identificar partes danificadas de um carro.

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Como projetar fluxos de conversa para seu agente

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access_time 1 hora 30 minutos
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A Contact Center AI pode aumentar a satisfação do cliente e a eficiência operacional elevando as taxas de redirecionamento de chamadas. Com isso, o atendimento é otimizado e as operações gerais ficam mais rápidas e eficazes. Neste laboratório, você aprenderá...

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Rate Limiting with Cloud Armor

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access_time 1 hora 30 minutos
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Configure an HTTP Load Balancer with global backends, stress test the Load Balancer, and add a Cloud Armor rate limiting policy to restrict based on IP.

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Protegendo máquinas virtuais usando o BeyondCorp Enterprise (BCE)

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access_time 1 hora 30 minutos
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Neste laboratório, você vai aprender como usar o encaminhamento TCP do Identity-Aware Proxy (IAP) para permitir o acesso administrativo a instâncias de VM que não têm endereços IP externos ou não permitem acesso direto pela Internet.

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Como encobrir dados sensíveis usando a API DLP

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access_time 1 hora
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Como encobrir dados sensíveis usando a API DLP

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Redacting Sensitive Data with Cloud Data Loss Prevention

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access_time 45 minutos
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In this lab, you inspect strings and files for sensitive data and then practice using the Cloud Data Loss Prevention (DLP) API to protect data.

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[DEPRECATED] Securing Multi-Cloud Applications using BeyondCorp Enterprise (BCE)

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access_time 1 hora 30 minutos
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In this lab, you will learn how to secure multi-cloud applications using Identity-Aware Proxy (IAP) connector.

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Build a Google Workspace Add-on with Node.js and Cloud Run

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access_time 1 hora 30 minutos
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In this lab you'll learn how to build a Google Workspace Add-on using Node.js and Cloud Run.

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Google AppSheet: Introdução

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access_time 1 hora
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Saiba como usar o Google AppSheet para permitir que todas as pessoas da sua organização criem e estendam aplicativos sem programação.

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Publish your AppSheet App

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access_time 45 minutos
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In this lab, you use AppSheet to publish your app.

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Implement the User Experience for your AppSheet App

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access_time 1 hora
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In this lab, you will use AppSheet to implement the UX components in your app.

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Connect and Configure Data for your AppSheet App

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access_time 1 hora
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In this lab, you use AppSheet to connect and configure data for your app.

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Connect an App to a Cloud SQL for PostgreSQL Instance

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access_time 1 hora
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In this lab, you create a Kubernetes cluster and deploy a simple application to that cluster. Then, you connect the application to the supplied Cloud SQL for PostgreSQL database instance and confirm that it is able to write to and...

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Leverage the Autoscaler Tool for Cloud Spanner to Achieve Workload Elasticity

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access_time 1 hora
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In this lab you'll deploy the Autoscaler tool for Cloud Spanner, a companion tool to Cloud Spanner, in the per-project configuration where the autoscaler tools are located in the same project as the Cloud Spanner instance being autoscaled.

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Designing and Querying Bigtable Schemas

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access_time 1 hora 30 minutos
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In this lab, you explore a Bigtable instance and use the Bigtable CLI (cbt CLI) to query data in Bigtable. You also design a table schema and row key using best practices for Bigtable.

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Firebase Web

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access_time 1 hora 30 minutos
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Neste laboratório, você aprenderá a usar a plataforma do Firebase para criar aplicativos da Web facilmente e implementar e implantar um cliente de chat.

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Using Memorystore for Redis Read Replicas to Improve Read Performance

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access_time 1 hora
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In this lab, you will configure a highly available Memorystore cluster and review the architecture of such a deployment.

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[DEPRECATED] Datastream MySQL to BigQuery

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access_time 1 hora 30 minutos
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Learn to migrate MySQL Databases to BigQuery using Datastream and Dataflow

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[DEPRECATED] Analyzing a Tennis Serve with the Video Intelligence API

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access_time 1 hora
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Learn how to analyze key parts of a tennis serve using the Video Intelligence API. To preview, watch the short video this lab is based off of.

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Creating a De-identified Copy of Data in Cloud Storage

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access_time 45 minutos
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In this lab, you create and run a Cloud Data Loss Prevention (DLP) job using the De-identify (DeID) Findings Action to create a redacted and de-identified copy data in Cloud Storage.

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Getting Started with Gaming on Cloud Spanner

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access_time 1 hora 30 minutos
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In this lab, you will implement a player profile service and a game matchmaking service to work with Cloud Spanner.

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Using BigQuery Omni with AWS

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access_time 1 hora
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In this lab, you will run BigQuery analytics on data stored in AWS S3 using BigQuery Omni.

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Cloud Functions 2nd Gen: Qwik Start

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access_time 1 hora
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In this lab, you will create Cloud Functions that respond to HTTP calls and get triggered by Pub/Sub messages and Cloud Audit Logs.

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