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Varun Vangari



24480 积分
Level 3: GenAIus Chats徽章 Level 3: GenAIus Chats Earned Sep 4, 2024 EDT
The Arcade Base Camp September 2024徽章 The Arcade Base Camp September 2024 Earned Sep 4, 2024 EDT
The Arcade-athon徽章 The Arcade-athon Earned Aug 26, 2024 EDT
The Arcade Base Camp August 2024徽章 The Arcade Base Camp August 2024 Earned Aug 18, 2024 EDT
Level 3: GenAIus Travels徽章 Level 3: GenAIus Travels Earned Jun 21, 2024 EDT
Introduction to Gemini for Google Workspace - 繁體中文徽章 Introduction to Gemini for Google Workspace - 繁體中文 Earned Nov 30, 2023 EST
Introduction to Image Generation - 繁體中文徽章 Introduction to Image Generation - 繁體中文 Earned Nov 24, 2023 EST
Responsible AI: Applying AI Principles with Google Cloud - 繁體中文徽章 Responsible AI: Applying AI Principles with Google Cloud - 繁體中文 Earned Nov 23, 2023 EST
Scaling with Google Cloud Operations徽章 Scaling with Google Cloud Operations Earned Nov 23, 2023 EST
Modernize Infrastructure and Applications with Google Cloud徽章 Modernize Infrastructure and Applications with Google Cloud Earned Nov 23, 2023 EST
Exploring Data Transformation with Google Cloud徽章 Exploring Data Transformation with Google Cloud Earned Nov 23, 2023 EST
Digital Transformation with Google Cloud徽章 Digital Transformation with Google Cloud Earned Nov 23, 2023 EST
Generative AI Fundamentals - 繁體中文徽章 Generative AI Fundamentals - 繁體中文 Earned Nov 20, 2023 EST
Introduction to Responsible AI - 繁體中文徽章 Introduction to Responsible AI - 繁體中文 Earned Nov 20, 2023 EST
Introduction to Large Language Models - 繁體中文徽章 Introduction to Large Language Models - 繁體中文 Earned Nov 20, 2023 EST
Introduction to Generative AI - 繁體中文徽章 Introduction to Generative AI - 繁體中文 Earned Nov 20, 2023 EST

Discover Generative AI and Language Learning through hands-on labs that push your Google Cloud skills further and earn an exclusive Google Cloud Credential that recognizes your ability to tackle real-world challenges.


Welcome to Base Camp, where you’ll develop key Google Cloud skills (available in Spanish and Portuguese too!) and earn an exclusive credential that will open doors to the cloud for you. No prior experience is required!


Sports are captivating, intense, and fast-paced—and with the latest technology, they’re better than ever. Start your run in the Arcade-athon and earn an exclusive Google Cloud Credential by gaining hands-on experience with Google Cloud's powerful tools and techniques that are transforming your favorite sports!


Welcome to Base Camp, where you’ll develop key Google Cloud skills (available in Spanish and Portuguese too!) and earn an exclusive credential that will open doors to the cloud for you. No prior experience is required!


Excited to follow your favorite soccer/football stars on their next quest? Use GenAIus Travel Guides to learn how to interact with chat applications, master prompt engineering, understand the importance of context in AI, and work with Generative AI. Earn an exclusive Google Cloud Generative AI Credential and showcase your new skills! No prior experience needed!


客戶能透過 Gemini 版 Google Workspace 外掛程式在 Google Workspace 使用生成式 AI 功能。本學習路徑會介紹 Gemini 的主要功能,並說明如何在 Google Workspace 善用這些功能,提高生產力和效率。


本課程將介紹擴散模型,這是一種機器學習模型,近期在圖像生成領域展現亮眼潛力。概念源自物理學,尤其深受熱力學影響。過去幾年來,在學術界和業界都是炙手可熱的焦點。在 Google Cloud 中,擴散模型是許多先進圖像生成模型和工具的基礎。課程將介紹擴散模型背後的理論,並說明如何在 Vertex AI 上訓練和部署這些模型。


隨著企業持續擴大使用人工智慧和機器學習,以負責任的方式發展相關技術也日益重要。對許多企業來說,談論負責任的 AI 技術可能不難,如何付諸實行才是真正的挑戰。如要瞭解如何在機構中導入負責任的 AI 技術,本課程絕對能助您一臂之力。 您可以從中瞭解 Google Cloud 目前採取的策略、最佳做法和經驗談,協助貴機構奠定良好基礎,實踐負責任的 AI 技術。


Organizations of all sizes are embracing the power and flexibility of the cloud to transform how they operate. However, managing and scaling cloud resources effectively can be a complex task. Scaling with Google Cloud Operations explores the fundamental concepts of modern operations, reliability, and resilience in the cloud, and how Google Cloud can help support these efforts. Part of the Cloud Digital Leader learning path, this course aims to help individuals grow in their role and build the future of their business.


Many traditional enterprises use legacy systems and applications that can't stay up-to-date with modern customer expectations. Business leaders often have to choose between maintaining their aging IT systems or investing in new products and services. 'Modernize Infrastructure and Applications with Google Cloud' explores these challenges and offers solutions to overcome them by using cloud technology. Part of the Cloud Digital Leader learning path, this course aims to help individuals grow in their role and build the future of their business.


Cloud technology can bring great value to an organization, and combining the power of cloud technology with data has the potential to unlock even more value and create new customer experiences. “Exploring Data Transformation with Google Cloud” explores the value data can bring to an organization and ways Google Cloud can make data useful and accessible. Part of the Cloud Digital Leader learning path, this course aims to help individuals grow in their role and build the future of their business.


There's much excitement about cloud technology and digital transformation, but often many unanswered questions. For example: What is cloud technology? What does digital transformation mean? How can cloud technology help your organization? Where do you even begin? If you've asked yourself any of these questions, you're in the right place. This course provides an overview of the types of opportunities and challenges that companies often encounter in their digital transformation journey. If you want to learn about cloud technology so you can excel in your role and help build the future of your business, then this introductory course on digital transformation is for you. This course is part of the Cloud Digital Leader learning path.


完成「Introduction to Generative AI」、「Introduction to Large Language Models」和「Introduction to Responsible AI」課程,即可獲得技能徽章。通過最終測驗,就能展現您對生成式 AI 基本概念的掌握程度。 「技能徽章」是 Google Cloud 核發的數位徽章,用於表彰您對 Google Cloud 產品和服務的相關知識。您可以將技能徽章公布在社群媒體的個人資料中,向其他人分享您的成果。


這個入門微學習課程主要介紹「負責任的 AI 技術」和其重要性,以及 Google 如何在自家產品中導入這項技術。本課程也會說明 Google 的 7 個 AI 開發原則。


這是一堂入門級的微學習課程,旨在探討大型語言模型 (LLM) 的定義和用途,並說明如何調整提示來提高 LLM 成效。此外,也會介紹多項 Google 工具,協助您自行開發生成式 AI 應用程式。


這個入門微學習課程主要說明生成式 AI 的定義和使用方式,以及此 AI 與傳統機器學習方法的差異。本課程也會介紹各項 Google 工具,協助您開發自己的生成式 AI 應用程式。
