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Daniel Opyd



5900 积分
Derive Insights from BigQuery Data徽章 Derive Insights from BigQuery Data Earned Nov 23, 2022 EST
Develop your Google Cloud Network徽章 Develop your Google Cloud Network Earned Nov 21, 2022 EST
Build Infrastructure with Terraform on Google Cloud徽章 Build Infrastructure with Terraform on Google Cloud Earned Nov 19, 2022 EST
Deploy Kubernetes Applications on Google Cloud徽章 Deploy Kubernetes Applications on Google Cloud Earned Nov 18, 2022 EST
Develop Serverless Applications on Cloud Run徽章 Develop Serverless Applications on Cloud Run Earned Nov 16, 2022 EST
Google Cloud Run Serverless Workshop徽章 Google Cloud Run Serverless Workshop Earned Nov 16, 2022 EST
Develop Serverless Apps with Firebase徽章 Develop Serverless Apps with Firebase Earned Nov 8, 2022 EST
基准:基础架构徽章 基准:基础架构 Earned Nov 8, 2022 EST
Implement Load Balancing on Compute Engine徽章 Implement Load Balancing on Compute Engine Earned Nov 7, 2022 EST

完成入门级技能徽章课程“从 BigQuery 数据中挖掘数据洞见”,展示您在以下方面的技能: 编写 SQL 查询、查询公共表、将示例数据加载到 BigQuery 中、 在 BigQuery 中使用查询验证器排查常见的语法错误,以及通过连接到 BigQuery 数据在 Looker Studio 中 创建报告。 技能徽章是由 Google Cloud 颁发的专属数字徽章, 旨在认可您在 Google Cloud 产品与服务方面的熟练度。 您需要在交互式实操环境中参加考核,证明自己运用所学知识的能力后才能获得此徽章 。完成此技能徽章课程和作为最终评估的实验室挑战赛, 获得技能徽章,在您的人际圈中炫出自己的技能。


Earn a skill badge by completing the Develop your Google Cloud Network course, where you learn multiple ways to deploy and monitor applications including how to: explore IAM rols and add/remove project access, create VPC networks, deploy and monitor Compute Engine VMs, write SQL queries, deploy and monitor VMs in Compute Engine, and deploy applications using Kubernetes with multiple deployment approaches. A skill badge is an exclusivedigital badge issued by Google Cloud in recognition of your proficiency with Google Cloud products and services and tests your ability to apply your knowledge in an interactive hands-on environment. Complete this skill badge, and the final assessment challenge lab, to receive a skill badge that you can share with your network.


Complete the intermediate Build Infrastructure with Terraform on Google Cloud skill badge to demonstrate skills in the following: Infrastructure as Code (IaC) principles using Terraform, provisioning and managing Google Cloud resources with Terraform configurations, effective state management (local and remote), and modularizing Terraform code for reusability and organization. A skill badge is an exclusive digital badge issued by Google Cloud in recognition of your proficiency with Google Cloud products and services and tests your ability to apply your knowledge in an interactive hands-on environment. Complete this skill badge course and the final assessment challenge lab to receive a skill badge that you can share with your network.


Complete the intermediate Deploy Kubernetes Applications on Google Cloud skill badge to demonstrate skills in the following: configuring and building Docker container images, creating and managing Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) clusters, utilizing kubectl for efficient cluster management, and deploying Kubernetes applications with robust continuous delivery (CD) practices. A skill badge is an exclusive digital badge issued by Google Cloud in recognition of your proficiency with Google Cloud products and services and tests your ability to apply your knowledge in an interactive hands-on environment. Complete this skill badge course and the final assessment challenge lab to receive a skill badge that you can share with your network.


完成在 Cloud Run 上开发无服务器应用技能徽章中级课程, 展示您在以下方面的技能:集成 Cloud Run 与 Cloud Storage 以管理数据, 使用 Cloud Run 和 Pub/Sub 设计弹性异步系统架构, 构建依托 Cloud Run 技术的 REST API 网关,以及在 Cloud Run 上构建和部署服务。 技能徽章是由 Google Cloud 颁发的专属数字徽章,旨在认可 您在 Google Cloud 产品与服务方面的熟练度。您需要在 交互式实操环境中参加考核,证明自己运用所学知识的能力后才能获得此徽章。完成此技能 徽章课程和作为最终评估的实验室挑战赛,获得技能徽章, 并在您的社交圈中秀一秀自己的成就。


Twelve years ago Lily started the Pet Theory chain of veterinary clinics, and has been expanding rapidly. Now, Pet Theory is experiencing some growing pains: their appointment scheduling system is not able to handle the increased load, customers aren't receiving lab results reliably through email and text, and veteranerians are spending more time with insurance companies than with their patients. Lily wants to build a cloud-based system that scales better than the legacy solution and doesn't require lots of ongoing maintenance. The team has decided to go with serverless technology. For the labs in the Google Cloud Run Serverless Quest, you will read through a fictitious business scenario in each lab and assist the characters in implementing a serverless solution. Looking for a hands on challenge lab to demonstrate your skills and validate your knowledge? On completing this quest, enroll in and finish the additional challenge lab at the end of this quest to receive an exclusive Google…


完成借助 Firebase 开发无服务器应用技能徽章中级课程, 展示您在以下方面的技能:借助 Firebase 设计无服务器 Web 应用架构以及构建无服务器 Web 应用; 利用 Firestore 管理数据库;利用 Cloud Build 自动完成部署流程; 以及将 Google 助理功能集成到您的应用中。 技能徽章 是由 Google Cloud 颁发的专属数字徽章,旨在认可 您在 Google Cloud 产品与服务方面的熟练度;您需要在 交互式实操环境中参加考核,证明自己运用所学知识的能力后才能获得。完成此技能 徽章课程和作为最终评估的实验室挑战赛,获得技能徽章, 在您的人际圈中炫出自己的技能。


如果您是新手云开发人员,希望在GCP Essentials之外寻求动手实践,那么此任务适合您。通过深入研究Cloud Storage和其他关键应用程序服务(如Stackdriver和Cloud Functions)的实验室,您将获得实践经验。通过执行此任务,您将开发适用于任何GCP计划的宝贵技能。 1分钟的视频向您介绍这些实验室的关键概念。


完成入门级在 Compute Engine 上实现负载均衡技能徽章课程,展示自己在以下方面的技能: 编写 gcloud 命令和使用 Cloud Shell,在 Compute Engine 中创建和部署虚拟机, 以及配置网络和 HTTP 负载均衡器。 技能徽章是由 Google Cloud 颁发的专属数字徽章, 旨在认可您在 Google Cloud 产品与服务方面的熟练度; 该课程会检验您在交互式实操环境中运用所学知识的 能力。完成此技能徽章课程和作为最终评估的实验室挑战赛, 即可获得技能徽章,并在您的圈子中秀一秀。
