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Google Cloud Next 2024 Learning Path

school 8 activities
update Last updated 3 mesi
person Managed by Google Cloud
This learning path contains select courses and hands-on activities presented in the Innovator’s Hive TechZones at Google Cloud Next 2024.
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Introduction to Data Analytics on Google Cloud

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access_time 8 ore
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This introductory course explores the basics of data analysis, including collection, storage, exploration, visualization, and sharing. This course also introduces Google Cloud's data analytics tools and services. Through video lectures, demos, quizzes, and hands-on labs, this course demonstrates how to...

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Introduction to AI and Machine Learning on Google Cloud - Italiano

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access_time 8 ore
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Questo corso presenta le offerte di intelligenza artificiale (AI) e machine learning (ML) su Google Cloud per la creazione di progetti di AI predittiva e generativa. Esplora le tecnologie, i prodotti e gli strumenti disponibili durante tutto il ciclo di...

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Responsible AI: Applying AI Principles with Google Cloud - Italiano

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access_time 2 ore
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Dal momento che l'uso dell'intelligenza artificiale e del machine learning nelle aziende continua a crescere, cresce anche l'importanza di realizzarli in modo responsabile. Molti sono scoraggiati dal fatto che parlare di IA responsabile può essere più facile che metterla in...

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Prompt Design in Vertex AI

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access_time 5 ore 15 minuti
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Complete the introductory Prompt Design in Vertex AI skill badge to demonstrate skills in the following: prompt engineering, image analysis, and multimodal generative techniques, within Vertex AI. Discover how to craft effective prompts, guide generative AI output, and apply Gemini...

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Iniziare a utilizzare Vertex AI Studio

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access_time 1 ora
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In questo lab imparerai a utilizzare Vertex AI Studio per creare prompt e conversazioni con le funzionalità multimodali di Gemini.

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Introduzione all'API Gemini di Vertex AI e all'SDK Vertex AI per Python

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access_time 1 ora
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In questo lab imparerai a utilizzare l'SDK Vertex AI Python per chiamare l'API Gemini di Vertex AI.

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Multimodalità con Gemini

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access_time 1 ora
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Questo lab offre una varietà di casi d'uso diversi resi possibili dalla multimodalità con Gemini Pro Vision.

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Getting Started with Vector Search and Embeddings

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access_time 1 ora 30 minuti
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In this lab, you will use text embeddings and Vertex AI vector search to find similar documents based on their text content.

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