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Google Cloud Next 2024 Learning Path

school 8 activities
update Last updated 6 місяців
person Managed by Google Cloud
This learning path contains select courses and hands-on activities presented in the Innovator’s Hive TechZones at Google Cloud Next 2024.
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Introduction to Data Analytics on Google Cloud

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access_time 8 год
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This introductory course explores the basics of data analysis, including collection, storage, exploration, visualization, and sharing. This course also introduces Google Cloud's data analytics tools and services. Through video lectures, demos, quizzes, and hands-on labs, this course demonstrates how to...

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Introduction to AI and Machine Learning on Google Cloud

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access_time 8 год
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This course introduces the AI and machine learning (ML) offerings on Google Cloud that build both predictive and generative AI projects. It explores the technologies, products, and tools available throughout the data-to-AI life cycle, encompassing AI foundations, development, and solutions....

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Responsible AI: Applying AI Principles with Google Cloud - Yкраїнська

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access_time 2 год
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Що більше штучний інтелект і машинне навчання використовуються в корпоративних середовищах, то нагальнішою стає потреба розробити принципи відповідального ставлення до них. Однак говорити про принципи відповідального використання штучного інтелекту легше, ніж застосовувати їх на практиці. Цей курс допоможе вам дізнатись,...

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Prompt Design in Vertex AI

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access_time 5 год 15 годин
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Complete the introductory Prompt Design in Vertex AI skill badge to demonstrate skills in the following: prompt engineering, image analysis, and multimodal generative techniques, within Vertex AI. Discover how to craft effective prompts, guide generative AI output, and apply Gemini...

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Get Started with Vertex AI Studio

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access_time 1 година
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In this lab, you will learn how to use Vertex AI Studio to create prompts and conversations with Gemini's multimodal capabilities.

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Getting Started with the Vertex AI Gemini API and Python SDK

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access_time 1 година
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In this lab, you will learn how to use the Vertex AI SDK for Python to call the Vertex AI Gemini API.

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Multimodality with Gemini

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access_time 1 година
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This lab provides a variety of different use cases enabled by multimodality with Gemini Pro Vision.

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Getting Started with Vector Search and Embeddings

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access_time 1 година 30 годин
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In this lab, you will use text embeddings and Vertex AI vector search to find similar documents based on their text content.

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